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Create a Geometric Color Explosion.


Processing. triangulation + meshes. Delaunay Triangulation Adobe Illustrator Scriptographer Plugin » JAKE&DAN. Please be aware that Scriptographer is not available for Illustrator CS6.

Delaunay Triangulation Adobe Illustrator Scriptographer Plugin » JAKE&DAN

Read why here. Our plagiarized script from Jonathan Puckey’s artwork uses Delaunay Triangulation to create triangulated imagery. Alike the process demonstrated on Puckey’s site, this Scriptographer brush for Adobe Illustrator enables you to sample colors from an underlying image and transfer them to the corners of newly created Delaunay triangles. Follow some links in the brain if you’re interested in the mathematics behind it! Archive » Actelion Imagery Wizard by Onformative. Actelion Imagery Wizard is a tool developed for the re branding of Actelion Pharmaceuticals a biopharmaceutical company that researches, develops and markets medicines for diseases that still lack adequate treatments , developed by Berlin based onformative studio. Actelion Imagery Wizard from onformative on Vimeo . The Processing-based software was developed especially for Actelion. It enables the targeted creation of graphic images based on photographs, whose visual information contained in the tool is translated into graphic elements such as points, lines and curves using special algorithms.