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Triangulation capture (+extrusion) Mesh (delaunay) with hole. (although i'm open to another mesh library, whether it be toxi's, hemesh, or whatever) what i'm trying to do is build a mesh that has a hole in it. essentially i'm creating a series of points that form a circle (the outer edges of the mesh) then creating a shape in the middle (triangle) and then populating it with random points. however when i create the delanay mesh all of the points are connected. so how do i create a mesh that only connects the points in the space between the middle shape (triangle) and the outer shape (circle). i don't want any lines or points to be in the middle?

mesh (delaunay) with hole

Probably not a delanay mesh? Or is it multiple delanay meshes? Any help/insight would be much appreciated. here's some code (don't judge me... haha) Copy code. Delauney Diagram inside a blob? Well, it was a bit harder than expected, because there is no documentation.

Delauney Diagram inside a blob?

There is a JavaDoc, but there are nearly no useful comments, so it is just a list of classes and method, useless. I had to rely on the code itself to figure out how to use the library, and it is probably not the best way... Anyway, here is a simple test code: Copy code I had a bad surprise: the library is dependent on another library, a log framework ( SLF4J). Triangulation. From Processing Given a set of points it is sometimes useful to have a mesh of triangles made up from those points.


For example, you might have a set of height measurements for a terrain, and want to show the landscape in three dimensions. You might also want to display contours for the surface. One common method to do this is called Delaunay Triangulation. This hack uses code originally by Paul Bourke and converted to Java by Florian Jenett, with a few modifications to make it simpler to use and more Java-like. Very simple Triangle and Edge classes are included in this library (see download below) - the bare minimum to get it working. This example requires the triangulate Processing library that you may download below. Source Code Downloads Related Links. Lee Byron » Else » Mesh – A Processing Library. Mesh is a library for creating Voronoi, Delaunay and Convex Hull diagrams in Processing.

Lee Byron » Else » Mesh – A Processing Library

After searching online for a Java package for creating Voronoi diagrams and failing to find anything simple enough to fit my needs I decided to make my own as simple as possible. I did find the wonderfully useful QuickHull3D package, which the algorithms for creating these diagrams are based on. These complete in O(n log n) time. Voronoi Diagrams show the regions of space closest to each point. This can be used to create interesting visual patterns or as a preprocess for determining which point is closest to any given place in space. New Voronoi( float[][] points ) This creates and returns a new Voronoi object, which you can later ask for edges and regions.

GetRegions() getRegions() returns an array of MPolygons, the order of which correspond to the order of the points entered. GetEdges() getEdges() returns a two dimensional array, or an array of lines. New Delaunay( float[][] points ) getLinks()