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Texts | Chapter 5- PALESTINE. Our guide in the West Bank was an Israeli Arab. All his life he was an Arafatsupporter. Though not at all religious, he had recently joined Hamas. As he was driving us through Qalqilia, a Palestinian town in the West Bank separated by the Wall, we pressed him on the matter of Hamas’ refusal to recognise Israel. My provocative interruption of his initial political diatribe was of a simple variety: "Since Hamas will never have the military might to defeat Israel, to get anywhere near a settlement Hamas will need to talk to Israel. Your refusal to do so puts the Palestinian people on the path of untold pain without any prospect of deliverance. But to talk to Israel you need to recognise it first, don't you? " His response was almost Jesuit.

Over many hours, he showed us a landscape of many colours. Paradoxically, Israel’s insistence on building on occupied land forced it to come to terms with the Palestinians’ existence.

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Commentary.. Debates... Maps. Palestinian problems. The campaign to silence Gilad Atzmon. Zingers... Robert Fisk: Condemn me, but get your facts right first - Robert Fisk - Commentators. "Robert Fisk is the most anti-Semitic, rabid, prejudiced, blithering fool in Britain, if not the world – he is a non-journalist, in fact he's a raving idiot with a very small mind and a very large ego. He stops at nothing to put his personal anti-Semitic message across, which he gets sent to him from the where? [sic] the Middle East, not through any personal investigation; he tells any number of lies that gullible, unthinking people can't wait to agree with. He's a pawn of the Muslims – may he enjoy them when they set up sharia law in Britain and Europe – which is what they intend doing – chances are, if he makes one slip, they would turn on him and have him stoned to death, or even publicly behead him. Unfortunately far too many people are totally fooled because of people like him.

" I should add that The Independent took this matter up with the South Cambridgeshire police, who interviewed those present at the union but concluded that Malkovich had not spoken with "intent". Institute for Palestine Studies - Home. Then came Cast Lead in Gaza. Distinguished scholars return from USACBI delegation – Radio interviews with Robin Kelley, Nikhil Singh, Bill Mullen, J. Kehaulani Kauanui, Neferti Tadiar | US Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel. The US Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel recently organized a delegation of five scholar/activists to Palestine; the scholars who participated were Robin D. G. Kelley, J. Kehaulani Kauanui, Neferti Tadiar, Nikhil Pal Singh and Bill Mullen. Prior to the delegation, Kauanui served on our Advisory Board; following the delegation, Kelley, Tadiar, Singh and Mullen joined our Board as well. Several of the scholars who participated have written articles and engaged in radio interviews upon their return.

More interviews are coming! NEW: Arab Talk Host Jess Ghannam interviews Professor Neferti Tadiar on the delegation to Palestine: NEW: Voice of Palestine Host Hanna Kawas interviews Professor Robin Kelley on the delegation to Palestine: Arab Talk Host Jess Ghannam interviews Professor J. Arab Talk Host Jess Ghannam interviews Professor Bill V. Articles: Sheldon, Newt and Bibi: Egomaniacs for a strong Israel. For Sheldon Adelson, Newt Gingrich and Binyamin Netanyahu, the political is the personal, and vice versa.

I make it a point not to judge people’s personalities on the basis of their politics; I’ve known, and known of, too many humble right-wingers and superior-acting left-wingers for that. But not infrequently, the personal and the political line up: the good guy (of either gender) has what I would call good political ideals, the bad guy has rotten ones. At this rather fateful time for Israel, its three greatest champions - Bibi Netanyahu at home, Sheldon Adelson among American Jewry, and Newt Gingrich among American gentiles – are politically all Arab-bashers and personally all insufferable egomaniacs. I think this says something about Israel’s sphere of influence today, about what sort of people it lifts up.

About Gingrich, we already know: He visited his first wife in the hospital where she was recovering from cancer surgery and told her he wanted a divorce. Lisa Hajjar: Israel/Palestine as a 21st Century Lawfare Laboratory (Dec, 2011) Seeing the forest and the trees: The untold story of the Jewish National Fund. What WikiLeaks Reveals about Israel-Palestine. In March 2010, then-CENTCOM chief Gen. David Petraeus set off a storm of protest among neoconservatives when, in his statement to the Senate Armed Services Committee, he named "insufficient progress toward a comprehensive Middle East peace" as an obstacle to U.S. goals in the region. "The enduring hostilities between Israel and some of its neighbors present distinct challenges to our ability to advance our interests in the AOR [area of responsibility]," read the statement. "Arab anger over the Palestinian question limits the strength and depth of U.S. partnerships with governments and peoples in the AOR and weakens the legitimacy of moderate regimes in the Arab world.

" At the same time, Petraeus concluded, "Al-Qaeda and other militant groups exploit that anger to mobilize support. The conflict also gives Iran influence in the Arab world through its clients, Lebanese Hizballah and Hamas. " Former George W. All of this would seem to demonstrate the bankruptcy of the linkage argument. Compilation of Wikileaks Relating to Israel & the Palestinians. The Palestine Papers: A fact-based play in one act - Israel. Earlier this week, Al-Jazeera released a decade’s worth of memos, emails, maps and minutes from high-level negotiations between the United States, Israel and the Palestinian Authority.

The documents revealed that the Palestinians had offered far more significant concessions than previously reported. In the wake of these revelations, Palestinians expressed anger at their increasingly weak leadership, accusing them of capitulating, while some Israeli commentators accused the government of missing its chance for peace. The Americans, meanwhile, came across as intent on not offending the Israelis, even if it meant contradicting established U.S. policy.

It was against this backdrop that Uncle Sam decided to spend some time on the couch this week… Scene: A psychiatrist’s office in a nondescript strip mall in suburban Virginia. Dr. Uncle Sam (not meeting the doctor’s eyes): Doesn’t matter. Dr. The two men settle into their comfortable armchairs. Dr. Sam: It’s about the Middle East. Dr. Dr. Dr. Palestine papers: Browse the documents | World news. The Palestine Papers. Palestine Papers: Why I blew the whistle. In Palestine, the time for national reconciliation has come. On the eve of the 63rd commemoration of the Nakba, this is a long-awaited and hopeful moment. Earlier this year, the release by Al Jazeera and the Guardian of 1,600 documents related to the mislabelled "peace process" caused deep consternation amongst Palestinians and in the Arab world. Covering more than ten years of talks (1999-2010) between Israel and the PLO, these "Palestine Papers" illustrate the tragic consequences of a highly inequitable and destructive political process grounded on the assumption that the Palestinians could effectively negotiate their rights and achieve self-determination while enduring the hardship of the Israeli occupation.

Since my name was circulated as one of the possible sources of these leaks, I would like to clarify here the extent of my involvement in these revelations and explain my motivations. Shortly after the Gaza war, I started to write about my experience in Ramallah. Palestinians in a 'Jewish state' Israel's crimes in the occupied Palestinian territories - like the settlements, the killing of civilians and the demolition of homes - are openly condemned in the West by human rights groups and others like never before.

But as the peace process remains stuck, and Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu forces the issue of Israel as a "Jewish state" into the spotlight, understanding the situation of Palestinian citizens of Israel has become crucial to grasping the core of the entire conflict. So-called "Israeli Arabs" have got it better than most Palestinians, who are either under military rule or forcibly excluded from their homeland. But the institutional discrimination they have faced since 1948 goes to the heart of the contradiction that Israel is "Jewish and democratic". Many people will concede that the military occupation of non-citizens for over 40 years is undemocratic.

The difference between "citizenship" and "nationality" has been affirmed by Israeli courts. A 'Jewish' state. "No Room for Palestinian Artist": An Interview with Larissa Sansour. The following three photos are part of The Nation Estate project by Larissa Sansour. The Project "is a sci-fi photo series conceived in the wake of the Palestinian bid for nationhood at the UN. Three preliminary sketches have been developed especially for the Lacoste Elysée Prize 2011" (Sansour). Her instalation, proposed to the Musee de l'Elysee in Switzerland was censored by Lacoste, the funder of the exhibit for being "too pro Palestinian.

" "Set within a grim piece of hi-tech architecture, this narrative photo series envisions 'la joie de vivre' of a Palestinian state rising from the ashes of the peace process. In this dystopic vision, Palestinians have their state in the form of a single skyscraper: the Nation Estate. Surrounded by a concrete wall, this colossal hi-rise houses the entire Palestinian population - finally living the high life. Each city has its own floor: Jerusalem, third floor; Ramallah, fourth floor. The Nation Estate project consists of 8-10 large-format photos. 'The Fate of an Honest Intellectual', by Noam Chomsky (Excerpted from Understanding Power)

I'll tell you another, last case—and there are many others like this. Here's a story which is really tragic. How many of you know about Joan Peters, the book by Joan Peters? There was this best-seller a few years ago [in 1984], it went through about ten printings, by a woman named Joan Peters—or at least, signed by Joan Peters—called From Time Immemorial. It was a big scholarly-looking book with lots of footnotes, which purported to show that the Palestinians were all recent immigrants [i.e. to the Jewish-settled areas of the former Palestine, during the British mandate years of 1920 to 1948].

And it was very popular—it got literally hundreds of rave reviews, and no negative reviews: the Washington Post, the New York Times, everybody was just raving about it. Here was this book which proved that there were really no Palestinians! Well, he got back one answer, from me. Well, he didn't believe me. By this time, he was getting kind of desperate, and he asked me what to do. David Remnick erases Norman Finkelstein. Norman Finkelstein (Photo: OR Books) Yesterday I praised David Remnick for his story about Joan Peters’s 1984 book of propaganda that said that there were no Palestinians in Palestine till Jews got there.

And I barely touched on a curious aspect of his piece that many commenters then seized on: Remnick left out Norman Finkelstein’s role in exposing the fraud; he gave credit to an Israeli: The book was thoroughly discredited by an Israeli historian, Yehoshua Porath, and many others who dismantled its pseudo-scholarship. Remnick’s link was to Porath’s 1986 review of the book, From Time Immemorial, in the New York Review of Books. This is a misrepresentation of intellectual history. The story of Norman Finkelstein’s exposure of Joan Peters is one of the great intellectual whodunnits of the Israel-Palestine issue. Finkelstein’s career began with this undertaking, which long preceded Porath’s– in fact, Porath actually cites Finkelstein’s work in his footnotes. Here is Chomsky telling the story: