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Is Iran still defiant? - Inside Story. It was a show of might that could serve to test the West's patience. Iran said it has successfully test-fired two long-range missiles during military exercises in the Gulf. Just a day earlier, Barack Obama, the US president, signed a law imposing tougher financial sanctions to penalise Iran for its nuclear research programme. Iran responded by threatening to halt oil shipments through the Strait of Hormuz – a narrow shipping passage through which one-sixth of the world's oil supply passes – a move the US has made clear it will "not tolerate". So, is this more sabre rattling? And what chance has diplomacy in diffusing the tension? Inside Story, with presenter Hazem Sika, discusses with guests: Mohammad Marandi, a professor of American Studies at Tehran University and a Visiting Fellow at the American University of Beirut; Hussein Shobokshi, a columnist with the Saudi-owned Asharq Al-Awsat newspaper; and David Roberts, the deputy director of the Royal United Services Institute.

Beeman: Letter from Iran. This is the second in a series of letters written this week from Iran by University of Minnesota Professor William Beeman. Since Americans hear so little directly from that country in their media, I thought it was worth sharing, and Bill kindly agreed to let me do so.. — Juan . Dear Friends… Two other Americans showed up for our conference, entitled “The First International Conference on Human Rights and Cultures: Cultures in Support of Humanity.” It is being held at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and heavy in attendance are the students from the Foreign Policy School run by the Ministry. Some . . . may find the subject of the conference “ironic,” but in fact the organizers, the Non Aligned Movement Center for Human Rights and Cultural Diversity, has assembled quite a large and stellar international group of scholars, NGO officers, Peace Movement functionaries and government officials for this.

The graduate students in international relations are especially impressive. Best, Time to Rethink Iran? Iran in World Politics. Dr Arshin Adib-Moghaddam.

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Israel / Iran relations. China / Iran relations.