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iPad Accessibility Options for Special Education Classrooms. 1.

iPad Accessibility Options for Special Education Classrooms

VoiceOver: When VoiceOver is turned on, the iPad will speak aloud anything that you display or interact with. However, it also changes the way that you interact with the iPad. Whereas before you tapped once to open an app, now it will just select the app and read it aloud so that the student knows whether or not this is the one they need. You then double-tap to open the selected app and swipe with three fingers to scroll. Managing Individual Education Programs (IEP) on the iPad. Individual Education Programs (IEP) can be difficult to put in place at the best of times.

Managing Individual Education Programs (IEP) on the iPad

IEP's are sometime a source of concern and frustration. The more informed people are about the IEP process the better the IEP can be. Parents will normally work with teachers to develop a plan to help the students succeed in school. The IEP assists this process by describing the goals the whole team sets for a student during the school year, as well as any special support needed to help achieve them. Here are a number of apps that make managing and collecting data for the IEP Process just that little bit easier. Supporting learning through technology. iPhone, iPad and iPod touch Apps for (Special) Education.