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iPad Accessories

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5 Tough iPad Cases For Your Classroom. A month or so ago, I was in a little surf shop on a quiet Sunday afternoon, when the 5 or 6 year old daughter of the owner started telling me about how her dad put his iPad underwater. At first, I thought she didn’t know what she was talking about, but as it turns out, the shop was selling waterproof iPad cases – perfect for the demographic that spends a lot of time in and around the water- and the guy submerged them to prove that they actually worked. When I saw it, I was thinking that it’s tough design would be great for a classroom – where tough iPad cases are a necessity. When talking about iPad covers for the classroom, cheap and simple are often the way many choose to go. Which is understandable – if you’re outfitting a class of 20 students, the cost difference between a $30 case for each one and a $90 case is $1200!

(multipled by say, ten classrooms is $12K! LifeProof nüüd The LifeProof nüüd is the case that I saw being submerged that day in the surf shop. Griffin Survivor iBallz. Why iOS Accessory Makers Are Ditching Lightning For Bluetooth. There was a time when every hotel room had a 30-Pin Dock Connector in it somewhere, but eight or nine months after debut, Lightning — the 30-Pin Dock Connector’s successor — still hasn’t really taken off, outside of a few docks and battery cases.

Why iOS Accessory Makers Are Ditching Lightning For Bluetooth

Sure, it’s a new standard, and Apple was famously very slow in issuing MFi deals to accessory makers who wanted to support Lightning… but even so, it seems companies have been slow to pick up the new standard. Why? Once bitten, twice shy, it appears. In the aftermath of Apple’s Lightning transition, more and more companies are opting to embrace cheap, open wireless standards like Bluetooth instead of Lightning. And that’s probably costing Apple revenue. In a piece over at the New York Times, there’s an in-depth look on why things like physical connectors are falling out of vogue, and standards like Bluetooth and WiFi are picking up the slack. In addition, accessory makers feel burned by Apple. Related. Composition Book for iPad mini: Kids’ Favorite Sneaky iPad Case? I did Career Day presentations at my daughter’s school this morning – where I talked about my job as a blogger / site owner to groups of 3rd to 5th graders.

Composition Book for iPad mini: Kids’ Favorite Sneaky iPad Case?

It was a blast – the students had lots of great questions and comments. The guidelines for being a presenter stressed that props and anything else to get the kids engaged were encouraged. So I took along a handful of favorite iPad mini cases, did a very brief rundown on each one, and passed them around the room. The cases I took in were a Zoogue Case Prodigy, a Portenzo Alano, a Portenzo Composition Book, the Oberon Design Celtic Hounds, and a Moshi VersaCover in use on my iPad mini. Each case had some supporters – with the Celtic Hounds and Alano getting compliments on their great looks, the Case Prodigy getting praise for its versatility and the VersaCover appealing for its lightness and looking cool. But the runaway favorite was the Composition Book, and it was unanimously cited for one specific reason: the Sneaky factor. The new iPad: What size and model should you buy? Accessories - academiPad.

Many people ask me what stylus I can recommend for taking notes in class or to conceptualize ideas; and for a long time, I became unusually quiet.

Accessories - academiPad

The truth is: I am somewhat torn about using a stylus. For the most time, I have found neither hardware nor software developed enough for digital handwriting, but this has been changing for some time now with improvements on both sides. And with Bluetooth 4 being introduced in the new iPad, even better styluses are looming around the corner. It is therefore time to finally enter the stylus debate: Does it make sense to buy a stylus for university and college work? The short answer is: Only if you don’t expect miracles. This article brings you up to date with what you should look out for when shopping for a stylus today, tells you what I think is the best stylus for academics (spoiler alert: its the Adonit Jot ), and discusses what exciting developments in the stylus world are lying ahead.