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Code Conversion

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Chapter 1. Introduction. This is another library for creating and manipulating graphs. You can look at it two ways: first, igraph contains the implementation of quite a lot graph algorithms. These include classic graph algorithms like graph isomorphism, graph girth and connectivity and also the new wave graph algorithms like transitivity, graph motifs and community structure detection. Skim through the table of contents or the index of this book to get an impression.

Second, igraph provides a platform for the developing and/or implementing graph algorithms. It has a quite efficient data structure for representing graphs and a number of other data structures like flexible vectors, stacks, heaps, queues, adjacency lists to accomplish this. In fact these data structures evolved along the implementation of the classic and non-classic graph algorithms which make up the major part of the igraph library.

This way they were fine tuned and checked for correctness several times. How JITB converts ActionScript to Java « – Blog of Joa Ebert. One of the biggest challenges when writing a program like JITB is to convert ActionScript to Java. There are major differences between ActionScript 3.0 and Java 1.6 which JITB currently targets. ActionScript 3.0 is a dynamically typed language with function closures. Furthermore it has native XML support, scope-changes, implicit getters and setters etc. The main issue however is to convert the set of bytecodes ahead of time to statically typed Java code. JITB does not know anything about what is going on since it compiles all the code ahead of time.

JITB and TAAS JITB makes use of TAAS. What I love about TAAS is that it has a really small instruction set. JITB uses a frontend that parses ActionScript bytecode and creates an AST which is then transformed and passed to a backend that creates Java bytecode. An example for such a problem are implicit getters and setters. Closures for Java Java 1.6 does not support closures. I took the idea from Scala and how they support closures in the JVM. UsageGuide - java2objc - how to use java2objc to convert Java code to Objective C - Project Hosting on Google Code. At the moment, there is no standalone java2objc tool that you can run to convert Java code to Objective C. This is because this project is still in progress and is meant for those willing to work with java2objc source-code. 1.

Creating a java2objc Eclipse project: Note: java2objc uses maven2. Checkout out all java2objc code svn checkout java2objc-read-only cd java2objc-read-only/java2objc run mvn eclipse:configure-workspace eclipse:eclipse Start Eclipse and select workspace java2objc-read-only/eclipse-ws 2. First create an eclipse project as describe above in 1 Select Run | Run Configuration Choose Main class com.googlecode.java2objc.main.Main Under Arguments, Program Arguments add --outputdir=target examples/examples/ Run. The Joy of Flex » Going Mobile? Now is the Time to Double Down on Flash. Converting Actionscript syntax to Objective C. iPhone dev: Convert XIB files to Objective-C. A handy open source utility by Adrian Kosmaczewski allows you to convert Interface Builder files to Objective-C code.

With it, you can extract all the layout information and properties of your visual design and transform that into code. Nib2objc does exactly what its name suggests. With it, you can generate converted code that takes into account the class constructors, method calls, and more. The utility is kind of like Code the Code's class-dump but for XIBs and NIBs instead of compiled code. It produces results that are obviously computer generated and yet usable at the same time. As you can see, the emphasis is on creating correct and exhaustive detail. Nib2objc has a few real limitations. Nib2objc is hosted at github and issued under a general "Use this for good not evil" style of license.