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Make Background Image Fitting to the UIView « Share Coding. iPhone Dev Tips: Navigation and Tap Bar Controller « Theolternative’s Weblog. 1. UINavigationController Handling navigation controllers programmatically is very easy. Starting from scratch and without using IB, you can create a navigation controller in the applicationDidFinishLaunching delegate medhod. Next you need to add it at least one view controller. Adding more controllers results in displaying only the last one which resides at the top of the hierarchy. 2. The navigation controller’s bar is customized by the top (visible) view controller. Some system defined bar buttons trigger specific action. You can customize the titleView by adding a view of yours.

If the selection of an item triggers the push of a second view controller onto the first one, the left button automatically becomes the back button displaying the title of the first view controller. -(void) viewDidLoad { UIBarButtonItem *myButton=[[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithTitle:@"my" style:UIBarButtonItemStyleBordered target:self action:@selector(doSomething:)]; 3. 4. 5. Mi piace: Mi piace Caricamento... // do something here » Blog Archive » Passing values and messages between views on iPhone. I am working on an iPhone application with some regular views and a table view, and I need to have the table view communicate with the main view. Seemingly a simple enough problem, but as I searched and searched, I could not find any concrete examples of how to do this, just a bunch of vague references about how views need to talk to each other and a larger number of folks suggesting the use of singletons. Now, I have been known to use a global variable or two in my day, but in this instance, I figured I would dig a bit deeper.

As it turns out, the means to accomplish this for my task was easier than I thought. All that I did was to store a reference to the primary view controller in my secondary view controller, and that gave me access to any of the member variables in that class. So, in my primary view controller header file, we have the following: And in the primary view controller implementation file: Here is the secondary view controller header file: Gestion de l'orientation. Front/Back Elements. UITextField inside UIAlertView. PopUpViewController.