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Repeating background. Retina display. Cocos2d extensions. Zoom effect. Box2D Tutorial: Collision filtering. Hello, Today I want to make a tutorial about collision filtering in the Box2D engine, because it is something that is not that easy to master, and yet it is a very powerful and useful feature.

Box2D Tutorial: Collision filtering

Note: examples and source code are related to the LibGDX (Android) implementation of the Box2D API, but the concepts are the same for any other implementation, only the syntax may differ. There are two ways to deal with collision filtering: by using categories and masks, or by using groups. These parameters can be found in the Filter component of a Fixture. Filtering collisions with any of these attributes will assure you that collision checks between two bodies that should not collide with each other will not be evaluated at all, resulting in a gain of speed. Capture OpenGL ES View as an Image. How to use CCProgressTimer in Cocos2D to show progress?

Cocos2d for iPhone.