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Iphone - Is there a way to persist application data between application installs and uninstalls in iOS. Simple iPhone Keychain Access. The keychain is about the only place that an iPhone application can safely store data that will be preserved across a re-installation of the application.

Simple iPhone Keychain Access

Each iPhone application gets its own set of keychain items which are backed up whenever the user backs up the device via iTunes. The backup data is encrypted as part of the backup so that it remains secure even if somebody gets access to the backup data. This makes it very attractive to store sensitive data such as passwords, license keys, etc. The only problem is that accessing the keychain services is complicated and even the GenericKeychain example code is hard to follow. I hate to include cut and pasted code into my application, especially when I do not understand it.

Usage IOS en Entreprise

Faire du routing avec MapKit. Depuis l’IOS 4 il est possible de tracer des itinéraires avec mapKit très facilement, nous allons en présenter la démarche.

Faire du routing avec MapKit

Apple propose un framework MapKit pour gérer une carte dans une application iPhone. Ce framework s’appuie sur les cartes Google. Son usage est donc soumis à une licence spécifique Google (lien version française) qui vient s’ajouter à la licence vous permettant de développer des applications iPhone.