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Gamificazione della intranet

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Gamification. Gamificare la intranet, siamo solo all’inizio. 2012 by Giacomo Mason, 09:18 Il tema della gamification, ovvero dell’uso di meccaniche di gioco in ambienti non giocosi, si arricchisce continuamente di nuovi contributi e credo che, assieme a quello della intranet in mobilità, sarà l’argomento dominante nella progettazione intranet dei prossimi due-tre anni.

Gamificare la intranet, siamo solo all’inizio

Su questo terreno c’è infatti spazio per molte sperimentazioni, e cominciano ad uscire alcuni casi e molte idee. Sylvain Cottong, ad esempio, cita il caso di Google e della sua politica per le trasferte (i soldi che avanzi li puoi usare la volta dopo, donarli o farteli rimborsare) in un post dedicato proprio alla gamification nelle intranet sociali. Social Intranets, Gamification & Enterprise 2.0. Gamification will be everywhere soon.

Social Intranets, Gamification & Enterprise 2.0

The reason is that gamification (the use of game mechanics such as leaderboards, badges, achievements…etc in non game applications) is deeply social and makes many routine tasks or less enjoyable tasks more fun as it fosters interactions and positive competition with your friends, colleagues & peers. The open web as well enterprise 2.0 applications get ever more social moving from connecting people to information to connecting people to people (see for example “ Stop talking about social” ) and gamification will gradually be integrated into every type of interaction, be it personal, private, public or professional. Gamification is already widely integrated in consumer applications (for an overview of gamification concepts and some examples see my presentation on slideshare ) but now also starts to be more & more integrated in enterprise applications.

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