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How to Set Up OpenID on Your Own Domain. Specifications. OpenID specifications are developed by OpenID working groups and go through three phases: Drafts, Implementer’s Drafts, and Final Specifications. Implementer’s Drafts and Final Specifications provide intellectual property protections to implementers. Final Specifications are OpenID Foundation standards.

Final Specifications OpenID Connect specifications: OpenID Connect Core – Defines the core OpenID Connect functionality: authentication built on top of OAuth 2.0 and the use of claims to communicate information about the End-UserOpenID Connect Discovery – (Optional) Defines how clients dynamically discover information about OpenID ProvidersOpenID Connect Dynamic Registration – (Optional) Defines how clients dynamically register with OpenID ProvidersOAuth 2.0 Multiple Response Types – Defines several specific new OAuth 2.0 response types Implementer’s Drafts Drafts Obsolete Specifications Final OpenID 2.0 specifications: OpenID 2.0 Drafts: Early OpenID specifications: takes logical step, links Web ID with real world - Ars Technica. The notion of online verification is certainly nothing new, though it is also not for everyone.

Many users prefer the anonymity of the Web for any number of (sometimes nefarious) reasons. For others, a centralized login and identity management resource is an ideal solution for the modern times, and these kinds of systems are blossoming. OpenID itself is experiencing broad adoption by thelargestplayersintechnologyandthe Web, though consumers havenot been as quick to hop on board. Facebook Connect has taken off as both a single sign-on launchpad and activity syndication mechanism, but the newly launched, London-basedMyID.ismay be the first to tackle the challenge of tying our Web personas with our real world identities.' approach is simple, though it takes some time to get set up. Ars asked Charles Nourit, founder and CEO of, whether this kind of service should be coming from the world's governments instead of the private sector. Further Reading Found via TechCrunch. - Share and remix data using open standards. PhpMyID.