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Media/Marketing nieuws: Telegraaf demonstreert iPad-applicatie. De Telegraaf schetst als eerste Nederlandse dagblad zijn eerste plannen voor Apples tabletcomputer iPad. De applicatie is een geïntegreerd geheel van tekst, foto en video. Ook Sanoma Digital treft de eerste voorbereidingen. Apples tabletcomputer iPad komt op zaterdag 3 april op de markt, voor minimaal 500 dollar. Nederlanders moeten nog een paar maanden wachten, aangezien Apple het apparaat eerste op de grote markten uitbrengt. Een exacte introductiedatum voor de Benelux-markt is echter nog niet bepaald.

Dat neemt niet weg dat uitgevers in Nederland zich voorbereiden op dit nieuwe verkoop- en distributiekanaal. De Telegraaf was gisteren de eerste die zijn gedachtes over ‘uitgeven op tabletcomputers’ concreet gestalte gaf. Het Youtube-kanaal van De Telegraaf bevat 301 video’s, waarvan de populairste enkele duizenden keren bekeken zijn. In de vanochtend gepubliceerde jaarcijfers zegt de uitgever: "Autonoom werd wel groei gerealiseerd, bijvoorbeeld op (mobiel) internet en bij gaming".

Alan Reiter - Publishers Anxiously Develop iPad Payment Models. Three ways Apple’s iAd might impact the news industry’s continued advertising woes. Apple’s Steve Jobs just unveiled iAd, the company’s new advertising platform for the iPhone and iPad. It’s an ad platform designed for apps, like the news apps that many news organizations make, and Jobs promises to use the app framework to provide a more interactive, engaging, and rich-media experience to users.

Here’s his pitch. (Quotes are taken from Engadget’s live coverage of today’s Apple event and thus may be off by a few words here and there.) We have a lot of free or reasonably priced apps…we like that, but our [developers] have to find ways to make money. So our devs are putting ads into apps, and for lack of a better way to say it, we think most of this kind of advertising sucks.When you look at ads on a phone, it’s not like a desktop. On a desktop, search is where it’s at. But on mobile devices, that hasn’t happened. Jobs then went on to show a number of in-app ads that served as immersive experiences: launching mini-apps within the app, showing videos, games, and more.

News sites optimized for the iPad. The Future Of Media That Media Is Praying For: 12 Newspaper And Magazine iPad Apps. New York Times Demos The First Publisher App On Apple's iPad. A First Look at the iPad for Publishers. After a protracted flirtation with the rumor mill, Apple's iPad is finally official. Did Apple deliver on its expectation to redefine print with a new computing form factor? Only time will tell, but on first blush things look promising. Steve Jobs invited New York Times SVP Martin Nisenholtz to the stage to show off that newspaper formatted for the iPad's 9.7-inch screen.

It looked similar to the nice, easy-to-read and navigate newspaper format we saw shown off on the Skiff Reader at CES, with one huge difference: color. That means not only color photographs, but inline video playback as well. As Nisenholtz indicated, the display "captures the essence of a newspaper," but extends it — finally re-imagining the daily periodical for "the next generation of digital journalism. " Image courtesy of GDGT [img credit: gdgt]