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Fine research labs in robotics. Fine research labs in robotics. Robotics Research. DTI - Robot Technology. Socially Intelligent Machines Lab. Robocup Dutch Open - Welkom. Robotics Conferences | LogiXperience - logistiek en supply chain. * At Google X, a Top-Secret Lab Dreaming Up the Future. It’s a place where your refrigerator could be connected to the Internet, so it could order groceries when they ran low.

Your dinner plate could post to a social network what you’re eating. Your robot could go to the office while you stay home in your pajamas. And you could, perhaps, take an elevator to outer space. These are just a few of the dreams being chased at X, the clandestine lab where Google is tackling a list of 100 shoot-for-the-stars ideas. In interviews, a dozen people discussed the list; some work at the lab or elsewhere at Google, and some have been briefed on the project. Although most of the ideas on the list are in the conceptual stage, nowhere near reality, two people briefed on the project said one product would be released by the end of the year, although they would not say what it was. “They’re pretty far out in front right now,” said Rodney Brooks, a professor emeritus at M.I.T.’s computer science and artificial intelligence lab and founder of Heartland Robotics.

Intel Labs. * The Future of Robotics and Artificial Intelligence (Andrew Ng, Stanford University, STAN 2011) * Robot plays pool. * Google Builds Artificial Brain with Feline Recognition Algorithm... Who's Laughing Meow. Awhile back, we talked about the kinds of metadata , we talked about why it's so important to write good metadata , and all that discussion coincided with our coverage of the metadata section of the YouTube Advertiser Playbook . The big reason why it's important to properly classify and describe your videos with actual words is that facial and speech recognition software isn't so good that it can tell you accurately, or with context, what a video is.

Well, algorithms for facial recognition are getting a lot better, as a neural network built at Google learned to identify cats on YouTube...without knowing what a cat is. Google's highly secretive X lab, which is so secretive that people narrow its location down to "possibly the California Bay Area," built a neural network of 16,000 computers with 1 billion connections and let it browse YouTube. From Wired : In other words: Here's a highlight from that paper: But, they're working on that, aren't they? * Quadrotor Autonomous Flight and Obstacle Avoidance with Kinect Sensor. ‘Green Brain’ project to create an autonomous flying robot with a honey bee brain - News releases - News.

Scientists at the Universities of Sheffield and Sussex are embarking on an ambitious project to produce the first accurate computer models of a honey bee brain in a bid to advance our understanding of Artificial Intelligence (AI), and how animals think. Honey Bee The team will build models of the systems in the brain that govern a honey bee's vision and sense of smell. Using this information, the researchers aim to create the first flying robot able to sense and act as autonomously as a bee, rather than just carry out a pre-programmed set of instructions. If successful, this project will meet one of the major challenges of modern science: building a robot brain that can perform complex tasks as well as the brain of an animal. Tasks the robot will be expected to perform, for example, will include finding the source of particular odours or gases in the same way that a bee can identify particular flowers.

Additional information The University of Sheffield’s Faculty of Engineering Contact. EURON | Projects. RoboCom Flagship: More than Future | CA-RoboCom. Robotics Research | TU Berlin. iCat Research Platform. Information, communication. Biometrie: Schau mal, wer da guckt | Fraunhofer. Interessiert blickt die junge Frau auf die Videowand. Die neuen Styles gefallen ihr ausnehmend gut. Wenig später betrachtet ein älterer Mann die neue Herrenkollektion. Wie von Zauberhand erscheinen auf der Wand immer die für den Betrachter richtigen Outfits. Möglich macht das ein Produkt der Firma Visapix. People Attract® basiert auf der Mimikerkennung Shore™ aus dem Fraunhofer-Institut für Integrierte Schaltungen IIS in Erlangen. Vor der Videowand des Modeunternehmens nimmt eine Kamera jeweils die Person auf, die vor dem Bildschirm steht. Die Spezialsoftware wertet das Bild in Echtzeit aus. Neu ist, die Software erkennt das Alter In der Regel überprüfen Markt- und Werbeforschungsinstitute mit der neuen Technologie, ob die jeweilige Werbebotschaft bei den richtigen Kunden angekommen ist.

Entstanden ist Shore™ in den vergangenen zehn Jahren in den Laboren des IIS. »Eigentlich kamen wir aus dem Biometriebereich und haben das System zunächst für die Personenerkennung entwickelt. TU Delft Robotics Institute. KSERA. Personal Robots. * Open source system for robot hardware to speed up robot development. Sioux ontwikkelt technische software voor zorgrobot Rose - Nieuws - Sioux heeft onlangs de ontwikkeling van de technische software van zorgrobot Rose afgerond. Mede dankzij deze software kan Rose intelligente thuiszorgtaken verrichten zoals eten in de magnetron doen, een pak melk pakken, een dienblad optillen of de tafel met een doek afnemen. Door toenemende vergrijzing stijgt de zorgvraag en tegelijkertijd is er een daling van het aantal zorgverleners. Technische innovatie kan een belangrijke rol spelen om deze impasse te doorbreken. Robot Rose (Remotely Operated SErvice robot) is het eindresultaat van het Pieken in de Delta project Tele-operated Service Robot (TSR).

Het doel van dit project is de ontwikkeling van een op afstand bestuurbare robot voor thuiszorgtoepassingen. De robot helpt mensen thuis en wordt bestuurd via een thuiszorgcentrale of lokaal door een cliënt door middel van een afstandsbediening. Technische uitdaging Om robots in de zorg te kunnen gebruiken, moest Sioux grote technische obstakels overwinnen. European Robotics Research Network.

European Robotics Public Private Partnership (PPP) The European Robotics Public Private Partnership (PPP) is the teaming up of the robotics industry, research, academia and the European Commission to launch a joint research, development and innovation programme in order to strengthen the position of European robotics as a whole. The programme will be jointly developed by the private side (robotics manufacturers, component manufacturers, systems integrators, end users, research institutes, universities) and the public side (the European Commission).

Thus, the main objective of the Robotics PPP is to boost current European robotics research, development and innovation. It also aims to assure competitiveness and industrial leadership of European manufacturers, providers and users of systems and services based on robotic technology, as well as fostering the excellence of its science base. European Commission: CORDIS: FP7. European Summit - Lyon Mars 2012. European Robotics Technology Platform. EUROP, the European Robotics Technology Platform, is an industry-driven framework for the main stakeholders in robotics to strengthen Europe’s competitiveness in robotic R&D, as well as global markets, and to improve quality of life. To this aim EUROP has developed a joint European Strategic Research Agenda (SRA), which would help focus research initiatives and innovative activities towards maximum impact.

The SRA was published in July 2009. EUROP is one of several European Technology Platforms (ETPs) supported by the EU. The European Robotics Coordination Action (euRobotics CA), an EU project within the Seventh Framework Programme of the Information and Communication Technology, currently supports EUROP. EUROP's roots go back to October 2004, when leading European robotics organisations started to formulate the need for a consolidated approach to European robotics, which led to the constitution of EUROP as an ETP in October 2005.

The SRA was first launched in 2005. Please note: Home - IFR International Federation of Robotics. * Professional service robots - Continued Increase. Professional service robots - Continued Increase World Robotics 2012 - Service Robots published Taipei, 30 August 2012 - About 16,400 service robots for professional use were sold in 2011, 9% more than in 2010, reports the IFR Statistical Department in the new study "World Robotics 2012 - Service Robots", which was published on Thursday in Taipei. The sales value increased by 6% to US$ 3.6 billion. Main applications: Defence and milking robots With about 6,600, service robots in defence applications accounted for 40% of the total number of service robots for professional use sold in 2011.

Thereof, unmanned aerial vehicles seem to be the most important application as their sales increased by 11% to more than 5,000 units. The total number of field robots - mainly milking robots - sold in 2011 was about 5,000 units, accounting for a share of 31% of the total unit supply of professional service robots. Considerable growth potential of logistic systems and medical robots Downloads. **CompanionAble.

32767-annex_6_to_the_decision_ict_for_cap_en. The International Journal of Robotics Research. Biomechatronics. Synthetic Neurobiology. Leah Acker, Bara Badwan, Changyang Linghu, Zixi Liu, Christian Wentz, Nir Grossman, Fumi Yoshida, Rin Yunis New technologies for controlling neural circuit dynamics, or entering information into the nervous system, may be capable of serving in therapeutic roles for improving the health of human patients–enabling the restoration of lost senses, the control of aberrant or pathological neural dynamics, and the augmentation of neural circuit computation, through prosthetic means.

We are assessing the translational possibilities opened up by our technologies, exploring the safety and efficacy of optogenetic neuromodulation in multiple animal models, and also pursuing, both in our group and in collaborations with others, proofs-of-principle of new kinds of neural control prosthetics.