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Compass and Grails how to - Grails - Confluence. By Maurice Nicholson Update Why Compass?

Compass and Grails how to - Grails - Confluence

Compass is an Open Source Search Engine Framework_. It is _not an alternative or replacement for GORM/Hibernate: it works alongside GORM to give your application the power of a dedicated search library (aka "Information Retrieval" tools (IR)). Really, if you find that you've reached the flexibility or performance limits of full-text search using your DB alone, then it's time to employ an IR tool, which is where Compass/Lucene come in. So let's say you do need search: why not use SQL/JDBC/Hibernate/raw Lucene/Hibernate search/Spring modules' Lucene support/another search library?

Compass is sometimes described as an Object (to) Search Engine Mapper (OSEM) because it implements a mapping between an object model and a search engine, so by analogy, it does for search engines what Hibernate does for databases. It's really beyond the scope of this tutorial to compare alternatives, but here are my reasons to start using Compass today: What is covered This line. Objects by Design: Open Source Software. Hibernate + IndexColumn. La persistance des données avec Hibernate 2.1.8 - Club d'entraide des développeurs francophones. Hibernate est une bibliothèque Java diffusée sous licence LGPL.

La persistance des données avec Hibernate 2.1.8 - Club d'entraide des développeurs francophones

Nous allons nous intéresser à la version 2.1.8 datant de janvier 2005. Cette bibliothèque est un service de mapping objet/relationnel (ou mapping O/R) pour la plateforme Java. Son rôle est donc de vous permettre de travailler efficacement avec le contenu d'une base de données relationnelle depuis votre code source Java. Le monde des SGBDR est très différent de celui de Java, qui s'appuie sur le paradigme objet. Les compétences nécessaires sont donc également différentes. Hibernate, en tant qu'outil de mapping O/R, doit vous permettre de synchroniser facilement le contenu d'une base de données avec votre application Java. . $ java -classpath lib/hsqldb.jar org.hsqldb.util.DatabaseManager -driver org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver -url jdbc:hsqldb:db/books -user sa Cette commande fera apparaître le HSQL Database Manager et créera automatiquement la base intitulée books/ dans le dossier db/ du projet. <? How to configure logging in Hibernate – SLF4j + Log4j.

Hibernate uses Simple Logging Facade for Java (SLF4J) to redirect the logging output to your perfer logging frameworkis (log4j, JCL, JDK logging, lofback…).

How to configure logging in Hibernate – SLF4j + Log4j

In this tutorial, we show you how to do logging in Hibernate with SLF4j + Log4j logging framework. Technologies used in this article : Hibernate 3.6.3.Finalslf4j-api-1.6.1slf4j-log4j12-1.6.1Eclipse 3.6Maven 3.0.3 1. Get SLF4j + Log4j To do logging in Hibernate, you need “slf4j-api.jar” and your preferred binding, like log4j “slf4j-log4j12.jar“. File : pom.xml <project ... Where is slf4j-api.jar? 2. Create a “” file and put it into your project’s classpath, see figure below : File : With this log4j configuration, it will redirect all the logging output to console and also a file at “C:\\mkyongapp.log“. Note Hibernate provides many settings to let developer to decide what to log. 3. Try run your Hibernate web application, all logging output will be logged in “C:\\mkyongapp.log” file. Reference.