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Cuatro tipos de innovación y las Elecciones Estratégicas que representan cada una. If you’re like me, you want your brainstorming sessions and new product development projects to be productive and you want the ideas you (and your team) come up with to be relevant to your business’ overall goals. That’s what this post will help you with – giving a guidance to your ideation/new product development efforts and some insight into how those ideas might fit into the overall plans of the business for the future.

When coming up with a new idea, often it can be helpful to think through categories of ideas first. For example, I don’t know about you but my creativity is actually enhanced when there are a few constraints put in place to help me know what is in scope or out of scope. Additionally it can also be helpful to know how some ideas can contribute to the overall strategy of the company or organization. Conceptually, I like to bucket new product or service ideas into four categories: Breakthrough Sustaining New Market Disruptive Breakthrough Sustaining New Market Disruptive.