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How to Use New Analytics on Twitter and Pinterest to See the Impact of Your Sharing! Fake followers. 12 Mistakes You Shouldn't Make on Twitter If You Want More Followers. You have successfully made an official Twitter account… what’s next? You need to grow your followers. Twitter is one of the many social media platforms that allow businesses to market and advertise itself without the use of additional manpower or expensive resources. The concept around Twitter is that you tweet with a limited character count of 140 which forces you to think about your tweet. You then put some #hashtags into your tweets, which simply work as tags grouping together tweets containing the same thought. As a registered user, you are allowed to retweet, share, and follow numerous sites which could gain you new followers as well. But no one follows me For your business to gain popularity on Twitter, you have followed different social media marketing strategies.

But when you look at your profile again, it seems that the number of your followers are way lower than those whom you are following. But are you sure you are doing the right thing? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Don't post another Twitter image, until you have read this. - powerfully simple. Back in 2013 Twitter made photos and videos show up in our streams by default; you know, just like Facebook? Apart from enabling you to see mildly amusing pictures of cats more easily when sneakily scrolling through your feed in the office, Twitter’s latest update does have some more worthwhile benefits. A more visual timeline provides you with more opportunities to connect and engage with your users.

Organisations no longer have to save their fancy, National Geograhic-worthy images for Facebook and risk a tweet that announces a new blog post being ignored. Social media scientist Dan Zarrella found, in research prior to this change, that Tweets using links were 94% more likely to be retweeted; with such a significant improvement in user engagement it really is a shame that many companies are missing out. Not too big, not too small, but just right! An example of an image that is too large, and has been cropped by Twitter. 439 x 219 will create the optimal user experience. Tweets to Treasure: Better Trend Analysis. There’s something intriguing about wandering anonymously through the day, going wherever you want, doing whatever you want — no questions asked, no calls from the office. Too bad that rarely happens anymore. Thanks to social networks like Twitter, a worldwide broadcast of your every move and mood is just 140-characters away.

We've come a long way since 2008, when many of today's most tweet-happy users (myself included) complained about their fears of being followed and argued that the minutia of someone else's life isn’t interesting enough to distract their attention. Nope, we've learned that Twitter really is the gateway to deeper, more meaningful communication — and allows people to more deeply connect, share resources, share online opportunities and collaborate. And now researchers at the University of Missouri claim they've found a way to make Twitter even more useful for those who believe there's actually a lot of treasure in those tweets. Context Counts So What Did They Do? A Step-by-Step Guide To Hosting or Joining a Twitter Chat.

A few months ago we started up a new Twitter chat series, #Bufferchat. So far, we’ve talked about everything from productivity to social media monitoring and lots of other topics in between. These days, we have up to 185 participants each week, sending out nearly 2,000 tweets. It’s a true delight! Along the way, I’ve been learning the ins and outs of operating a Twitter chat and testing new tools and ideas to optimize our chat even further. It’s amazing how much there is to know, both for the chat host and the chat participants!

I’d be thrilled to share some of our best tips and techniques with you. Whether you’re a Twitter pro or newer to the network, whether you plan to host your own chat or if you look forward to participating in others, a bit of advance preparation could help. Twitter chat basics What is a Twitter chat? A Twitter chat is where a group of Twitter users meet at a pre-determined time to discuss a certain topic, using a designated hashtag (#) for each tweet contributed. 1. ¿Cuáles son los siete perfiles más comunes entre los usuarios de Twitter? Reciba alertas sobre Tecnología Twitter tiene más de 500 millones de usuarios, con más de 200 millones de usuarios activos que usan la plataforma en forma constante y generan más de 400 millones de "tuits" al día.

La página web BBC MUndo clasificó siete usuarios de la red social de microblogging a partir de lo que comparten en sus espacios de 140 caracteres. ZombiSe trata de usuarios que buscan "comer" el cerebro de otros "tuiteros". Usan Twitter en forma constante, pero lo hacen en forma pasiva leyendo "tuits" y buscando información, pero no generándola. Algunos aún son huevos que no han roto el cascarón. El 51% de este tipo de usuarios tienen menos de cinco seguidores y el 21% de ellos jamás ha publicado un "tuit". ChirriadorNo tiene una estrategia clara (o aún no entiende Twitter) por lo cual trina lo primero que le viene a la cabeza en forma constante.

Pareciera que siguen tratando de responder a la pregunta "¿Qué estás haciendo? " 50 Twitter Tips in 140 Characters or Less | Twitter Tools Book. Shakespeare was on to something when he said brevity is the soul of wit. With that in mind here are 50 very tweetable #TwitterTips to help you take your Twitter game to the next level. If any of these strike a chord with you it would be awesome if you share them on twitter and even better if you link back to this post. Enjoy! 1) Less is more. [Tweet This] 2) Keep it sassy, funny, or quotable. 3) Follow people who genuinely interest you and learn from them. 4) Be consistent on Twitter and try to Tweet every day. 5) Timing on Twitter matters more than grammar or spelling. 6) Retweet the best content you find. 7) Learn the language of Twitter: inform yourself about Twitter acronyms like RT. 8) There’s room for 140, but try to keep it to 120 characters or less. 9) Connect your Twitter with Klout and engage with your followers to increase your klout score. 10) Don’t spam!

11) Share high quality content to build trust with your network. 12) Start by following people you know and grow from there. The ROI of Twitter, Explained. Twitter is a mystery to many. It’s understandable. You see, to really understand your return on Twitter, you might have to put away your spreadsheet … and that freaks a lot of people out. I want to measure financial returns as much as any one but If you are going to win in this new digital age, you must humble yourself and accept that value will also come to you from MRS — Magnificent Random Synergy. Let me explain through an example. Hello Kitty I have a friend in The Netherlands who I discovered through Twitter — Kitty Kilian. Twitter simply opened the door, created an introduction if you will, that led to bigger things. Mark and Kitty Kilian Though Twitter, Kitty discovered my blog and became a frequent commenter. Through one of my my posts she discovered that I was scheduled to give a speech in Amersfoort, a lovely town near Amsterdam and not far from her home city of Utrecht.

Kitty and I connected via email and made plans to meet. Off track In the afternoon I ran into a problem. Wow.


¿Cómo hacer un tweet Viral? 10 tips para maximilzar clicks y shares. Es cierto que el gran factor que determina la “viralidad” de un contenido, es la suerte, pero existen rasgos en común que todo tweet viral posee, y en este artículo vamos a repasarlos. Claramente, no se puede hacer un manual del paso a paso de cómo cocinar un contenido super “compartible”, ya que cada mercado o negocio requiere de una aproximación a su público y adaptación de su contenido, que difiere de uno a otro. La idea es ayudar a que puedas conocer qué elementos son los que están aportando esa pizca para el éxito, para que tú puedas aplicarlo también en cada tweet, video, meme, foto, post, y tener más chances de que se vuelva viral. (Siempre y cuando tengas al universo de tu lado, claro) Antes de conocer cómo podremos de alguna manera hacer que un tweet (o algo) intente volverse viral, utilizamos la definición de Upworthy, de qué es algo “Viral”.Todo aquello que sea “clickeable” y (además) “compartible”.

¿ 1- Un tweet viral, un “problema” universal. Interesante dato… ¿no? Brands’ Twitter Engagement Rates Seen Higher on Weekends. Clothing and fashion brands (+30%) also see higher-than-average engagement rates on the weekend, despite only 12% of industry tweets occurring then. For the publishing industry, Saturday sees engagement rates that are 29% higher, though only 7% of tweets occur on that day. And for the entertainment industry, Sunday and Monday are key, with tweets published then receiving 23% more engagement than average. According to May 2012 research from, though, when looking to achieve high click counts, tweeting a link earlier in the week (Monday through Thursday) gives the best chance. However, January research from Hubspot’s Dan Zarrella – that analyzed 200,000 link-containing tweets – disputes this, finding that click-through rates (CTRs) are higher on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday than during the week. The Buddy Media report defines engagement rate as a combination of the number of replies and retweets a tweet receives, factoring in the number of followers.

Other Findings: 8 usos útiles del hashtag en Twitter. Definiendo lo que es un hashtag Un hashtag o etiqueta es una de las herramientas más usadas y útiles de Twitter, podríamos definirlo como una palabra clave precedida siempre del símbolo almohadilla (#) y que sirve para clasificar el tuit en una categoría determinada (#marketing). En el caso de estar formada por dos o más palabra se concatenan y si escriben todas juntas (#socialmediamarketing).

Por lo tanto, el uso de un hashtag clasifica el tuit y lo encaja dentro de una temática determinada. Consejos sobre su uso El hashtag podemos colocarlo en cualquier parte del tuit, personalmente prefiero usarlo al final para que el mensaje que se envía sea lo más limpio posible, y si incluyo un enlace suelo colocar las etiquetas detrás del mismo: Hay veces que se ven en medio del mensaje pero tenemos que pensar que estamos comunicándonos con personas, y uno de los principios básicos de comunicación en Internet es “ser amigable para el usuario”. 8 usos que podemos darle 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 10 Tips for Success on Twitter. When I first joined Twitter, I didn’t know quite what I would get out of it. However, like all other social media I knew it was about building real relationships.

For all relationships, in-person or otherwise, the connection should always be genuine and helpful. Based on what I’ve learned, I believe that your Twitter strategy should be based on reciprocity of sharing others’ content first and then engaging them with interesting conversation. 8 Ways To Stand Out On Twitter. It's the new year, and this year there is absolutely no doubt that your social networks are going to be more important than ever. I really mean that too. Using social media effectively not only brands you as an expert in your industry, builds your authority, and brings your website increased traffic, but it also helps you get found on search engines. Social sharing is a critical part of how your website gets ranked in Google, Bing, Yahoo and other search engines. Don't believe me? Check out this article we wrote about how social media is crucial to your SEO.

I wrote a similar article about LinkedIn and it inspired me to embark on this series of making the most of your social media profiles and using your presence to achieve your business goals. 8 Ways To Get Noticed On Twitter 1. If you are using a company page, it is ok to use your logo. Next thing to audit is your bio. Make sure you have a link to your website or another social network if you don't have a website yet. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Five Unwritten Twitter-for-Business Rules for 2014. If the Justine Sacco case showed us anything, it’s that people are still not fully aware of the potential ramifications of their comments on Twitter. Those using branded accounts or with a company title in their profile can act as de-facto spokespeople for your business, and writing ‘views are my own’ in their description might not negate collateral damage to your brand.

So while we generally know not to post inappropriate content, there are a few unwritten Twitter rules that probably need to be noted, just as a refresher for those with their mouse pointers hovering over that ‘Tweet’ tab, ready to fire off something they’re not 100% sure they should. The five rules go like this: 1. Cautionary tale: Anthony Weiner’s recreational activities 2. Cautionary tale: American Red Cross ‘#gettngslizzerd’ Tweet 3. Cautionary tale: KitchenAid ‘Obama’s Grandma’ Tweet 4. Cautionary tale: Celeb Boutique’s ‘Aurora’ mis-understanding 5. 10 motivos que impulsan a no seguir una cuenta en Twitter. Seguro que tienes una cuenta en Twitter. Cuando comienzas esperas que te sigan por los contenidos que publicas, pero pronto vas a darte cuenta de que se utilizan estrategias y que en muchas ocasiones tienes seguidores que ni siquiera saben lo que haces, a que te dedicas o de que escribes.

Te vas a encontrar de todo: Prácticas poco éticas, cazadores de follow, spammers, especialistas en unfollow, psicópatas del Tweet, programadores a granel… todo esto es lo que hace que una red social tan interesante como Twitter pierda su usabilidad y el interés. Aquí os dejo los motivos por los que yo no sigo a algunas cuentas. Tienes cara de huevo: Es lo primero que deberías cambiar cuando abres una cuenta en Twitter.


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