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Your Tweets Are NOT Your Own. Podcast: Play in new window | Download Everything you tweet, post, pin, say and do is a representation of your brand. Does adding the disclaimer “my tweets are my own” to your Twitter profile really make them your own? Does it really separate your thoughts in 140 character increments from that of the brand you are associating yourself with? Brand, marketing and business leaders must realize and learn that a simple statement of “my tweets are my own” does not mean that another human being reading them is going to necessarily separate those thoughts and a particular tweet or post to any social network from that of the brand.

Instead, brand and organizational leadership should be focused on investing in employees as human beings. In this episode of the Social Zoom Factor podcast I share with you exactly why I do not believe your tweets are your own and that they have a direct impact on the perception of the brand for which you are associating yourself. Episode Highlights Supporting Resources:

How new Twitter algorithm for timeline may affect businesses? Everyone loves Twitter, I really do and for me the very first reason is it’s not like Facebook. I always appreciate how Hitesh mentioned 10 reasons why you should choose Twitter over Facebook. No algorithm, no manipulation, a delivery system that has not changed since the launch (eight years now). Well, that is about to change Twitter CFO Anthony Noto announced on 3rd September that an algorithmic feed is indeed one of several changes to be implemented over 2015. Does that ring a Facebook like bell? Twitter has been a powerful tool for businesses and that’s because of many fators including real-time marketing, customer support, breaking news and many others. 1. Twitter’s real-time marketing is what makes this platform, such a favourite among users and brands. 2. Facebook edgerank has made it very tough for branded content to show up organically on their newsfeed. 3. 4. How To Write A Mind Blowing Headline For Twitter So People Will Read Your Blog.

The latest Twitter statistics show that Twitters growth last year was over 1,300% with the latest numbers revealed by Twitter at their Chirp conference for developers in April showing Total number of users at 105 million (12 months ago that number was 8 million) Twitter received 180 million unique visitors a month to its website. Twitter is a great way to promote and market your content and the challenge with Twitter for business marketers is that you only have 140 characters to get your message across and your link clicked on.

The most important element to make that happen is a great headline to make people click on that link. So in essence Twitter has brought back the art of the headline which has never gone away but Twitter has highlighted its importance. So what are the important elements in creating and writing a “great headline” and why is it so important? Why is a headline important? 1. Example: “The Secret To Getting More Money For Your Property!” 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 506inShare. Guía rápida para ser un gurú de Twitter. ¿Quieres ser un gurú de Twitter? Con esta sencilla guía en 30 pasos descubrirás cómo ganar followers o dónde conseguir becarios gratis para tu nuevo blog. Seamos sinceros: Ser un gurú no es fácil. Tratar con gente que se equivoca tan a menudo e intentar simplificar tus procesos mentales para hacerlos entendibles por los demás resulta extenuante, y lo peor es que no hay nadie que te entienda.

Eres un Gurú. Eres único. Si no entiendes de qué hablo, es porque no eres un gurú, pero no te preocupes, tú también puedes ser un gurú en Twitter -o donde quieras, la verdad- en 30 sencillos pasos. Cómo convertirte en un gurú de Twitter 1. Si llegas hasta aquí, quizás no seas un gurú en pleno derecho, pero estarás muy cerca de ser uno. Y para demostrar tu recién adquirido guruismo, puedes imprimir nuestro exclusivo certificado oficial de Gurú, con el sello de calidad de Socialmood: ¿Harás enemigos? How to Make an Infographic of your Twitter Profile. Computer technology at its birth was complicated and extremely difficult to use. It was the sand box of geeks and engineers. You had to have a degree in computer science to play with the big mainframes of IBM and Hewlett Packard. It was the age of “big iron”, water cooled monsters that took up rooms to crunch data that is now seen as simple tasks and can now be performed on your iPhone.

Computing for the Masses The advent of the personal computer brought computing to the masses. Steve Jobs and Bill Gates were two of the pioneers that over the last 25 years have put desktops and laptops that were affordable and portable on to people laps and desks. Software emerged such as Word, that enabled people to easily write their own documents and by-pass the secretary with the type writer. The emergence of the smartphone has now put a computer and publishing machine in your pocket. The Holy Grail The holy grail of computer visionaries has been to make computers as easy to use as electricity.

Read More. Cómo escribir un Tweet;  Consejos y errores básicos. 7 consejos para escribir un Tweet de forma correcta1 Para finalizar el artículo os contaré algunos errores que debéis evitar en la escritura o el formato de un tweet. Antes de comenzar, es importante que conozcamos bien a nuestra audiencia para tratar de conseguir que nuestros tweets tengan el mejor impacto posible. 1.- Aprende la estructura básica para escribir un Tweet Título del artículo #hashtag vía @autor Esta es la estructura más básica de un Tweet, pero no debes olvidar cada vez que compartamos el contenido de un artículo 2 aspectos muy básicos; recuerda insertar al menos un hashtag para incrementar la visibilidad del tweet, y por otro lado, si estás utilizando el contenido de otra persona para construir un tweet, no olvides NUNCA mencionar su autor.

Ejemplo: Cómo escribir un Tweet; 7 Consejos básicos #SocialMedia vía @marketingandweb1 2.- Haz un RT con un comentario Opinión RT @autor título del artículo #hashtag ¿Sabías que….? 7 Formas eficaces de medir tu influencia en Twitter que no mienten. A un usuario de Twitter le gusta que lean sus tweets , para eso está en Twitter .

El problema es que, a diferencia de un post de un blog, no hay manera de saber cuánta gente lee exactamente tus tweets. Al no hacer clic en los tweets para entrar (como en el título de un post) no hay manera de trazar la acción que realiza el usuario (si lee o no el tweet), solamente si hace clic en los tweets con un enlace. ¿Cómo saber entonces si la gente los pasa por alto o si realmente los lee cuando pasan por su timeline? Seguramente sea esto lo que, en parte, haya permitido que se haya desarrollado esa obsesión generalizada por conseguir seguidores a diestro y siniestro basada en una falacia tan incierta como simplista de que la influencia del usuario en Twitter se refleja en su número de seguidores.

Captura de la pantalla de perfil de Twitonomy. Verás que es una herramienta gratuita fantástica para el análisis de tus estadísticas en Twitter y que ya ofrece una información muy completa. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Twitter pattern: Those who don't know you well are more likely to retweet. ( —Big news can spread like wildfire via Twitter, but did you ever think about why certain people choose to retweet? A new study from the W. P. Carey School of Business at Arizona State University shows that if someone doesn't know you well, he or she is actually more likely to retweet something significant you say. "We found that people with weak ties, such as those who only have a one-way relationship on Twitter – who don't both follow each other – are more likely to retweet," says Zhan Michael Shi, assistant professor in the W.

P. Carey School of Business, one of the paper's authors. "We believe the retweeters are sharing the information because they think it will boost their reputation and influence by providing something new. The new research by Shi and his co-authors, professor Huaxia Rui of the University of Rochester and professor Andrew Whinston of the University of Texas at Austin, will be published in the academic journal MIS Quarterly in March.