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The Secret Psychology of Twitter: What Makes Us Follow, Fave, Share and Keep Coming Back. When I choose someone new to follow, when I compose a new tweet, when I share and favorite an update, I seldom think about the why.

The Secret Psychology of Twitter: What Makes Us Follow, Fave, Share and Keep Coming Back

My following sessions would probably seem haphazard to an outsider, and my favoriting technique comes and goes from one strategy to another. Even so, the way I use Twitter is far less random than I thought. There is science and psychology behind the way we all tweet. Researchers have discovered trends in the way that we perform every major action on Twitter---favoriting, updating, sharing, and following. And there's even an interesting bit of psychology behind what makes Twitter so attractive in the first place. Why we love Twitter so much: Rats, levers and psychology I've hit more than my fair share of Twitter wormholes---minutes that turn to hours as I find more and more tweets to read and share.

I figured there was a psychological reason behind the draw of Twitter. This hit home for me. Why we follow: The 15 factors that affect follower growth. The Complete Guide To Twitter Chats. Twitter chats are powerful.

The Complete Guide To Twitter Chats

They’re an opportunity to build deeper trust with your audience, build up your brand, and ultimately help your bottom line. They offer a huge bang-for-your-buck, and not nearly enough companies are taking advantage of them. What is a Twitter chat? When several people tweet using a single designated hashtag, they create a real-time conversation that is similar to live messaging. How are chats useful? First, Twitter chats build rapport with customers and clients. Related Resources from B2C» Free Webcast: The Future of Marketing: Social Listening + Action Second, it sells product.

Finally, it helps you get to know your audience on a personal level. Use Hashtags More Effectively in Your Social Media Content: 4 Tactics. Twitter Best Practices. Summary: Targeted primarily to rookies, this guide offers a set of Twitter best practices that helps people maximize their ability to maintain a strong signal/noise ratio and avoid making mistakes that can hurt their individual professional and/or organizational brands.

Twitter Best Practices

More experienced Tweeters – including mavens – may want to consider the advice and reconsider some of their own Twitter habits as well. I recently shared this advice – and more – via a webinar entitled Twitter for Professional Purposes: 21+ Tips. Click here to learn more about the webinar, access the recorded session, and view the enhanced slide deck. As I wrote in Twitter for Rookies: Simple Guidance for Getting Started, it is perfectly appropriate to open a Twitter account with the intent to just listen. You never have to send a single tweet. First Things First As with all our Twitter guidance, this post focuses on using Twitter for professional purposes. And of course a few caveats are in order: Things to keep in mind: 10 errores que no debes cometer en tu perfil de Twitter de empresa. Si has decidido que tu empresa tiene que estar en Twitter has de hacer las cosas bien desde el principio.

10 errores que no debes cometer en tu perfil de Twitter de empresa

Uno de los primero pasos es elaborar una estrategia en redes sociales que te permita conocer de dónde partes y saber a dónde quieres llegar. No obstante, a la hora de plantear estrategias y tácticas es muy común caer en ciertos errores que pueden afectar negativamente al proceso. 2 opciones para conocer lo más relevante de nuestra cuenta de Twitter. Contamos con muchas herramientas y opciones que nos permiten disfrutar de todo el potencial de Twitter, sin tener que abrumarnos con demasiados detalles.

2 opciones para conocer lo más relevante de nuestra cuenta de Twitter

Por ejemplo, si deseamos conocer las actualizaciones más relevantes de nuestra cuenta, podemos tener en cuenta las aplicaciones que comentaremos a continuación. Por ejemplo, si no deseamos hacer un seguimiento continuo de lo que se comparte en nuestro timeline, podemos utilizar TweetQureet. Basándose en nuestros intereses, crea un informe diario que nos llegará a nuestra correo electrónico. También podremos ver más información en la misma aplicación desde la pestaña “Timeline”, donde se nos mostrarán entre otros detalles las palabras claves que han influido en la posición de los tweets.

Por otro lado, si lo que deseamos es contar con una aplicación para monitorear nuestra cuenta de Twitter desde nuestros dispositivos móviles, podemos optar por TweetsPie. 4 cosas que no deberías twittear por tu seguridad.