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How to Set Up Facebook Business Manager. Do you want a more streamlined way to organize account managers within Facebook? Are you using Facebook Business Manager? You’ll find Facebook’s newest tool useful. In this article you’ll discover how to set up Facebook Business Manager so you can have more control over how your employees access Pages and ads. Why Facebook Business Manager? Until now, if your business had multiple managers handling different Pages or client ads, you had to grant them access to accounts being shared among multiple users. That’s hardly ideal—keeping accounts organized and limiting employees’ access to specific information have been concerns for a while.

Find out how to set up Facebook Business Manager to manage multiple Pages and Ad accounts. Not only that, but everyone with access to the accounts shared a single login. Facebook Business Manager helps you address those issues. The downside is that each user must log into Facebook Business Manager using his or her personal Facebook account. However, no worries! Why You Should Forget Facebook | Jeff B. 7 Facebook Statistics You Should Know For An Engaging Facebook Page. 2.7K Flares 2.7K Flares × One of the things we focus on most at Buffer is the best time to post to Twitter and Facebook.

This is because we want to help you get more engagement with your audience, which is beneficial for everyone. While the best time to post is definitely important, there are some other things to keep in mind. I had a look at what kind of updates work best for Facebook pages to increase interaction and found 7 interesting statistics that you’ll probably find useful if you’re trying to make your page more engaging. 1. Not only do photo posts get more engagement than links, videos or text-based updates, they actually account for 93% of the most engaging posts on Facebook. Wishpond’s data says that overall, photo posts get 120% more engagement than the average post, and photo albums actually get 180% more engagement. Especially Buffer’s new image posting feature let’s you right click any image on the web and then share it in full-size to your wall in seconds. 2.

I Liked Everything I Saw on Facebook for Two Days. Here’s What It Did to Me | Gadget Lab. There’s this great Andy Warhol quote you’ve probably seen before: “I think everybody should like everybody.” You can buy posters and plates with pictures of Warhol, looking like the cover of a Belle & Sebastian album, with that phrase plastered across his face in Helvetica. But the full quote, taken from a 1963 interview in Art News, is a great description of how we interact on social media today. Warhol: Someone said that Brecht wanted everybody to think alike. I want everybody to think alike. But Brecht wanted to do it through Communism, in a way.

The like and the favorite are the new metrics of success—very literally. I like everything. See, Facebook uses algorithms to decide what shows up in your feed. There is a very specific form of Facebook messaging, designed to get you to interact. The first thing I liked was Living Social—my friend Jay had liked it before me and it was sitting at the top of my feed.

Sometimes, liking is counterintuitive. Go Back to Top. Cómo llevar tráfico de Facebook a tu web o blog. Análisis de competidores en Facebook - Andreas Schou. Publicado el 12. noviembre 2013 La red social más grande del mundo se prueba con análisis de competidores en Facebook o páginas en observación como han llamado a esta nueva funcionalidad. Cómo es costumbre en Facebook, las nuevas funciones se pone primero a disposición de unos pocos. Yo me he enterado por Juan Jose Sanchez, Community Manager de una importante cadena de restauración en España, que me notificó de esta nueva funcionalidad a través de mí página en Facebook donde comparto consejos y ayudo empresas y profesionales a triunfar en las redes sociales. ¡Gracias, Juan José, por el aviso y por tu ayuda con este artículo! Análisis de competidores en Facebook ¿Cómo empezar? Si tu página dispone de esta nueva funcionalidad de análisis de competidores en Facebook, lo verás en tu panel de administración como puedes ver en el ejemplo.

Para empezar a usar el análisis de competidores en Facebook, primero necesitas añadir 5 o más páginas que quieras observar. Páginas en observación. Low Hanging Fruit of Social Media: 12 Quick Changes That Will Make Big Results. Would you like to get more out of your social media marketing campaign? If so, there are some quick changes you can make to your profiles, pages, and activity that can make a big difference in results. Here are 12 simple profile hacks and engagement tips you can apply to increase fans, followers, and traffic to your website. Facebook Tips Here are some small changes you can make to your Facebook page and marketing strategy to get Facebook traffic to your website and exposure for your business. 1. Add calls to action to your page’s cover photo. The first thing people see when they visit your Facebook page is your cover photo. There are a few ways to do this. Unbounce does it to promote their upcoming webinar. Post Planner does this to promote their app.

Another way to get a call to action in your cover photo is to have a link directly in the cover photo image. Adidas does it to promote their shoe customizations. 2. HubSpot does it as well. And so does Macy’s. It’s that simple! 3. 4. Twitter Tips. Guía - Estrategias efectivas y optimizadas para gestionar páginas de fans en Facebook. Guía para Mejorar el Alcance en Facebook. 7 Ways to Power Brand Loyalty Programs with Facebook. Jun 1 2014 | Loyalty Management: Articles Type By: Stacey Furtado, Marketing Manager, Crowdly • 5471 views Back To Results Brand loyalty and rewards programs have proven to be an extremely successful way to drive sales through reliable, consistent and passionate customers. These loyal customers deliver 80% of a brand’s revenue on average[1], making them the most important focus for any company looking to grow. Unfortunately, while the first year is the most critical time for a company to gain that customer loyalty[2], most brands fall short. 54% of all loyalty memberships are inactive, and most fall inactive within the first year[3].

These numbers show the large participation barrier brands are faced with when it comes to activating loyalty in… Please log in or register for a FREE online account to view this content. Register Now Your free online account lets you: Register Now. Guía - Estrategias efectivas y optimizadas para gestionar páginas de fans en Facebook. Facebook Fan Valuation Matrix.


Facebook's Out: Blogging and Google+ is In. If you use Facebook to connect to fans who are interested in your brand or company, your reach will soon diminish. According to AdAge, Facebook stated, "We expect organic distribution of an individual page's posts to gradually decline over time... " And a Facebook spokesperson said, "the best way to get your stuff seen if you're a business is to pay for it. " It's already happening. I personally have noticed a sharp drop in my Facebook posts' reach in the past several weeks, and social media marketers all around are reporting the same. All that work you spent building your fan base through page likes, and through consistently publishing great content on Facebook will soon be for naught, unless you cough up some dough. And money spent on Facebook may not be worth your while.

I have experimented with Facebook advertising by paying for sponsored stories--both for my own page and for clients' pages. So, in addition to rethinking your social media marketing plan, what to do? BLOG. Connect: Las opiniones en Facebook, más influyentes que blogs y reviews online. Cuando necesitamos una opinión para decidirnos a comprar un producto, el 92% de los consumidores recurrimos a las personas de nuestro entorno, en quienes confiamos. Una práctica que se ha hecho extensiva a las redes sociales, la parte online de nuestra vida social. Como no podía ser de otro modo, la opinión de nuestros amigos y familiares es la que tiene mayor credibilidad para nosotros (86%), seguido de la opinión de un experto en la materia (58%) o las recomendaciones online (54%).

Así, el Social Recommendtion Index, basado en una encuesta realizada a más de 10.000 consumidores usuarios de redes sociales realizada por Social Media Link indica que las recomendaciones de otros usuarios en las redes sociales influyen sobre las decisiones de compra. Especialmente en el caso de Facebook, donde el 68% de los encuestados afirma que considera a ésta, la red social por excelencia, como la fuente principal a la hora de conocer opiniones y comentarios de sus congéneres. 35 herramientas imprescindibles para Facebook. Herramientas muy útiles para tu empresa en Facebook En este post encontrarás la mejor selección de herramientas de Facebook gratis para empresas y profesionales en este año 2015.

Quizás pienses que Facebook sea una red social difícil de sacarle partido y de “hincarle el diente”, gracias en parte a los continuos cambios en su algoritmo que han hecho que el alcance orgánico se haya reducido considerablemente, pero aún viendo este panorama negativo yo sigo apostando por esta red social, y de las razones es porque es la 2ª fuente social que más tráfico web lleva a mi Blog. Los anuncios en facebook también son una herramienta muy efectiva para conseguir ventas para cualquier empresa, pero es importante que sepamos segmentar bien el público objetivo de nuestros anuncios para acertar y conseguir el mejor ROI. He decidido realizar una segmentación por idiomas, de manera que en primer lugar te mostraré las herramientas de facebook en español, y luego en el resto de idiomas. #1 Audience Insights ¡Sí!