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How Small Businesses Can Use Visual Content and Increase Conversions. Displaying amazing visual content online isn’t reserved for top dogs – companies small or large can use the web to share beautiful visual content online and, as a result, increase their conversions.

How Small Businesses Can Use Visual Content and Increase Conversions

Think about it – what do big companies have that small businesses don’t? Maybe they have more resources or online followers, or maybe they have more budget to spend on advertising and site design. However, none of this should deter you. The 5 Biggest Content Marketing Lies. There are a lot of companies jumping into content marketing right now or evaluating whether it's a good fit for their business.

The 5 Biggest Content Marketing Lies

For many, content marketing makes a lot of sense. For others, it doesn't. To decide whether content can help your company achieve its business goals, it's important to educate yourself to ensure you aren't creating barriers based on false assumptions. We hear all sorts of things about the future of content and what content can and can't do, but there's a lot of misinformation out there. How to Encourage Fans to Create and Share Visual Content. Are you leveraging your community to bring attention to your brand?

How to Encourage Fans to Create and Share Visual Content

Have you asked your customers and fans to contribute pictures and images to your social platforms? If you’re not involving your community in creating and sharing visual content, you’re missing out on massive organic reach and engagement. In this article I’ll show you how brands are empowering their fans to create and share visual content about them in really cool ways. Why Ask Fans to Create Visual Content? If you want organic sharing and big traffic, you need stunning and remarkable images that stand out in social feeds.

How to Combine Text and Visual Content for Better Social Engagement. Do you keep text and image updates separate?

How to Combine Text and Visual Content for Better Social Engagement

Have you considered how text and visual content complement each other? Pairing visual content with clever, descriptive text can create a true marketing force that leads to more interaction. In this article I’ll show you seven ways companies are using visual content to get better overall engagement. Find out how text and visual content engage your followers and fans. #1: Illustrate Your Tagline Most brands have text-based taglines, but how many are getting the most out of them? Red Bull’s tagline—Gives You Wings—is descriptive and gives you a pretty good idea of what they’re going for. That excitement helps them maintain their market share lead.

Your Brain on Visualization - Video Infographic: 7 Steps to Becoming a Better Writer. 12 Common Misconceptions about Content Marketing. I don’t know everything about content marketing – no one does.

12 Common Misconceptions about Content Marketing

Sometimes we are tempted to think we do but when the truth comes home there is always a lot more to learn about content marketing’s role on the social web. The concept is constantly evolving and we content marketers will strive to perfect it indefinitely. But currently, some are promoting false ideas about the concept of content marketing and these are sometimes preventing others from having success. Here is my list of misconceptions you should not fall for – I would be happy if you add yours to it… 1. Hey, I am part of the hype – makes me feel really up to date and cool. Saying 'Yes' To Content Marketing Doesn't Mean Abandoning Traditional Advertising.

12 Things to Do After You’ve Written a New Blog Post for Content Marketing. Marathoninfographic.png (1301×2520) Método Post. Responsabilidades de un Community Manager. Recibe nuevos post No Spam Garantizado Una vez definidas las funciones principales de un Community Manager, procedamos a evaluar las responsabilidades de un Community Manager que a nuestro entender son más importantes.

Método Post. Responsabilidades de un Community Manager

Estas tendrán que ver en gran medida con la comunidad que queramos dirigir, la estrategia implantada en la empresa (por ejemplo en el Plan de Marketing), los medios tecnológicos que vayamos a utilizar y los objetivos que queramos alcanzar. Vamos a hacernos eco de un método básico que tiene como fin establecer las responsabilidades de un Community Manager, y dejar claras estas distintas variables, hablamos del Método POST: - People: Saber y determinar cual es la comunidad, people, a la cual vamos a dirigir nuestra campaña. - Objetives: Como su nombre indica, se tratará de conocer los objetivos que queremos alcanzar a la hora de comunicarnos con nuestra comunidad y recibir comunicaciones de ellos. - Strategy: Establecer la estrategia que vamos a realizar. Using Content to Build Trust and Influence Decision Makers.

Headline Psychology: 8 Tricks to Attract User Attention. Why do other people’s posts get clicks in the hundreds while your excellent innovative studies stay persistently underrated?

Headline Psychology: 8 Tricks to Attract User Attention

You may be missing one of the most powerful user attractions of all – an engaging headline. In this article, you’ll find 8 elements that will make your headlines winners, and you’ll learn exactly why they are such effective tricks in terms of human psychology. Here we go! 1. Surprise Surprises in headlines work because human brains like novelty. Here are examples of headlines that include the element of surprise: “Where’s our money?” Wait. How to Create Magnetic Marketing Content. How would you like to be able to create content so desirable that people can’t help but take you up on your incredible offer?

How to Create Magnetic Marketing Content

It’s every marketer’s dream – to hit on something that’s both entertaining but also refreshingly honest. Although very few of us can claim to fulfill such a tall order – there are companies out there who have completely revolutionized how people see them – so that they’re no longer just another “me too” player in a crowded sphere, but something worth paying attention to. Want that same kind of attention for your own business? 5 consejos para triunfar en el marketing de contenidos. El poder del marketing online en las redes sociales tan solo ha mostrado una pequeña parte de todo el potencial que aún puede ofrecer. En 2014 los marketeros dejarán de utilizar sus contenidos como megáfonos para emplearlos como plataformas de comunidades comprometidas. La visión de los clientes como una mera fuente de ingresos ha cambiado y se empieza a ver en ellos una fuente de investigación, innovación y, por supuesto, ventas. Esta evolución significará el nacimiento de comunidades más pequeñas y sociales diferentes a las audiencias de los grandes medios de masas.

Por esta razón los contenidos deberán regirse por una serie de características: deben ser centrados, interactivos, refinados, compartibles y lo más importante, deben implicar a la audiencia en el proceso de creación de los mismos. Para que los contenidos cumplan estos requisitos, a continuación os mostramos cinco consejos para triunfar en el marketing de contenidos. 1. 2. 3. Guía con estrategias para aumentar las visitas de tu blog. A Completely Biased Point of View on Content Marketing. Ever pour your heart and soul into an article, guide, slide deck, infographic or some other form of content only to see it published and quickly die on the vine?

A Completely Biased Point of View on Content Marketing

Maybe a few co-workers, friends and family members shared it to try and conjure up a smidgeon of virality. The public-facing performance of the content looks absolutely pathetic – just a few social shares and a big fat zero next to the Google Plus button. Luckily, you’re the only one who can see the analytics. Fifteen unique views are not what you intended for the six hour labor of love you created for your target demographic. If you could have just spent one more hour doing research and pushed it through another round of edits it would have been on target, right? Jumpstart: The Guide To Growing A Startup With Inbound Marketing. 5 Strategies for Leveraging Published Content You May Have Overlooked. What Is List Segmentation? [FAQs] We all like to focus on the sexy stuff. In inbound marketing, this often means focusing on front-facing channels.

You know: the sleek, mobile-optimized website design. The well-designed landing pages with attractive CTAs. The well-rounded social media presence. These are the parts of inbound marketing that turns visitors into leads. But once you've secured those leads, what do you do with them? If you add more visitors and leads, you're widening the funnel, but if you aren't effectively nurturing them down the funnel, it's a waste of your resources. That's where that nitty-gritty, middle-of-the-funnel (MOFU) marketing comes in -- things like email nurturing, smart calls-to-action, and retargeting.

Segmentation isn't the sexiest of marketing topics, but it is one of the most powerful. What are segmented lists? At the basic level, they're exactly what it sounds like -- you break up your contact lists into smaller segments. So, the world is your oyster ... with some limitations, of course. Leverage Your Social Channels to Create Better Content. Over 88% of companies use at least one social media channel, and over 70% use some of the key components of content marketing: onsite articles, newsletters, blogs and videos.

Leverage Your Social Channels to Create Better Content

As content marketing spend continues to rise, with 60% of B2C marketers expecting to increase their content budget over the next year, it’s essential to make sure that return on investment is maximized. Yet many businesses and organizations are still using their social media accounts simply to publish, amplify and distribute content, but not to source ideas and help them understand their audience. El marketing de contenidos es estrategia. A Practical Guide to Planning a Successful Inbound Marketing Campaign. Welcome to January -- a time of new energy, new calendars, and lots and lots of planning. Whether you're planning your marketing strategy as a whole or developing a specific marketing campaign to achieve a particular goal, a little structure can help to reduce a daunting task to a manageable one.

You'll find help with this structuring below, where I've outlined numerous steps we take when planning our own campaigns at HubSpot. So go on -- use our outline below to get your marketing going strong to start 2014! Identify your audience.