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Company Overview. We are a team of interface designers who share a passion for creating better ways to visualize and interact with information. We believe existing data sets can reveal new insights when visualized effectively. Our focus is on creating tools that enable decision makers to display, navigate, and analyze complex data simply and intuitively. Why visualization? Individuals and organizations have more vital information at their fingertips than ever before. Traditional search engines provide a way to sift through this data. Visualization goes beyond lists to reveal larger-scale patterns. Why TouchGraph? TouchGraph's approach is unique because our highest priorities are utility and ease of use. Our applications are designed to simplify navigation, filtering, and visual metaphors.

Using Mind Maps. Time management. Directing your thinking series Many of us have learned to outline information in our studies, as: First item Second item sub item sub item sub sub item sub sub item Third item Alternatives to outlining are mind- and concept-mapping. How do I map? First reject the idea of an outline, or of paragraphs using sentences. Think in terms of key words or symbolsthat represent ideas and words: Other options for mind-mapping: a pencil (you'll be erasing!) Write down the most important word or short phrase or symbol for the center.Think about it; circle it. Post other important concepts and their words outside the circle Edit this first phase Think about the relation of outside items to the center itemErase, edit, and/or shorten words to key ideas Relocate important items closer to each other for better organizationIf possible, use color to organize informationLink concepts with words to clarify their relationships Thinking and recall series.

Mind Map Art. Introduction to WikIT. WikIT is here to help in taming the torrent of information that knowledge workers have to deal with daily. It's for individuals, small businesses and even large enterprises. User comments suggest that we may be getting something right: "Oh! Wow! Thanks a ton!! :)"; "what a phenomenal resource"; "way cool"; "VERY helpful! Thank you!!! " WikIT main areas Wikis are very text oriented. WikIT uses mind maps as an added navigation layer as you'll see on the right. If you are here for the first time, you might want to start at the information maps article and use the mind map there to see what this part of WikIT contains. Just a few of the many satisfied users Appreciation About the advice on Which is the best mindmapping software? About the survey of tools that produce various map types from text: @tripolinights said @roygrubb Thanks very much, a brilliant link, I've RT it :) About How to make a mind map @onegirlcircus said @roygrubb Thank you so much.

CARTE HEURISTIQUE. Carte-heuristique.