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Mixkit - Royalty Free HD Videos and Illustrations. IanLunn/Hover: A collection of CSS3 powered hover effects to be applied to links, buttons, logos, SVG, featured images and so on. Easily apply to your own elements, modify or just use for inspiration. Available in CSS, Sass, and LESS. 2718 Free Website Templates, CSS Templates and Open Source Templates. The Stocks 2 - Best royalty free stock photos, videos, mockups, icons and fonts. Material Design Color, Flat Colors, Icons, Color Palette. Topcoat. Dossier Archives - Blog Jonas' Resources for Building Beautiful Websites with HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript. Free Frontend. Icones web Unicode. Logos vintage : 15 collections gratuites de templates. Logos Vintage : régulièrement utilisés dans les identités de cafés, restaurants et boutiques online ou offline, les logos rétro ont encore de beaux jours devant eux !

Logos vintage : 15 collections gratuites de templates

Vous trouverez dans cet article 15 collections gratuites de templates de logos vintage. Au total, c’est donc +70 logos individuels que vous pouvez télécharger gratuitement et une infinité de possibilités que vous pouvez créer en combinant et personnalisant ces ressources selon vos préférences. Les templates sont disponibles sur Photoshop ou sur Illustrator. 1.

Logos vintage Kit Vol.6 2. 3. 4. +120 éléments de bureau vectoriels gratuits (Mac, mug, casque, ..) - Blog Des éléments de bureau vectoriels gratuits, au style flat ou réaliste vous permettront de composer en quelques clics des visuels pour accompagner vos titres, affiches, mockups, et autres créations !

+120 éléments de bureau vectoriels gratuits (Mac, mug, casque, ..) - Blog

iMac, iPad, montre, loupe, cutter, gameboy, ciseaux, lunettes, clés, calculatrice, smartphone, tablette graphique, règle, tasse de café (et même de thé !) , bloc-notes, appareil photo, surligneur, stylo, donuts, polaroïd, tampons … Vous pouvez utiliser chacun de ces éléments tel quel, prendre le temps de le modifier ou de découvrir comment il a été créé via Illustrator. 1. Éléments de bureau vectoriels 2. 3. Icons - Material Design. Material Design Icons. Nucleo - 8000+ Vector icons for iOS, Android and web. Free Logo Designs For Your Startup. 5 Best Free Icon Fonts for Your Next Project. Here at CSS Reset, we’re big fans of using icon fonts in place of .pngs or other images in our projects.

5 Best Free Icon Fonts for Your Next Project

You may have noticed that we usually use Font Awesome in our tutorials that require an icon font, but Font Awesome is hardly your only option when it comes to free and easily accessible icon fonts. We Love Font Icons is a site that hosts a number of different free icon fonts. We Love Font Icons works similarly to Google Fonts in that it hosts many different collections of font icon families, and you simply choose the ones you want to work with and the code for those font families will be generated for you.

Check out a list of some of our favorites from their collection below. 1. Entypo is a modern collection of useful pictograms that would be perfect to use in any of your upcoming projects. 2. Fontelico is an interesting (and slightly random) collection of cool emojis and browser logos. Logos vintage : 15 collections gratuites de templates. Les 40 packs d'icônes gratuits incontournables de 2016 - Blog On continue notre bilan de l’année 2016, cette fois en s’intéressant aux packs d’icônes qu’elle a produits !

Les 40 packs d'icônes gratuits incontournables de 2016 - Blog

J’ai rassemblé dans cet article les 40 packs d’icônes gratuits incontournables de l’année. 14 bibliothèques et outils CSS gratuits à utiliser sans hésiter. De nombreuses ressources CSS open source sont disponibles sur le web pour vous aider à gagner du temps et à parfaire vos connaissances sur des spécificités du langage que vous ne maîtrisez peut-être pas encore.

14 bibliothèques et outils CSS gratuits à utiliser sans hésiter

Free simple template free website templates for free download about (96) free website templates. Templates HTML/CSS. Psd. Psd. Download 2482 Free Website Templates - CSS & HTML. 8 free apps for picking a colour scheme. As a visual creative, colour is one of the most important tools at your disposal.

8 free apps for picking a colour scheme

But how do you go about creating the perfect colour scheme for your design? These apps can all help you pick the perfect palette, to make your design sing. And the best news is, they’re all completely free. Check out our guides to colour theory and using colour in branding to help you pick a palette, then give these apps a try. 01. Color Hunter is a browser-based tool that lets you find and make colour palettes created from images.

Alternatively, enter a search term in the box at the top of the page; Color Hunter then searches for matching images and uses them to create a colour palette. 02. ColorExplorer is a free online toolbox for designing and working with colour palettes. 03. Formerly known as Color Scheme Designer, Paletton is a designer tool for creating colour combinations that work together well. 05. 06. 14 bibliothèques et outils CSS gratuits à utiliser sans hésiter. Blog - Icon Utopia. ReadyTheme - Free Bootstrap HTML Templates. HTML5 UP! Responsive HTML5 and CSS3 Site Templates. Squid Ink Professional Web Icons. 50+ Beautiful CSS3 Buttons with Effects & Tutorials - freshDesignweb. Same effect can be used on navigation bars, buttons etc., and these look great in every major browser except Internet Explorer 8 and below as they do not support the gradients and box shadows.

50+ Beautiful CSS3 Buttons with Effects & Tutorials - freshDesignweb

Please take a look at the source code to understand more about them. Enjoying wonderful new CSS3 properties we can create some amazingly elegant and stylish buttons styles without the smell of an image and have perfectly adequate fall back styles for older browsers. You may like to create your buttons directly in CSS, or you may like to head to your layout tool of choice, but it is important to consider how your button design lives in context .

Those css css3 button that I always think about when i design buttons. I’m not going to share ideas on how to use layer effects in Photoshop, but some simple and general principles of design that can go a long away in optimizing the design of your buttons and other interface in general . You may like this post: Beautiful Free Flat Social Media Icons Sets. 2426 Free Website Templates, CSS Templates and Open Source Templates. Iconmonstr - Free simple icons for your next project. 30 Amazing Websites for Free Stock and Design Resources. Retrouvez l'ensemble des ressources de photos gratuites du collectif Team8.