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Python compiler and community Forum. ActiveState provides a wealth of community resources via our developer oriented sites.

Python compiler and community Forum

Here is a list of the primary sites for you to peruse and enhance your code. Community Forums Ask or answer questions, learn new tricks, check out the latest screencasts and product FAQs. Python. Increasingly Trivial Questions « Python Tutorials for Kids 8+ - Minefield. First Hermit Hello, are you a hermit by any chance?

Increasingly Trivial Questions « Python Tutorials for Kids 8+ - Minefield

Second Hermit Yes that’s right. Are you a hermit? First Hermit Yes, I certainly am.Second Hermit Well I never. What are you getting away from? First Hermit Oh you know, the usual – people, chat, gossip, you know.Second Hermit Oh I certainly do – it was the same with me. BeginnersGuide/NonProgrammers. Python for Non-Programmers If you've never programmed before, the tutorials on this page are recommended for you; they don't assume that you have previous experience. If you have programming experience, also check out the BeginnersGuide/Programmers page. Books. HelpContents.