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How Gamification Can Help Boost Engagement at Your Startup (Infographic) Roughly 70 percent of companies trying to make big changes to their operations fail--not because the strategy itself was bad, but because they couldn't engage their employees (or customers) enough to get on board, according to Gartner. Gamification is one tool many businesses use to help solve this problem. The idea is to motivate employees or customers with a little old-fashioned competition--albeit facilitated with new tech tools. Gamification works inside your organization, for example, when workers compete to accomplish company objectives. The concept also applies to customers, such as when Nike introduced Nike+, an app that lets people share their workout stats and compete with each other and bring their performance to a higher level. Check out the infographic below from ClickSoftware to see how companies are using gamification to drive change with both employees and customers.

Infographics. 10 Good Ways to Boost Kids Learning Using Mobile Technology. How Games Help Students Learn and Teachers Teach Infographic. Gamification Infographics How Games Help Students Learn and Teachers Teach Infographic How Games Help Students Learn and Teachers Teach Infographic Traditional classroom structures can leave many students unmotivated and disengaged. Moreover, traditional assessment through homework and exams provides limited information on specific areas where individual students need more help. How Learning Games Can Help Students and Teachers Via: Embed This Education Infographic on your Site or Blog! How Games Affect The Brain Infographic. Gamification Infographics The How Games Affect The Brain Infographic examines the neurology of gaming.

As with most things, “gaming” (or being engaged in video games) has both positives and negatives when it comes to developing minds. Too much gaming, and the positive effects are overshadowed by the negative. Yet, the right balance can add another avenue for pursuing educational goals and achievement. As a result, more and more programs are using gaming to reach and teach students in ways they never could before. Therapy programs, schools, and even research scientists have all benefitted from the strategic use of games to increase success. Via: Embed This Education Infographic on your Site or Blog! What Happens to Our Brain When Learning Occurs Infographic. Other Infographics Learning takes place mainly at synapses, the junctions between neurons.

The What Happens to Our Brain When Learning Occurs Infographic presents how the involved synapses change when we learn something new. Once the information is stored, the more we recall what we’ve learned, the more simultaneous the process becomes. This same reaction occurs when learning any new information, including a new skill. What’s even more amazing, is that as we learn, our brain actually grows! While the brain may be incredible, it is also sensitive. Via: Embed This Education Infographic on your Site or Blog! 20 Pinterest Boards For Education Technology Enthusiasts. About ETR Community EdTechReview (ETR) is a community of and for everyone involved in education technology to connect and collaborate both online and offline to discover, learn, utilize and share about the best ways technology can improve learning, teaching, and leading in the 21st century.

EdTechReview spreads awareness on education technology and its role in 21st century education through best research and practices of using technology in education, and by facilitating events, training, professional development, and consultation in its adoption and implementation. EdTech Isn't Optional, It's Essential. About ETR Community EdTechReview (ETR) is a community of and for everyone involved in education technology to connect and collaborate both online and offline to discover, learn, utilize and share about the best ways technology can improve learning, teaching, and leading in the 21st century. EdTechReview spreads awareness on education technology and its role in 21st century education through best research and practices of using technology in education, and by facilitating events, training, professional development, and consultation in its adoption and implementation.

Online Learning Landscape in Higher Education 2016 Infographic. About ETR Community EdTechReview (ETR) is a community of and for everyone involved in education technology to connect and collaborate both online and offline to discover, learn, utilize and share about the best ways technology can improve learning, teaching, and leading in the 21st century. EdTechReview spreads awareness on education technology and its role in 21st century education through best research and practices of using technology in education, and by facilitating events, training, professional development, and consultation in its adoption and implementation. A Beautiful Timeline on The History of Education. March 18, 2015 The technology of writing is one of the most momentous inventions in the human history. With writing comes literacy and the raise of modern sciences.

Compared to orality, writing is a very recent development in the human history. According to Walter Ong (author of Orality and Literacy), Homo Sapiens have been around between 50 or 60.000 years ago and the first script was invented only 6000 years ago. Of course, people have been carving shapes on stones, creating notches on sticks and making markings on rocks for many millennia but these are only semiotic markings that can not be considered writing(always according to Ong and several other literacy scholars including Havelock, Scribble and many others).

Writing in the sense of script or coded system was invented by Semitic people around 6000 years ago. Courtesy of eLearning Infographics. A Beautiful Visual On The Impact of Technology on Today's Classrooms. April 28, 2015 We just came across this beautiful visual on the impact of technology on classroom learning and teaching and wanted to pass along some important stats that stood out to us.

Technology is radically transforming the education landscape and the stats below speak volumes to this transformation: In a 2009 report released by the National Centre for Education Statistics with the Department of Education:74% of Pre-K to 12th grade teachers said that technology has helped them reinforce and expand content and has also motivated students to learn. 73% of these teachers also reported that technology enables them to respond to a variety of learning styles and allows them to demonstrate things that could not demonstrated otherwise.

Impact of technology on student writing: A larger majority of teachers attest to the positive influence of web technologies on students writing. For instance, 96% view that technology helped students share their work with a wider and more varied audience. What skills will you need to succeed in the future? Top 10 skills for the successful 21st-century worker Leadership Take a cross-disciplinary approach to project team- work. And following in order to prepare for your career. Many businesses are adopting a participative management style, which involves employees in decision making. George DeMetropolis University of Phoenix faculty member and leadership consultant Critical thinking Take coursework that offers an opportunity to engage in self-directed, project-based and applied learning. Communication Learn in an environment that requires participation in many modes of communication.

Students hold themselves accountable and have the opportunity to hold others accountable for the good of the team. Irene Blundell University of Phoenix faculty member Productivity and accountability Select a school that provides a code of conduct in learning situations to build accountability and productivity. Collaboration Choose courses that are collaborative and measure success by team results. Adaptability Take advantage of flexible course schedules and. Rise of Coding: Why We Should All Learn a Little Code. Enthusiasm for learning programming languages is on the rise. And coding is no longer the domain of self-taught savants or formal C.S. students. Students of all ages and disciplines are recognizing the benefits of being more code fluent. Plenty of free, in-browser online tutorials have risen to meet this need. One site, Codecademy, had over 1 million users pledge 2012 as their “code year” and sign up for their free tutorials on Java, HTML and CSS for beginners.

This is a great sign for the future of work in the U.S. Coding familiarity is becoming more of an asset across all industries. Embed the image below on your site and Include Attribution to <b>Please Include Attribution to With This Graphic</b></br><a href=" src=" alt="Programming Infographic" width="500" border="0" /></a><br /> This Is Why Students Need to Learn Coding. January, 2015 Coding is becoming one of the essential literacies in the 21st century education. There is a growing demand now for teaching students how to code. In his wonderful TED talk titled "Let's teach kids to code", Scientist Mitch Resnick made this beautiful analogy : When kids learn to code , it enables them to learn many other things, opens up many new opportunities for learning.

It's useful to make an analogy to reading and writing, when you learn to read and write it opens up opportunities for you to learn so many other things, when you learn to read you can then read to learn, which is the same thing with coding, if you learn to code you can code to learn. To further highlight the importance of teaching kids coding skills, I am sharing with you this beautiful visual titled" Rise of Coding". The visual features some interesting facts and information on why coding is essential in our digital era. Source: Online College. Blended Learning to Address the Five Moments of Need Infographic. Blended Learning Infograpics Blended Learning to Address the Five Moments of Need Infographic Blended Learning to Address the Five Moments of Need Infographic The Five Moments of Need Model is a practical and useful approach that can be used to fill in the ‘learning’ gaps by analyzing the typical role of employees.

Instead of focusing only on what the organization wants in terms of learning, it focuses on the specific needs of employees as they go about their work and addresses those needs by providing the requisite training. It is this very shift in perspective that makes it such an insightful and pragmatic model for delivering training. The Five Moments of Need Introduced by Bob Mosher & Conrad Gottfredson, the 5 moments of need are: Learning for the first time (New)Learning More (More)Applying what you’ve learned (Apply)When things go wrong (Problem Solving)When things change (Change) Using Blended Learning to Address the Five Moments of Need Via:

Flipped Learning: The Big Picture Infographic. Blended Learning Infograpics Flipped Learning: The Big Picture Infographic Flipped Learning: The Big Picture Infographic As we progress rapidly into the middle of the second decade of the 21st century, questions continue to be raised about how education addresses the ever increasing demands for change, integrating emerging technologies, and maximising the possibilities for every student.

Teachers are searching for ways to focus on engaging students in authentic, complex and powerful problem solving experiences for learning, unpacking content and demonstrating understanding and knowledge. The day is a finite resource, and class times are small segments of that day, so there are limitations on how much more can be accomplished in that specified time. Flipped Learning shifts the classroom from passive to active learning, focusing on higher order thinking skills such as evaluating, analysing, and creating to engage students in learning. Flipped Learning Enables: Flipped Learning with Homework: How Flipped Classrooms Change from Schools to Colleges Infographic. Blended Learning Infograpics How Flipped Classrooms Change from Schools to Colleges Infographic How Flipped Classrooms Change from Schools to Colleges Flipped classrooms are changing the way education is being imparted all across the US.

The flipped classroom describes a reversal of traditional teaching where students gain first exposure to new material outside of class, usually via reading or lecture videos, and then class time is used to do the harder work of assimilating that knowledge through strategies such as problem-solving, discussion or debates. Read also: The Flipped Classroom Guide for Teachers Via: Embed This Education Infographic on your Site or Blog! Secrets of Successful and Effective Studying Infographic. Back-to-College Food Ordering Habits Infographic. Get to Know Game-based Learning Infographic. Benefits of Integrating eLearning Solutions with Your Business Infographic. A Look Back: Giving Teachers the Opportunity to Say “Yes” to Ed Tech. Infographic: How Game-based Learning Can Support Strong Mathematical Practices. STEM Education: Does America Have the Right Stuff? [INFOGRAPHIC] #edtech. Blended Learning | Knewton.