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Infographics - Social Networks

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A Teacher’s Guide to Social Media. Pinterest. [Infographie] Retour en photos sur l’aventure Instagram. L’agence a profité du récent rachat d’Instagram par Facebook pour 1 milliard de dollars, pour publier une infographie retraçant les principales étapes de la jeune pousse. S’appuyant sur les clichés vintages à l’origine du succès de l’application mobile, l’infographie met en avant quelques chiffres clefs sur lesquels la start-up a déjà largement communiqué. n’oublie pas, cependant, de mêler à ces statistiques quelques anecdotes. On apprend ainsi qu’avant de séduire plus de 30M de mobinautes sous le nom d’Instagram, le projet imaginé par Kévin Systrom et Mike Krieger s’appelait Burbn. Quelques dates clefs : Mobile Games May Be Taking Off, But How Are Their Creators Going To Make Money? [Infographic] Mobile gaming is big and getting bigger. You’ve heard it once, you’ve heard it one thousand times. Japan’s mobile, social gaming giants are killing it; Android and iOS games now generate more revenue than all of Nintendo and Sony’s portable games combined; and games are the most popular mobile app category in the U.S. What’s more, according to the New York Times, quoting Gartner, game-related spending is on pace to reach $112 billion by 2015 (it’s expected exceed $74 billion this year, up from $67 billion in 2010), and mobile gaming is expected to increase to a 20 percent share of gaming platforms by 2015. Mobile is expected to hold the largest growth of all platforms over that time.

Hooray!? Thanks to a nifty infographic from Mixpanel, the realtime analytics service, most of the future revenue from mobile gaming will come on the back of mobile ads and in-app payments. Excerpt image from

Social Networks - MISC

Social Networks - Use. Infographics - Facebook. Zynga. Twitter - Infographics. Infographics -LinkedIn. Infographics - Foursquare. Social Networks - Overview. Video (Vimeo, YT...)- Infographics. Daily Deals business : LivingSocial, Groupon, Google & FB : the infographic. Every entrepreneur and his dog is offering a daily deals service these days.

Daily Deals business : LivingSocial, Groupon, Google & FB : the infographic

From Groupon's slightly more original voucher system to Facebook's newly launched Deals platform, deals have taken precedence in the web startup landscape. Courtesy of Online MBA, here's a cheat sheet for how four of the most popular daily deals sites and services — LivingSocial, Groupon, Facebook Deals and Google Offers — work, including how much money these companies are making and how many users each one might have. Facebook Deals and Google Offers are the two newer competitors in this already crowded field. While these programs come from two of the biggest names and the most powerful companies in the Internet's ecosystem, we don't yet have enough data on these specific features to really judge how well they'll perform in the real world, where Groupon and its pure-play ilk are already fairly well established.

Click to see larger image and embed code. Imfographic courtesy of Want People to Return Your Emails? Avoid These Words [INFOGRAPHIC] Next time you write an email subject line, think twice about the words you're using.

Want People to Return Your Emails? Avoid These Words [INFOGRAPHIC]

Loading your message with words such as "confirm," "join," "press," or "invite" is not a good idea if you want a response, says data from Baydin, the makers of email plugin Boomerang. Baydin recently extracted data from five million emails its users handled — either using the company's "email game" or scheduled for later via Boomerang. It found that some subject-line words, such as "apply" and "opportunity," got more responses than words from the aforementioned list. Its data also suggests the best time to send emails is before work. Users who scheduled messages to read later, using Boomerang, most often wanted to deal with them around 6 a.m. Already sending emails packed with "opportunity" at 6 a.m. and not getting a response? Baydin's average email game player deleted about half of the 147 messages he or she received each day. Images courtesy of iStockphoto, chezzzers.