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YouTube's Built-In Video Editor Gets Easier. YouTube first introduced its editing tool for YouTube video around this time last year, and now editing videos on YouTube is even easier. Thursday, the company rolled out an updated and simplified interface for editing clips. The editor now has a quick-view for all of the available filters, and as you’re editing your video you can check out a real-time interactive preview of any enhancements you’ve made. YouTube's video editor offers many of the same features you might find in traditional editors such as the ability to add a soundtrack or transitions between clips. Unlike most other editors, however, you are still limited to just one video track rather than several — and you are unable to control how long transitions last between clips. Until your video reaches 10,000 views, you can revert back to the original unedited version at any time.

The updated YouTube video editor is gradually rolling out to all YouTube users. Man Interviews His 12-Year Old Self. What would it be like if you could go back in time and talk to a younger version of yourself? Filmmaker and actor Jeremiah McDonald got to experience that process — in a way — thanks to a video tape he made for his future self back in 1992. Twenty years later, McDonald cut together an interview combining footage of himself in 1992 (at age 12) and in 2012 (age 32). The result is funny, poignant and ingenious in its presentation — which cuts present-day McDonald against his improvised 12-year old self two decades ago. As precocious as the younger version is, he also has one or two things to teach the older McDonald. And at least they still share a love of British sci-fi hit, Doctor Who — though the younger McDonald has no idea how cool the rebooted version is going to be (and doesn't get his elder version's reference to the episode "Blink," which features a very similar kind of time-traveling video conversation.)

This 25-year-old adventurer can win a trip to space. Lauren Furgason Seattle’s Lauren Furgason, a 25-year-old brand strategist at design firm Hornall Anderson, is one of five finalists who will compete next month in a competition to win a trip into space. Hosted by the Space Needle as part of its 50 year anniversary celebration, the final competition will include an Amazing Race-style activity to see who will earn the honor of a sub-orbital ride with Space Adventures, Ltd. More than 50,000 people applied, with more than 80 videos submitted via Facebook. Astronaut Buzz Aldrin will be on hand May 9th to help crown the winner from the field, which includes a law student; a teacher; a synchronized swimmer from Texas and an officer in the Air Force; Furgason — a UW grad and the only Seattleite in the race — is hoping that a little bit of luck is on her side.

After all, she was born on April 22, a day after the anniversary of the World’s Fair in 1962. “Space is something that has fascinated mankind for thousands of years,” says Furgason. Bully documentary trailer. Best Pictures for Men - Oscar Winning Movies Men Would Like. A Short Documentary of Doctors Replacing a Dying Man's Heart - medGadget - Health. The Q&A: Drake Doremus: Film-making without a script. Why Microsoft will beat Apple’s iTV in the living room. Should social scientists stop reading the news? A long time ago, in graduate school, my television was stolen and it changed my life.

I now had lots of free time. I never understood on a gut level what I was missing until my tv was gone. There was a whole world beyond my living room low rent studio apartment. Jacob Levy once told me during a party, “Fabio, if you don’t watch tv, you had better be very well read.” I learned a second lesson. Later, I realized that the issue wasn’t drama or comedy. You don’t need to be a die hard Chomskian who believes that the media is a mere tool of corporate and state interests, although that does happen to fair degree. Example 1: Local television news is driven by “if it bleeds, it leads.” Example 2: Election coverage is highly misleading.

Example 3: Let’s stick one of my research areas – higher education. The news is rife with stories that are at best misleading and at worst factually incorrect. Adverts: From Black Power/Grad Skool Rulz Like this: Like Loading... Will Robert Kyncl and YouTube Revolutionize Television? On a rainy night in late November, Robert Kyncl was in Google’s New York City offices, on Ninth Avenue, whiteboarding the future of TV.

Kyncl holds a senior position at YouTube, which Google owns. He is the architect of the single largest cultural transformation in YouTube’s seven-year history. Wielding a black Magic Marker, he charted the big bang of channel expansion and audience fragmentation that has propelled television history so far, from the age of the three networks, each with a mass audience, to the hundreds of cable channels, each serving a niche audience—twenty-four-hour news, food, sports, weather, music—and on to the dawning age of Internet video, bringing channels by the tens of thousands. “People went from broad to narrow,” he said, “and we think they will continue to go that way—spend more and more time in the niches—because now the distribution landscape allows for more narrowness.”

People prefer niches because “the experience is more immersive,” Kyncl went on. The future of film: Difference engine: Going to the movies again? Why Apple Is Winning the Mobile Video Format War ... For Now. Jeroen Wijering is the creator of the incredibly successful JW Player, which has generated millions of downloads since its release in 2005. In 2007 he co-founded LongTail Video, focusing on a full-fledged online video platform that includes encoding, delivery, syndication and advertising. The mobile video space has begun to consolidate.

In early November, Adobe announced it would stop developing its Flash Player for mobile devices (read: Android). Going forward, HTML5 will be the only method to play back video on mobile phones and tablets. This is a big win for Apple, the company to most strongly oppose Flash over the last few years. The company has also taken the lead in video streaming. Playback and Encoding According to Adobe, Android 4 (Ice Cream Sandwich) will be the last mobile platform to use a Flash plugin. Until WebM hardware decoding is supported by a decent slice of mobile devices, video publishers will continue to focus on H.264. What Is HLS? Why Use HLS? The Apple Standard. Disney and YouTube Sign Video Partnership. Disney and YouTube are set to announce a content partnership worth $10 million to $15 million, The New York Times reports. Under the terms of the agreement, YouTube will invest millions of dollars on an original video series produced by Disney and distributed exclusively through a new co-branded channel on both YouTube and, according to the Times.

Disney has had a couple of bad quarters, and it's hoping to re-capture its audience through new distribution channels. It wants, as co-president of Disney Interactive James Pitaro told the Times, to "go where (its) audience is.” The deal also makes sense for YouTube, which is always on the lookout for more original, quality content and strong brand partners. However, Robert Kyncl, YouTube’s global head for content partnerships, emphasized that YouTube will be a neutral distributor and is not planning to go into the production business. Image courtesy of Flickr, Rego – How Yahoo’s IntoNow "Listens" And Revolutionizes The Way We Watch TV. When Yahoo bought IntoNow earlier this year (for a reported $20 million), some people wondered what Yahoo wanted with a TV "check-in" app.

Now we know: Today the IntoNow team is releasing a fully featured "second screen" iPad app that listens for audio signatures from news, sports, or other TV programs as they're being broadcast, matches them up with a database, and then serves viewers supplementary content on their tablets. It's one of Yahoo’s most innovative offerings of late, and, as such, is the first substantive indicator that the company that has languished in the doldrums for the last few years might actually one day deliver on its promise to become "the premier digital media company. " As with the original IntoNow smartphone app, the new tablet app is able to recognize what TV show you're watching through an audio fingerprint that it matches to its database. The tablet app, however, jumps far ahead. "What we’re looking at is: How do you take it to the next level? " Cahan says. Cloud video editor WeVideo unleashes premium, commercial offerings.

Cloud video editing startup WeVideo has announced it will launch its premium and commercial packages on Thursday, which add in HD video editing and more storage. WeVideo was one of the most talked-about companies of the conference, even winning the DEMOGod award. The service is centered around is letting users access a powerful Flash-based video editing application accessible from any browser on a PC or Mac. Up to until now, the service has only offered a free and limited video editor, but that will change with its new paid tools. WeVideo’s new premium plans are targeted at journalists, marketers and others that need on-the-go editing tools and don’t want to pay high-dollar figures for locally stored video editing software. The biggest features the top two plans offer more storage, 50 invites to each project, and the ability to edit 720p high-definition video.

WeVideo also recently announced integration with YouTube, a move that gives YouTube users much better editing tools. The Coming Ubiquity of Video Communications. Over the past decades, the promise of video as a standard form of communication has been presented to us through many mediums, from Star Trek to The Jetsons and even through my old Avengers comic books over 30 years ago. While corporations utilize video conferencing technology at a rapid rate, it hasn't yet penetrated the daily habits of people across the globe but it will. The core technology has been there for decades, but not the bandwidth and compression technology along with the hardware to make it an everyday utility.

With the growth of Skype's video chat, Google's GTalk, Apple's Facetime and other services, combined with the proliferation of smartphones and tablets, video will become the standard form of communications versus SMS, voice only and even email in some situations within a few years. Drilling down further, here are a few trends that I see. Video Will Replace SMS Communications The days of text-based communications as a primary tool are reaching an end. Photo by jacopoL. The Future of Television - Ideas Market. By Rob Levine Everett Collection AMC’s “Mad Men” is one of several cable television shows that have won critical acclaim. Television isn’t what it used to be. In 1961, in a famous speech to the National Association of Broadcasters, FCC chairman Newton Minow called the medium a “vast wasteland.”

What happened? For one thing, money. In the digital world, television will be revolutionized once again. As networks adapt to the Internet by deciding which shows to offer for free online, Internet users accustomed to free content, and the rhetoric that promotes it, have protested that shows should be supported with advertising alone. Alas, the glory days of Madison Avenue that “Mad Men” celebrates are long gone: At a cost of more than $2 million an episode, the show couldn’t survive on advertising alone. The future of television will inevitably follow the money. One obvious solution would be to sell individual shows or episodes on iTunes, like movies or albums.