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Do You Prefer Reading Print Books or E-Books to Your Children? How My Book Became A (Self-Published) Best Seller. 5 Things to Consider Before Self-Publishing Your Book. Each platform offers different services and a variety of pricing options, so you should check out each site to see which matches your budget and tastes. 2. Additional Expenses In addition to each platform's base costs (if applicable), you'll need to prepare yourself for other expenses. For example, it's recommended (and necessary, if you're interested in distribution) that you buy your own International Standard Book Number (ISBN), the unique numeric code that acts as an identifier for your book.

Want help with editing, design, marketing and other services to get your book in tip-top shape? 3. You'll need to figure out what your ideal distribution channel is, which essentially means how you want your book to be distributed and where. CreateSpace calls it "expanded distribution," and Lulu calls it "globalREACH distribution. " 4. Marketing your book is closely tied to distribution. 5. Check to see what your platform's commission is. Images courtesy of iStockphoto, boboling, theasis. Should College Students Be Forced To Buy E-Books? Publishers Hustle to Make E-Books More Immersive | Underwire. It was bound to happen.

The record industry was forced to adapt when iTunes came along. Reluctant film studios made the jump to Netflix and other streaming services. And now, with tablets selling at mind-boggling rates, book publishers are scrambling to figure out how to bring their ancient medium into the digital realm. All the usual fears about moving into the 21st century spook the book companies, just as they did when younger industries made the leap. “The conversation a year ago was, ‘Oh my god you’re going to kill my book sales’ and ‘You can’t release e-books simultaneously’ and ‘Don’t do an app, no one will buy my book if the app is $2.99!’”

“The comfort zone is increasing. Now book publishers know they must evolve: 21 percent of Americans say they’ve read an e-book, according to a Pew Internet study released last week, and the Association of American Publishers says 114 million e-books were sold in 2010 (the most recent year for which numbers are available). Are Enhanced E-Book Apps Worth It? New atlas app invites children to take the world for a spin. The Barefoot World Atlas app launched this weekend, inviting children everywhere to take the world for a spin (provided they have access to an iPad, that is). The result of a collaboration between Barefoot Books and app maker Touch Press, the interactive atlas has been specially designed to take full advantage of the new iPad‘s high-resolution Retina display.

As with Google Earth, the Barefoot globe can also be spun with a simple swipe, allowing children to go on journeys to far flung places. Illustrator David Dean designed the colorful atlas, adding lots of 3D images and animations in the process. “We’ve created a magical globe that children are invited to explore,” said BBC TV presenter and geographer Nick Crane, who provides audio narration for the app. He continues, “You can use the pinch zoom gesture to fly down to the surface. Here you’ll find hundreds of icons created by David, each one representing a fascinating feature in our world.” Apple iBooks Author App Lets You Make Your Own Books, Free. How iBooks Author Stacks Up to the Competition [CHART]

With the announcement of iBooks Author last week, the world of self-publishing seemed to open up a little wider, especially for authors looking for an easy way to format and distribute their own content. At the same time, people raised concerns about the content restrictions of the iBooks Author tool. According to the contract in iBooks Author, books that writers charge for through the iBooks 2 store are subject to fees, which isn't new — iTunes does the same thing with apps in the App Store. But the contract also stipulates books created with the Author tool may only be sold in the iBooks 2 store, and nowhere else. While some writers may deem the Apple iBooks store an adequate revenue stream, others may not welcome the regulations. Still, self-publishing holds potential for many authors, especially now that 29% of U.S. adults own some kind of tablet or ereader.

Are you an ebook publisher using something that didn't make the list? Enhanced e-books: Truly moving literature.