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Cyanotype experiments. TOSHIO SAEKI » 111 Minna Gallery. Cunning Folk : Tom Edwards. Klara Persson. 20.03.12 by Jeff Works by Klara Persson. Niv Bavarsky. 20.03.12 by Jeff Works by Niv Bavarsky. COLLECTION-Mozilla Firefox. Misaki Kawai. Ward shelley - Recherche Google-Mozilla Firefox. ▒Lee Firefox. Amélie fontaine/blog-Mozilla Firefox. Jim Stoten - Jim the Illustrator-Mozilla Firefox. **** Albert Foolmoon - Dessins ****-Mozilla Firefox. Romina pelagatti (romina pelagatti) sur Myspace-Mozilla Firefox. Document sans nom. Anouk Ricard. Squint Eyes: Artist and Indian Scout. Frontispiece. The introductory paragraph pasted into the book was probably typed by Colonel Bliss on his personal typewriter. A portion of his five volume memoirs was reportedly typed while he was posted to Fort Supply living in the extant Commanding Officer's Quarters. Major John Dunlop, to whom the drawings were sent, has not yet been found in official military records.

He was probably an old friend of Bliss's, perhaps from the Civil War, who visited him at Fort Supply. Captain Gilmore and White Man find antelope. Bob checks on a deer. Squint Eye gets a bear. White Man and an officer after turkey. Orange and Osage meet over a deer. PHOTOS FROM THE TOSHIO SAEKI EXHIBIT. As I blogged earlier this month, San Francisco is playing host to a rare exhibit of the works of famed erotic artist, Toshio Saeki!

My girlfriend and I were running errands on Saturday nearby 111 Minna Gallery, and decided to stop by and check it out! The show took advantage of the large space (where previous magazine release parties, Last Gasp shows, etc have been hosted), and featured a mixture of Saeki's original inked B&W drawings, his color guides for the printmaker he works with, and a number of lush chinto prints in various sizes. For folks in the area, you have until November 27 to see the exhibit, and I strongly encourage any fans of the perverted and elegant to stop by! Without further ado, here are my photos and notes from the exhibit! Mood lighting... we were the only folks during a rainstorm and got to check the entire exhibit out in peace.

Color prints lined both rooms of the exhibit, in Saeki's signature style. Ghost grandma does not approve. The other room of the exhibit. SAME HAT! Rachel bloch - illustrations. As incríveis. Jon Contino, Alphastructaesthetitologist. Rachel et Rosco, Jacques Floret tous les livres à la Fnac. Rachel & Rosco est un ensemble de 77 dessins réalisés au stylo à bille quatre couleurs.

Chaque dessin est reproduit sur une page entière et représente inlassablement le même sujet : une femme (ou une fi lle) et son chien. Ces dessins, autour desquels rien d’autre ne surgit – ni légendes, ni textes – sont la reproduction, plus ou moins fi dèle, de photos existantes sélectionnées par l’artiste. Jacques Floret utilise ici le Bic quatre couleurs, objet usuel et familier.

Par cette « transcription » répétée de ces scènes du quotidien, il fait du couple Rachel & Rosco des fi gures amies, des images sorties tout droit d’un album photo intime qui pourrait être le nôtre, rassemblant les lecteurs autour d’une mémoire commune. Car Rachel & Rosco ne sont pas dotés d’une identité propre. Au gré des dessins, différentes femmes investissent le nom de Rachel, comme différentes races de chiens évoluent sous celui de Rosco. Isabelle boinot dessins. Recherches visuelles. Illustrateurs. LeWUB - dérivations dans les obliques. Le Tampographe Sardon. Patrick Lombe - L'AUBERGE FLOUE. WOUTER VANHAELEMEESCH. Intergalactico. Patricia Thoma. P1. It's A Beautiful Day. Typographic Maps - Axis Maps LLC - Cartography. Visualization. Design. CINDERS | Gallery in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, NY. {{ kyledraws }} DIYzines - European Drawing zines.