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Facebook Twitter Sweave. The data analysis is performed at the moment of writing the report, or more exactly, at the moment of compiling the Sweave code with Sweave (i.e., essentially with R) and subsequently with LaTeX.


This can facilitate the creation of up-to-date reports for the author. Because the Sweave files together with any external R files that might be sourced from them and the data files contain all the information necessary to trace back all steps of the data analyses, Sweave also has the potential to make research more transparent and reproducible to others.[2] However, this is only the case to the extent that the author makes the data and the R and Sweave code available.

LMU - Prof. Friedrich Leisch. Getting Started with Sweave: R, LaTeX, Eclipse, StatET, & TeXlipse. Being able to press a single button that runs all your statistical analyses and integrates the output into your final report is a beautiful thing.

Getting Started with Sweave: R, LaTeX, Eclipse, StatET, & TeXlipse

If you have not already heard, this is what Sweave can do for you. However, getting your computer to run Sweave can be a little bit fiddly. Thus, this post: (1) sets out the benefits of Sweave; (2) sets out how to install and configure R, Sweave, and Eclipse on Windows; (3) lists resources for people wanting to learn more about how to use LaTeX and Sweave; and (4) lists some specific resources relevant to researchers in psychology wanting to use these tools.

What is Sweave?