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Human Rights Film

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Curating the Moving Image | The P&P Blog. Mothers of IRAN - Curating the Moving Image. Cinephilia. Memory, écriture of-with archival footage. We piece together a memory that is recollected only after encountering a fragment that reminds us of it in the external world. (Katherine Elkins) Memory, écriture of-with the archival footage is the pilot episode of the workshop Écriture with the archival footage. Four international professional and amateur filmmakers have been individually subjected to archival amateur and documentary films they had never seen before and asked to remember-imagine the youth of their parents. How much of their imagination based on oral history and of their parents’ authentic past define these remixed works?

Or are the images, eager to enter the realm of the present, pushing and writing the creators’ imaginations and memories? Where do individual and collective memory cross? The processes of reconstruction of memory has been made possible thanks to the digital on line film archives. Program: Il Sogno (The dream), Story/Editing by Francesca Morselli, 2.10 min, 2011. Documentation: Human Rights Film Network.

HRFN Members. Movies that Matter Festival 2011. Filmhuis Den Haag. Budrus. The Devil Operation. Nero's Guests. Russian Lessons. A Small Act. Het Nutshuis voor lokale kunst en maatschappij. Granito. Justice for Sergei. Son Of Babylon. Iraq: War, Love, God & Madness | Human Film. Contact - Movies that Matter Film Festival. Flickr - Movies that Matter. Movies that Matter (MoviesMatter) Movies that Matter. Todos Tus Muertos. Blood in the Mobile. The Children of Diyarbakir (Min-Dit) - The Match Factory.

Ten-year-old Gulistan and her younger brother Firat live happily with their parents in Diyarbakir, the heart of Turkish Kurdistan. Tragedy strikes when their mother and father, a political journalist, are shot down by paramilitary gunmen before their very eyes on a deserted road one night. Traumatized and orphaned, Gulistan, Firat and their infant sister remain at home in the care of their young Aunt Yekbun. She is trying to arrange passage and flights for her and the children to settle in Sweden. Before she is able to complete the process, politically active Yekbun disappears without a trace. Gulistan and Firat patiently await the return of their Aunt Yekbun. Miraz was born in 1971 in Ankara, Turkey. 2009 »The Children of Diyarbakir« (Min Dît)2001 »Fair Game« (Freiwild) (Short)1998 »Duri« (Fern / Far Away) (Short)1996 »Berivan« (Short)1994 »The Needle« (Die Nadel) (Short) Kim Longinotto @ Women Make Movies. Kim Longinotto Kim Longinotto (born 1952) is a British documentary filmmaker, well known for making films that highlight the plight of female victims of oppression or discrimination.

Longinotto studied camera and directing at the National Film and Television School in Beaconsfield, England, where she now tutors occasionally. Longinotto was born to an Italian father and a Welsh mother; her father was a photographer who later went bankrupt. At the age of 10 she was sent to a draconian all-girls boarding school, where she found it hard to make friends due to the mistress forbidding anyone to talk to her for a term after she became lost during a school trip.

After a period of homelessness, Longinotto went on to Essex University to study English and European literature and later followed friend and future filmmaker, Nick Broomfield to the National Film and Television School. Longinotto is an observational filmmaker. Festival Party 2011. 2011. 인권운동사랑방. 올해 20주년을 맞아 인권운동사랑방이 어떻게 하면 새로운 세상을 만들 수 있을지 머리를 맞대 작은 책자를 만듭니다. 이름하야 세상을 뒤집고픈 "조직책! " 이 책을 만들기 위해 여러분의 후원을 받고 있습니다. 아직 안 했다면 얼른얼른~ 인권운동사랑방 20년, 그 위에서 다시 시작하는 인권운동을 위해 응원메시지를 부탁드립니다. (20주년 자료집에도 함께 넣고자 하니 9월 13일(금)까지 부탁드려요~) 국정원 공안탄압 사건에 대한 인권운동사랑방 입장 북을 비난하는 주장이나, 이성적으로 비판하는 주장이나, 지지·동조하는 주장이나 그것이 모두 발화되는 순간부터 발화 의도와는 무관하게 맥락과 의미가 곡해되면서 편향적인 분단체제의 담론 구조에 잠식되어 버리고 만다. 인권운동사랑방 20년 그리고 내일을 나누고 싶습니다 회동(會動), 모여서 새로운 움직임을 시작하는 행동. 대법원 판결 취지마저 무시하고 브래지어 탈의를 지속하는 경찰청을 규탄한다 지난 5월 대법원은 유치장 수용 과정에서 경찰이 강제한 브래지어 탈의 조치의 불법성을 인정했다. 8/27 오후2~6시/환경재단 레이첼 카슨홀 ‘종북담론’을 둘러싼 지배권력의 통치성을 살펴보고, 사회운동이 어떻게 대응할지에 관한 고민들을 함께 나누고자 한다. 8월 6일(화) 저녁 7시 반, 대한문 앞에서 만나요 평등예감 _ '을'의 이어말하기 사회가 말하는 대로 듣지 않고, 사회가 들으려는 대로 말하지 않기 사회가 배제하는 목소리들에 귀 기울이고 자신의 이야기를 건네기 이렇게 이야기를 이어가면서 서로를 연결하며 내딛는 연대의 걸음 에 초대합니다.

노동, 차별금지법을 말하다. 차별금지법과 노동 토론회 노동, 차별금지법을 말하다. 혐오에 대한 규제와 표현의 자유 사회적 소수자에 대한 혐오가 가시화되면서 언론 광고나 온라인을 통해 소수자 혐오담론이 확대되고 있습니다. Human Rights Nights. VERZIO8 INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RIGHTS DOCUMENTARY FILM FESTIVAL. Film Festival One World 2011. The 14th edition of the One World International Human Rights Documentary Film Festival will take place March 6 - 15, 2012 in Prague, Czech Republic.

You can submit your film by filling in the on-line Entry Form and sending us a preview DVD ... Auctioned items to support children from an orphanage in Congo Tuesday's auction of items donated by famous personalities, which was part of the ceremonial opening of the 12th year of the documentary film festival with human rights topics One World in Brno, resulted in a huge success.

All 14 items were sold for ... The Winner of NonComm: Children See, Children Do In the newly revived NonComm - Public Service Announcements category, 25 short videos competed for audience votes as part of a special presentation of these videos on the website of Czech public television. New Media for Social Change: Winner is Help Map - Russian Fires Project Watch Films and Vote for Best NonComm Spots on Czech Television Once Again Human Rights Award Goes to Jailed Activist. Festival de film Cine Droit Libre. FFDPM. Festival de film Ciné Droit Libre. Human Rights Arts & Film Festival > Home. Movies that Matter Foundation. Addis International Film Festival. Perspektive Filmfestival der Menschenrechte  -  Startseite. FIFDH - Festival du Film et Forum International sur les Droits Humains - (2010) 9th edition of the festival : 8 to 15 march 2011. The 14th edition of the Paris International Human Rights Film Festival will be held during spring 2016 in Paris and Ile-de-France.

You can now submit your documentary, fiction and animation films! 3 easy steps: 1. Read and accept the Festival’s rules and regulations (download here) 2. 3. Alliance Ciné chez Imagéo 7 impasse de Mont-Louis 75011 Paris Information about the submission: · The film must have been produced after January 1, 2014. · The submission deadline is September 30th 2015. · The submission is free of charge. · The Festival screens principally documentary films. . · Feature films must last a minimum of 52 minutes. . · Short films must last a maximum of 20 minutes. · For the selection process, the film will be watched in French, French subtitled, English or English subtitled version only. · A notification of selection will be sent to the participant in the course of November 2015. Thank you in advance for your participation! Download the call for entries in PDF format here. :::Festival de Cine de los DD.HH Bolivia::: Tri Continental Film Festival. IFF | Human Rights Watch.

Vermont International Film Festival. Persistence Resistance. Giza Eskubideen IX. Zinemaldia / IX Festival de Cine y Derechos Humanos / 9th Human Rights Film Festival. Antolatzaileak / Organizadores / Organizers Babesleak / Patrocinadores / Sponsors Parte-hartzaileak / Participantes / Participants Laguntzaileak / Colaboradores / Collaborators © 2010 Giza Eskubideen Zinemaldia / Festival de Cine y Derechos Humanos / Human Rights Film Festival. Refugee Film Festival 難民映画祭. 10th International Film Festival WATCH DOCS. Human Rights in Film. Zapraszamy do zgłaszania filmów na 14. WATCH DOCS Serdecznie zapraszamy do zgłaszania filmów na 14. Międzynarodowy Festiwal Filmowy WATCH DOCS. Prawa Człowieka w Filmie, Warszawa 5 – 14 grudnia 2014 r. Termin zgłaszania filmów upływa 4 sierpnia 2014. 12. Objazdowy Festiwal Filmowy WATCH DOCS rusza już 6. marca. Pierwszym miastem na liście tegorocznego festiwalu będzie Lublin.

WATCH DOCS dziękuje tłumaczom festiwalowych filmów Od kilku lat współpracujemy ze studentami Uniwersytetu Marii Curie -Skłodowskiej w Lublinie, którzy przygotowują tłumaczenia festiwalowych filmów. Nagroda Publiczności 13. W plebiscycie publiczności na najlepszy film 13. ZA KRATAMI NIE NOSIMY BUREK Nimy Sarvestaniego wygrywa 13. Nagrodę 13. Obejrzyj zwycięski film online Nagrodę 13.

Czwarty dzień Festiwalu Love the Doc poleca Strona to źródło informacji o festiwalowych filmach. Niedziela na WATCH DOCS Oglądaj filmy WATCH DOCS online Równolegle z projekcjami odbywającymi się w warszawskich kinach, filmy 13. Contact HRFN.