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Native Form Elements. A[download] HTML5 Form Validation With Regex « Staffan Nöteberg's blog. Client side validation has always been a potential headache for front-end programmers.

HTML5 Form Validation With Regex « Staffan Nöteberg's blog

Embedded blocks with a mixture of imperative JavaScript and declarative regex can be a mess. HTML5 has ambition to add abstraction layers that would make this a bit easier. The Current State of HTML5 Forms. The Introduction HTML5 is the newest specification for HTML, the language that web browsers read to display web pages.

The Current State of HTML5 Forms

HTML5 has many new features intended to make creating websites easier and people's experience in using those websites better. Among those features are many enhancements to web forms. Support for HTML5 web form features is improving, but not all web browsers support HTML5 features the same way.