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Hanging Egg Chair. 16 Astounding Backpacking Trips To Add To Your Bucket List. Water Worlds: 15 Real Floating Towns & Ocean Cities. There’s only one Venice, but you might be surprised to find that you can get the same scenic and historic feel – complete with canal ‘streets’ and gondoliers – in several other towns across the globe.

Water Worlds: 15 Real Floating Towns & Ocean Cities

In fact, there are dozens of picturesque floating villages and islands that are so heavily populated, you can barely tell that there’s land under all the man-made structures. Here are 15 of the world’s most fascinating water-based communities. Santa Cruz del Islote, Colombia (images via: smilepanic, noticiasinteresantes) From above, you can barely see a spot of land on this island, so completely covered is it with houses. Ganvie, Benin (images via: hugo, erik cleves kristensen) The largest lake village in Africa can be found in Lake Nokoué, in the nation of Benin. Seagull Prank. Foam Day en Australie : La journée mousse. BASSC - About Us. Mmmule. Les coulisses du French Streaker à Murrayfield (Ecosse) C’est bien connu, l’élégance à la française s’exporte encore et toujours à l’étranger.

Les coulisses du French Streaker à Murrayfield (Ecosse)

Loin des paillettes et des podiums parisiens, un jeune français a décidé d’en témoigner pendant le dernier Ecosse-France, en dévoilant sa nouvelle collection « spéciale crise économique ». Dans un stade de Murrayfield comble pour l’occasion, notre jeune français, encouragé par ses impresarios, profite d’un arrêt de jeu pour réaliser un magnifique « tombé de slip » avant de s’élancer sur la pelouse. Uniquement paré du drapeau bleu-blanc-rouge, c’est par un superbe déhanché qu’il réussit à porter haut les couleurs de la France.

Finalement emmené par des hommes fluorescents dont la classe vestimentaire n’est apparemment pas la préoccupation première, il est contraint de quitter la scène, sous les flashs des photographes et l’ovation du public. Mais notre français, qui n’a froid ni aux yeux ni ailleurs, aura permis par son coup d’éclat de mettre en avant la haute bitur.. euh, la haute couture française ! NINJA NEW YORK Restaurant, Finest Japanese Cuisine. Hoverbike. 3581917_460s_v1. Cranberry Bog Wakeboarding. Des activités originales pour des expériences inoubliables ! Weird Sports. The world's biggest rock climbing wall. Lingerie Football League: Lingerie Bowl. 2194583_460s.jpg (427×670) The 6 Creepiest Places on Earth.

It doesn't matter whether or not you believe in ghosts, there are some places in which none of us would want to spend a night.

The 6 Creepiest Places on Earth

These places have well earned their reputations as being so creepy, tragic or mysterious (or all three) that they definitely qualify as "haunted. " Places like... Aokigahara is a woodland at the base of Mount Fuji in Japan that makes The Blair Witch Project forest look like Winnie the Pooh's Hundred Acre Wood. It probably has something to do with all the dead bodies scattered around. What Niagara Falls is to weddings, Aokigahara is to suicide.

More than 500 fucking people have taken their own lives in Aokigahara since the 1950s. The trend has supposedly started after Seicho Matsumoto published his novel Kuroi Kaiju (Black Sea of Trees) where two of his characters commit suicide there. Also skulls. Besides bodies and homemade nooses, the area is littered with signs displaying such uplifting messages like "Life is a precious thing! Winchester Mystery House. Sailing stones. Sailing stones, sliding rocks, and moving rocks all refer to a geological phenomenon where rocks move and inscribe long tracks along a smooth valley floor without human or animal intervention.

Sailing stones

Tracks from these sliding rocks have been observed and studied in various locations, including Little Bonnie Claire Playa in Nevada,[1] and most notably Racetrack Playa, Death Valley National Park, California, where the number and length of tracks are notable. At Racetrack Playa, these tracks have been studied since the early 1900s, yet the origins of stone movement are not confirmed[2] and remain the subject of research for which several hypotheses[3] exist. The stones move only every two or three years and most tracks develop over three or four years. Stones with rough bottoms leave straight striated tracks while those with smooth bottoms tend to wander.

Stones sometimes turn over, exposing another edge to the ground and leaving a different track in the stone's wake. Description[edit] ice floes.


South America. North America. Europe. Asia.