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Mixi Dj Iskanje. Twelfth. Sound Horoscope. A horoscope is a snapshot of a single moment in our solar system as seen from a geocentrical point of view.

Sound Horoscope

Actually the luminaries and planets are not fixed but constantly rotating. These rotations can be translated into different swinging systems, amongst others into acoustically recognisable sounds. Already in the year 1619 the great astrologer and astronomer Johannes Kepler wrote a book about "Harmonices mundi" (Latin: The Harmony of the World). At present the swiss musicologist and astrologer Hans Cousto does pioneering research on planetary swinging cycles.

One comparatively easy way of translating planetary cycles into acoustic effects is the transformation of angle relations between planets into sounds. The length of the zodiac is imagined as the virtual string of an instrument. Two celestial bodies are "playing" at a time on the string. When standing opposite by an angle of 180° the celestial bodies "play" an octave. It is always the longer part of the string that is playing. Niko. Niko. Mixi Dj Iskanje. 7 Secrets You May not Know about the 12th House. ©2009 by Donna Cunningham, MSW The 12th house is one of the more mysterious territories of the birth chart, and possibly the least understood.

7 Secrets You May not Know about the 12th House

As you probe its secrets, you may find hidden gold. Or, as we’ll see with the chart of former senator John Edwards, you may find dirty laundry–or both. For people on a path of self-discovery, pondering your 12th produces important insights into your shadow side and into the ways you shoot yourself in the foot. As an astrologer, counselor, or healer, the client’s 12th may shed a great deal of light on sources of compulsive behaviors and self-sabotage that your work together can address.

However, you should never, ever force such revelations on clients who resist them, for you can force their secrets even deeper into hiding and increase their resistance to going for help in the future. The 12th house reveals a Rising Sign’s hidden agendas. Pluto in 7th house interpreted, with superb 3D astrology image. The purpose of the seventh house is to bring about greater self-awareness through relating to what we experience as being outside of ourselves.

Pluto in 7th house interpreted, with superb 3D astrology image

This may be energy within us that we have rejected out of fear or to experience it more objectively or externally. This is called projection, and we seek projected parts of ourselves in our intimate relationships. With Pluto in the seventh, the house with Scorpio on its cusp shows the areas in your life that need relationships to bring them out. With Pluto, planet of sex, power and evolution in your seventh house, your intimate, one-to-one relationships are the arena of your personal growth, transformation, evolution, and aspirations for power. How this manifests in your life depends on how Pluto aspects planets and angles in your chart, and on what house Scorpio rules in your horoscope.

HEMISPHERES & QUADRANTS? Obviously have your natal chart in front of you preferably from Planets above the equator line = Objective Outward looking Will not want to talk and relate in great depth about themselves.


Thus having a greater sense of social participation than one with an emphasised lower hemisphere. This person often functions better on the ONE TO MANY level. On the negative side, this individual can become too detached or removed from themselves to effectively deal with their inner needs, or even one to one relationship level. Could find this most uncomfortable and unnerving; having to relate on a deep and meaningful intercourse. Planets below the equator line = Subjective Inward looking Will want to talk about themselves quite a lot or even exclusively. Here is a quick and visual way of learning UNDERSTANDING THE QUADRANTS “1st Quadrant Begins at the 1st house cusp going ¬counter clockwise and ends at the 4th house. Federal Reserve System, Jekyll island, History, Aldrich Plan, J. Pierpont Morgan, Historical, Dr. A. Piatt Andrew, Henry P. Davison, National City Bank, Frank A. Vanderlip, Kuhn, Loeb, Co., Paul M. Warburg, Nelson W. Aldrich. By Tyler E.

Federal Reserve System, Jekyll island, History, Aldrich Plan, J. Pierpont Morgan, Historical, Dr. A. Piatt Andrew, Henry P. Davison, National City Bank, Frank A. Vanderlip, Kuhn, Loeb, Co., Paul M. Warburg, Nelson W. Aldrich

Bagwell In October of 1907 several banking firms, starting with the Knickerbocker Trust Company of New York, collapsed as depositors withdrew funds for fear of unwise investments and misuse of money. Lines of people waited in front of the Knickerbocker to close their accounts. Days later, the Trust Company of America had droves of depositors removing their money. Then, shortly thereafter, a run took place at the Lincoln Trust Company. Several banking leaders including Jekyll Island Club members George F. The Mysteries of the 8th House: House of Death & Transformation by Carmen Turner-Schott. The Mysteries of the 8th House: House of Death & Transformation by Carmen Turner-Schott After studying astrology for several years, it became evident to me that the most powerful house in our astrological chart was the eighth house.

The Mysteries of the 8th House: House of Death & Transformation by Carmen Turner-Schott

Each time I analyzed a natal chart, there would be a common thread for all individuals who had planets in this house. Rudhyar Archival Project. Have you ever asked yourself: What am I here for?

Rudhyar Archival Project

What am I supposed to be in this life? If you have, you have begun to live in a new way.