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How To Reuse Pallets

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Are Reclaimed Pallets Safe For Raised Bed Gardens? By Becky Striepe on January 25, 2012 We love DIY projects using pallets. You might say that we're a little bit obsessed, if we're being completely honest. That's why I was really struck when reader Cat wrote in asking if reclaimed pallets were safe for building a raised bed garden. We've shared pallet projects for all sorts of things from building a chair to building a compost bin, and if pallet wood isn't safe, that's definitely something worth looking into.

Wood shipping pallets often start out in a fairly sanitary state. Nick recommends using shipping pallets to only build outdoor structures, because wood pallets have tested positive for e. coli and even a chemical contaminant responsible for a Tylenol recall. Should you quit building with wood pallets? Keep it outside.Keep it away from food gardens.Don't use pallets to build surfaces that will come into contact with food, like tables.Look for reclaimed plastic pallets, which are much easier to clean and sanitize. About the Author: How To Reuse Pallets. Wooden Pallet Projects. Don’t Throw That Old Pallet Away (35 Pics) 1001 Pallets: Repurposed Pallet Ideas. Pallet Console Table - Recyclart. Garden Hacks: Three Ingenious Pallet Planters.

There's still time to get a fall garden planted if you get started soon, and these pallet projects can help you get growing on the cheap! Pallet Garden Bed Over at eHow, Dan Eash shows you how to construct a raised bed garden using wood pallets. This project is pretty large - it takes 12 pallets to complete! A word of caution about building garden beds with wood pallets - you want to make sure the pallet is made with untreated wood. If you're not sure, you might want to add plastic lining or some other sort of barrier between the soil and the wood. Pallet Planter Don't have a back yard or space for a full-sized bed?

You can check out more details on this pallet planter project on Crabb's website. Vertical Pallet Planter A vertical garden is excellent for maximizing space when you've got a limited area for planting. If you want to fancy this up, you can paint the pallet to coordinate with your garden or patio's decor. Have you guys seen any good garden-related pallet projects? DIY: How To Build A Compost Bin Out Of Wood Pallets. Today, I decided to make a compost bin out of wood pallets. Since I’m going double or nothing and trying to grow 4000 lbs. of fresh produce this year, I figured I better get serious about making every effort to keep the soil healthy. Plus, composting is FREE, and once you have the spot for it, pretty much a piece of cake {an old rotting piece of cake, ha!} I chose to make it out of wood pallets because they are so easy to come by. In order to make one, you will need: 4 – Wood Pallets {5 if you are going to build a floor/bottom, instead of just using the ground}14 Gauge Wire2 – Hinges1 – Latch2 – Landscape Pole or Long Stick of Wood First, you want to configure your pallets.

Second, cut the 14 gauge wire into segments, approximately 18″ long. Third, hammer a landscape pole into the ground about 12″ deep on the hinge side corner of the box {on the inside}. Finally, add the hinges. That’s it! ~Mavis This post may contain affiliate links. Related posts: What Do You Do With Pallets - Frugal Gardening Forum. We got a little more elaborate with our compost bins made from pallets (okay, we went way overboard with our compost bins).

This construction would only be recommended if you're fairly handy and have the tools. And have scrounged materials. And are VERY SERIOUS about composting. Take an automobile wheel. (You can find bent ones at the junkyard or at a friendly garage.) Bolt it in the center of a pallet using the lug bolt holes in the wheel. Drill holes in the pallet so you can insert the bolts. Repeat with a second pallet. Using these pallets as opposites, use six more pallets to construct a box. Insert a length of pipe through the axle holes in the wheels. Okay. We put a couple of inches of dirt in the bottom of the box to bring the soil microbes into contact with the compost and filled the box with compost. When the box was three-quarters full, we jacked it up and rotated the box to turn the compost. These are good quality pallets and they last. Ray. Pallet Shed For Firewood - Recyclart. The Pallet Playhouse.

Pallet Farm Trailer. There is something about pallets that people seem to love, and we’re not immune from their draw either. They’re sturdy, square and generally free. Plus, you’re taking a waste product and upcycling it into something useful. What’s not to love!? While we’ve used pallets for our hoop house, and even a barn…the pallet project that has gotten the most love is our pallet trailer.

I’m not kidding, this thing has literally gotten wolf whistles while we’re driving it around. Yes, that’s how you know you live in the country, y’all. And we love it too…most especially since we don’t have a farm truck yet! Want to See Photos of Our Pallet Trailer? What’s our favorite thing to put in the pallet trailer? Although it did a FABULOUS job of returning the sheep to their real owners.

What have you made with pallets? This post is included in the From the Farm blog hop, the the Homestead Barn Hop, the Frugal Days, Sustainable Ways blog hop and the HomeAcre Hop. 5 Reclaimed Wood Projects. By Becky Striepe on January 16, 2014 Have you been on the lookout for reclaimed wood projects? Check out these awesome ideas! Some of the reclaimed wood projects on this list use pallet wood while other call for other unconventional sources of wood, like old bedroom doors.

Of course, the list below is just the start when it comes to reclaimed wood projects! Here are a few from our archives that you might also like to try: The important thing to keep in mind when you're planning your reclaimed wood projects is that you want to be sure your wood is truly reclaimed. If you snag a wood pallet from behind a store, for example, and the store was going to keep using it, you're not reducing waste. 5 Reclaimed Wood Projects This list of reclaimed wood projects doe a great job of offering you options for each project, so you can work with what you have.

Graphic via Jarrimber About the Author: Becky Striepe is a green blogger and independent crafter with a passion for vintage fabrics. Repurposed Pallet & Wood Ideas.