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DIY Laundry Soap & Products

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Homemade Laundry Detergent - The Original and Best Recipe. Cut Laundry Costs In Half : DIY Laundry Detergent Recipe. Making Homemade Laundry Soap. This page is my own personal writings and is copyright protected. NO PART OF THIS PAGE MAY BE COPIED AND PASTED ONTO WEBSITES, BLOGS OR MESSAGE BOARD FORUMS! Making Homemade Laundry Soap By Crystal Miller Making your own laundry soap is very easy! ~If after reading through this you have a question PLEASE read the "Questions Answered" at the bottom of this page. What Ingredients Do You Need? You will need 3 basic ingredients; a soap of some sort, washing soda and borax. The Soap: The most typical type of soap to use is Fels Naptha.

Washing Soda: This is not to be confused with baking soda. Borax: Borax is a naturally occurring mineral: Sodium Borate. The Recipe Now that you have assembled all the needed ingredients here is the recipe: Homemade Laundry Soap 1/3 bar Fels Naptha or other type of soap, as listed above ½ cup washing soda ½ cup borax powder ~You will also need a small bucket, about 2 gallon size~ Grate the soap and put it in a sauce pan. **A few things to note about the soap** Back to:

DIY Laundry Soap Detergent: Images & Recipes. Homemade laundry soap is quick, easy and cheap. What other reasons do you need to make either a laundry powder or soap for your front loader or top loader washing machines? I will teach you how to make laundry detergent and a laundry soap liquid with step-by-step instructions, and you will never want to buy another box of expensive, commercial washing powder again.

I don't know about you, but when the children were still at home I had a mountain of washing to do each week. And when they became teenagers the washing pile got bigger still. And not because their clothes were larger, but because they would change up to 3 times a day! As a result, one of the most expensive part of my fortnightly shop was buying laundry detergent. First of all you get the box home and it is half empty and secondly it just never seemed to last, but most importantly commercial washing detergents have ingredients in them that are toxic to us, to the water systems and to the environment as a whole. 1 bowl Method: