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Advice for Bloggers Starting Out in 2014. A few years ago I met one of the most well-known travel bloggers in the world. When I asked him what made him stand out, he told me, "Nothing, I was just the first to do it. " In analysing the growth patterns of sites like Mashable, Problogger, and KISSmetrics, I noticed the same recurring themes popping up again and again: start early, be persistent, post content frequently, and plan. But what if starting early isn't an option? What if you wanted to start travel blogging today - how would you generate millions of visits while being 10+ years late to the party? #1 Start ImmediatelyProcrastination is the downfall of many a beginner blogger. Years ago, starting a blog was a tedious process that involved having to learn to connect MySQL databases to PHP files, and knowing your technical SEO from your off-site SEO. . #2 Plan 80% of the results are driven by 20% of your effort.

Even with an immediate start, you must formulate a plan. . #6 Short or Long Articles Short articles are popular. Avoid These 12 Common Blogging Mistakes. There are numerous benefits of blogging to your business: it positions you as an expert in your field, drives traffic to your website, adds dynamism to your social marketing, and boosts your profile. All you need is a great URL, an eye catching blog site and shed loads of great ideas (oh, and writing talent). Sounds easy doesn’t it? Well, to be honest, there’s a bit more to it than that, including avoiding these 12 common rookie blogger mistakes. 1. Who is Your Audience?

You can’t write about the stuff your audience wants to know about if you don’t know who they are. As a copywriter, I write about stuff to do with copywriting, marketing and social media, because that’s my area of expertise and that’s what my readers want to read about. If I started writing about jewellery and shoes, I’d lose readers by the busload because that’s not why they read my blog. 2. If you know your audience, you must write what they want to learn about and that means sticking to your niche. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Dramatic Arc: The Backbone of Content Marketing. Let me tell you a story. I went to school to be a journalist because I liked telling stories. About midway through my education, the media found itself in the throes of an identity crisis. This was the dawn of the 21st century. The Internet was beginning to radically alter what we define as a media outlet and a reporter.

It also completely obliterated the revenue models of the print and broadcast giants. Rather than change majors midstream, I stayed the course, hoping that some newsroom egghead would think of a way to rescue the industry from utter devastation. I’m still waiting for my Superman. Still, I managed to land a position as an editor at a national business magazine.

So I began recasting my journalism skills in a way that would appeal to marketers. I’m happy to say my skills are now more in demand than ever. Marketers are transforming into storytellers. The dramatic arc is the backbone of any good story. Join the Starter Movement! Getting started | Home-based business. Once you have your business plan finalised and are ready to set up your business, you may have a seemingly endless list of things to do. To make sure that you're ready for the next step, consider the following: Setting up your premises When you set up your office, you may need new furniture, office equipment and information and communications systems. It’s a good idea to assess your business requirements first, shop around, compare prices, ask for advice from other home-based business operators and buy only what you need.

If you decide to rent or lease equipment rather than buy, you may be able to claim the payments as a tax deduction – see the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) website about business deductions Your phone service provider may have services that cater for the needs of home-based businesses. You should also protect your electronic data by regularly backing up business information and storing a copy in an external location. Setting up your finances. Top 50 blogger. Meet our judges And find out how we chose the Top 50 2012's Top 50 bloggers Discover the amazing talent for yourself How to grow your blog Get tips for building your audience from Edenland Time for new wheels?

What's to love about the Ford Territory. 5 Tips for Developing Better Blogger Outreach. Are you looking for new blogger outreach tactics? Have you considered working with bloggers as ambassadors? In this article, I’ll show you five ways to promote your brand through blogger outreach. Why Blogger Outreach? Marketing has evolved into P2P (person to person) instead of B2C or B2B. Bloggers have a distinct advantage when it comes to spreading your message.

Research from BlogHer has shown that 81% of the online population trusts information and advice they get from bloggers and that 61% have made a purchase based on a blogger’s recommendation. Bloggers have wide networks that can work for your brand. And because bloggers are active on a variety of digital channels to promote their own blog and their partners’, they’re the perfect influencers. This article offers five examples of brands using blogger outreach to spread the word about their products and services. . #1: Create Long-Term Relationships to Encourage Sustained Advocacy His pitch emails are very nonabrasive. . InShare335. 4 Big Misconceptions About Content Marketing. As the leader of a digital marketing agency, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that I’m a big believer in content marketing. The benefits of increased audience engagement, decreased ad spends (compared to traditional outbound marketing) and better brand recognition all make content marketing an obvious choice when it comes to allocating a company’s marketing dollars.

However, I still encounter companies that don’t “get it.” Even those that are open to the idea of content marketing still take the wrong approach or maintain the wrong mindset when it comes to this promotional technique. Here are four of the most common mistakes I see businesses making: They see content marketing as a checklist of tasks. Trust me on this one, if there was a simple formula to content marketing success, we’d all be rich! Recent Articles From Eric Siu Related: Most Content Marketing Fails, So Keep These 3 Tactics in Mind They take an “if you build it, they will come” approach.