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The Rape Of Paradise. 2013: 100 Most Influential Africans December 2013 What is influence and how do you measure it?

The Rape Of Paradise

It will always be hard to agree on a common understanding and meaning of influence. Understandably, this always generates wide debate. Immersi nel petrolio. Akintunde Akinleye (Reuters/Contrasto) La Nigeria è l’ottavo esportatore di petrolio al mondo, e tre quarti del greggio che produce viene dalla regione del Delta del Niger, nel sud del paese.

Immersi nel petrolio

Ma il Delta del Niger è soprattutto una zona povera, inquinata e violenta, dove è in corso una guerra civile a bassa intensità.Per sopravvivere, molte persone si dedicano a un’attività illegale e pericolosa: rubare il petrolio dagli oleodotti delle compagnie petrolifere e rivenderlo al mercato nero. Le fuoriuscite di petrolio oltre a inquinare drammaticamente l’ambiente, spesso provocano esplosioni che hanno causato migliaia di vittime.In questa foto: dopo un’esplosione ad Arepo, vicino a Lagos, il 13 gennaio.

Nigeria - reading...

Nigeria - curators... On The Road With West Africa’s Fuel Smugglers. Lomé, Togo: The journey from the city of Lagos in Nigeria to the Benin-Togo border by boat takes 13 hours on a calm night.

On The Road With West Africa’s Fuel Smugglers

At daybreak, wooden boats drop anchor 100 metres off the coast. The New Kings of Nigeria. TIME OUT - Pick of the Day "In the modern city, a prince is only as big as his wallet," reflects Walter, halfway through Storyville's intriguing documentary about Nigeria's 'new kings': the media-savvy, sharp-talking professionals of Nigeria's urban elite.

The New Kings of Nigeria

Privately educated in England, Walter has returned to his homeland to reclaim his family's distinguished lineage: his great grandfather Jaja was a nineteenth-century slave who rose up to become a king before being kidnapped by the British. Walter leads us on an enjoyable romp through modern Lagos, where he is making his name as the voice of 'Big Brother Nigeria', and where his money and contacts open up a wealth of opportunities. Boko Haram – more complicated than you think – By Richard Dowden. Mobilisation of the Nigerian army against Boko Haram provides both a challenge and an opportunity...

Boko Haram – more complicated than you think – By Richard Dowden

Nothing in Nigeria is what it seems. Beneath a confusing, disorderly surface lie networks of association and obligation of which outsiders, and sometimes insiders, are unaware. Money is chopped (stolen), people paid off, budgets looted and shared. Power, political and financial, is never transparent. In other nation states a citizen’s obligations to the state or employer, trump friendship or family connections. Why Are You Here? Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie on branding, charity, and class in Nigeria’s schools.

Why Are You Here?

Photograph courtesy of Adolphus Opara I came at the wrong time. It was mid-March 2011, a few weeks before general elections, and every surface in Lagos—compound walls, gates, even buses—was covered with political posters. “You came at injury time,” the senior teacher at the government junior high school told me. Some Links on the Fuel Subsidy Protests in Nigeria.

Resources - Reading / blogs...

The Nigerian Harmattan? Naijablog: The Fuel Subsidy Removal Protests for Dummies. On the first day of the indefinite general strike organised by a coalition between two of the largest unions in Nigeria – the TUC and the NLC – and a cluster of smaller unions and social media-based activists and organisations, some external observers have expressed surprise at the intensity of resistance the “Occupy Nigeria” campaign has mounted against the removal of the fuel subsidy on January 1st and the size of the mass demonstrations taking place.

naijablog: The Fuel Subsidy Removal Protests for Dummies

From an outside perspective, it might seem like a dust-devil has been whipped up without why in the desert. In case there’s still any confusion, allow me to explain why there is so much anger and resistance. The answer begins with a question: would it be acceptable to citizens of affluent countries that the price of petrol doubles overnight without any warning? Perhaps Jeffrey Sachs would be alone in his view, or perhaps he only prescribes a certain type of medicine for African countries. My Vote For Subsidy Removal By Okey Ndibe. Okey Ndibe Last Saturday, President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan addressed Nigerians for the second time in as many weeks.

My Vote For Subsidy Removal By Okey Ndibe

Nigeria: The case against removal of fuel subsidy and the argument for deregulated petroleum sub sector. Nigeria’s Four Possible Futures. Achebe, Soyinka, Clark urge rethink of subsidy withdrawal. Soyinka, Achebe and Clark •Literary giants insist on national conference •Warn against retaliation of Boko Haram attacks Nigeria’s foremost writers have advised the government to pull the brakes on the subsidy removal that has put the nation on edge.

Achebe, Soyinka, Clark urge rethink of subsidy withdrawal

They also cautioned security agents against turning their guns on protesters, saying their duty is to protect citizens. How Is Your Appetite for Political Risk? Part Two. A Basket Approach to Manage Political Risk?

How Is Your Appetite for Political Risk? Part Two

A couple of months ago I wrote about a dirt cheap oil producer called Calvalley Petroleum. The original article is here ( Nigerian elections: Technology may not swing the election, but it will prove a point. - By Dayo Olopade. LAGOS, Nigeria—In a series of national elections this month, Nigerians will exercise democratic rights that recent events around Africa—from Egypt and Libya to the Ivory Coast—have revealed as precious. But for many citizens of the continent's most populous country, democracy is often beside the point.