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100 herramientas gratuitas para crear materiales educativos. 11 Quick Tips For Creating A Great Classroom Website. If your classroom does not already have an active and vibrant website you are missing out on one of the biggest ways to reach your students and their parents.

11 Quick Tips For Creating A Great Classroom Website

Already have a site? Good, now, let’s talk about keeping it in shape. The quality of your site will determine if it is actually used and if the visitors return on a regular basis. There are a few simple things your should keep in mind to keep your classroom website looking good. The Visual Embrace white space, don’t overwhelm the user with too much content. The Content. The Best Free Web Tools for Engaging Students in 1:1 Classrooms. 50 de las mejores herramientas gratuitas y online para profesores en 2014. Preparar clases, hacer presentaciones, comunicarse con alumnos y padres, corregir exámenes, mostrar ví­deos… ser profesor no es tarea fácil, pero la tecnologí­a puede ayudarnos a eliminar procesos burocráticos y a hacer más atractivo nuestro trabajo.

50 de las mejores herramientas gratuitas y online para profesores en 2014

321 Free Tools for Teachers - Free Educational Technology. 43 Great Free Tools for Teachers From edshelf. Web20. Más de 1300 herramientas 2.0, recursos y materiales educativos y didácticos para experimentar. Cool Tools for 21st Century Learners. Más de 1300 herramientas 2.0, recursos y materiales educativos y didácticos para experimentar. Más de 1300 herramientas web que podemos probar o usar confines didácticos y educativos de forma gratuita y sin registrarnos. Se aconseja que l@s niñ@s utilicen estos recursos siempre bajo la supervisión de un adulto. Animación. ABCYa! Animación. Ajax Animator .

+300 Herramientas y Recursos Gratuitos Para Crear Materiales Educativos Didacticos. My Top 10 Web Tools as A Teacher. I have been doing a lot of reviewing of educational web tools over the last couple of years.

My Top 10 Web Tools as A Teacher

It has been such a rewarding experience to be able to keep with this growing influx of web 2.0 tools. Every new day comes with its new batch of tools and I don't think the journey of discovery will ever stop. One of the repeated questions I often get from my readers is about the kind of web services I use in my teaching. I am not really sure how to answer this question because it depends on the kind of lesson or activity you are teaching. Have Fun Teaching.

A New Tool for Choosing a Creative Commons License. Catálogo de software libre para descargar. 5 Tech Tools Making Classrooms Better. Online education made it possible for people to continue studies while juggling jobs, parenthood and other responsibilities that formerly inhibited the learning process.

5 Tech Tools Making Classrooms Better

Teachers are integrating tools like the cloud and social media to provide a better learning experience for students. Platforms like Facebook and Tumblr are used heavily every day. But adding another platform to the daily routine can seem overwhelming. By bringing new light to how each tool is utilized, students might be more inclined to participate.

Cameron Pittman, a high school physics and chemistry teacher at LEAD Academy, uses video games stored in the cloud to teach physics. "Any successful education system prepares students to enter the world as knowledgeable, responsible citizens," says Pittman. The game, called Portals, runs through a school-friendly game distribution service, Steam. Below, we've rounded up a few other ways that social media and technology are bring innovation to the classroom. The Best Web 2.0 Tools for Teachers - 2012 Edition. The Buffer blog: productivity, life hacks, writing, user experience, customer happiness and business. 7.2K Flares 7.2K Flares × What does it take to be productive?

The Buffer blog: productivity, life hacks, writing, user experience, customer happiness and business.

It’s a question I often ask myself and to be honest I don’t have a great answer for it yet. One key discovery I’ve made over the past year or so is that I need to have great habits in place. The Top 27 Free Tools to collaborate, hold discussions, and Backchannel with Students. With the advance of web 2.0 technologies, there emerged a wide range of educational tools that we can use with our students in and outside the classroom.Collaborative web tools is one example.

The Top 27 Free Tools to collaborate, hold discussions, and Backchannel with Students

Using such websites, teachers will be able to help in holding online and real-time discussions with their students, help them in their projects and assignments, guide their learning, do backchanneling, and synchronously moderate discussion threads and many more., crea encuentros a distancia directamente online. No se puede negar que Skype se lleva toda la popularidad en videoconferencias, a pesar de las recientes críticas, pero hay que tener en cuenta otros servicios que realmente merecen la pena conocer., crea encuentros a distancia directamente online

Estoy hablando de, un servicio gratuito que nos permite realizar encuentros virtuales directamente en el navegador, ofreciendo además opciones adicionales muy interesantes. ofrece un diseño simple y elegante, que nos permitirá mantener conferencias online, tanto públicas como privadas, con la posibilidad de activar nuestro micrófono y webcam sin necesidad de instalar absolutamente nada. Entre sus características adicionales, podremos compartir nuestra pantalla (normalmente para ofrecer soporte a compañeros, amigos o clientes), añadir notas, compartir archivos y mantener conversación desde el chat de la sala. EdTech: 100 Tech Tools for Teachers and Students.

This post is #12 in DailyTekk’s famous Top 100 series which explores the best startups, gadgets, apps, websites and services in a given category. Total items listed: 104. Time to compile: 8+ hours. Follow @DailyTekk on Twitter to make sure you don’t miss a week! This post is quite a departure from last week’s subject: 100 Tools to Develop the Next Killer iOS or Android App. Our normal audience may not get much out of this week’s roundup but don’t worry, I’ll be back with something you can use next week! So here’s what I’ve got for all you educators our there: some random and cool EduTech tools, tech tools for teachers and students, ways to integrate mobile devices into the classroom, social learning tools, elearning and online learning resources and finally some test prep, textbook, educational gaming and a few other random resources.

Actually, this post has been a long time coming. Post Navigation Don’t Miss. List of Authoring Tools: Part 1. 60 herramientas para la formación apoyada en tecnologías. Guía de plataformas y recursos tecnológicos para apoyar procesos de e-learning, video learning, learning games, mobile learning y realidad aumentada, en empresas, instituciones educativas y organismos públicos; que también aborda herramientas para la creación de contenidos en cursos virtuales.

60 herramientas para la formación apoyada en tecnologías

En esta entrega analizamos algunas herramientas de amplia difusión y soluciones innovadoras recientemente lanzadas a mercado; dejando para una próxima edición otras aplicaciones de gran penetración en el sector. 10 Great Free Web Tools for Teachers and Educators. Educational Technology and Mobile Learning has handpicked for you some great educational web tools that we have come across in different websites and blogs during the last week.

10 Great Free Web Tools for Teachers and Educators

We are adding the list to the section called Educational Web Tools where we provide busy teachers and educators with resources and links about educational web technologies . Check out the list below and let us know what you think. 1- The Borgeson Bunch. Guide to important web tools in education. When it comes to using web resources with our students, time plays a decisive role.It is next to impossible for a busy teacher restricted by curriculum constraints, day to day lesson preparations, assignment corrections, to mention but a few of his chores, to effectively search the web and find the adequate resources to share with his/ her students.

Guide to important web tools in education

Most people just do not have the time to learn all these technologies and some educators pick just one or two websites of interest and start exploring them. This is definitely not the right thing to do particularly if you want to leverage the huge potential of technology into your classroom.There is, however, a simple roudabout to this problem. Look for educational technology blogs ( such as the one you are reading now ) and subscribe to their feeds to stay updated about the latest web tools to use in your instruction. Web 2.0 Tools for Teachers. Web 2.0 is different: Speed - Broadband connectivity and high speed wireless and mobile connectionshave enabled much of the changes that have occurred.

» Six [totally awesome] Web Presentation Tools for Teachers at a Glance Universe as Text.