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Social Media Learning Theories

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Why I try to follow every teacher I can on Twitter. Cc licensed ( BY ) flickr photo shared by stevegarfield Tony Baldasaro wrote a blog post yesterday that is getting a lot of attention regarding why he “unfollowed 5000 people on Twitter” and how he is going back to starting over. There is a lot of powerful thoughts in his post on how we actually connect with each other in this space: As I pressed unfollow 5,000 times, I realized that I didn’t know most of the folks that I was unfollowing.

Actually, it was more than that, I had no clue who these folks were. They were complete strangers. I literally had no connection to them, which, in hindsight, should not have been a surprise. As I said earlier, I didn’t “pay any attention to them” how the hell would I actually know them. Now I don’t want to say Tony is wrong, and from my several meetings with him I can tell you he is an awesome guy, but I do want to offer a different perspective. I even watch today as my brother asks people from his network to help him get others connected:

· Why I Unfollowed 5,000 People. I don’t even pay attention to this column. This is like the Mississippi River. Tweets flow so fast, I can’t read ‘em all. I was pointing to my “All Friends” column on Tweetdeck in front of a group of 50+/- twitter newbies who came to see my presentation at MassCUE on why they should be on Twitter. Yeah, so guys like me will throw you in a column and not even pay attention to you. What a fraud I am. When I made the conscious decision to be transparent in my life and learning in July of 2009 (for which, I remain eternally grateful to Sheryl & Will) Twitter became my vehicle. At the time, I remember following the 100 or so folks that Will followed. In January of 2010 the power these twitter-borne relationships came into full focus when I attended my first Educon. To some degree, it was a coming out party. This time was incredibly intoxicating for me. Something had changed.

Did I mention I was a fraud. As I write this I have about 7,000 followers. I started over. This time, I’ll do it right. Dos modelos contrapuestos para el uso docente de Twitter. No creo que a estas alturas de la película siga habiendo muchos docentes interesados en la actualidad educativa y cómo mejorar en su metodología docente que aún no hayan aterrizado en Twitter. Una plataforma social donde el aprendizaje entre iguales y el compartir van juntos de la mano.

Una herramienta muy potente para una mejora educativa tan necesaria como la que se necesita en la mayoría de aulas. Para aquellos que aún no hayáis experimentado la experiencia os recomiendo la lectura de algo que escribí hace ya algún tiempo (aunque sigue siendo válido en la actualidad). Una introducción para aquellos docentes que quieran usar Twitter y algunas de sus potencialidades. Una adaptación de un artículo de Justin Tarte con los diez pasos a seguir para entrar a disfrutar del beneficio que supone estar en esa, para muchos, red social. Pero más allá de lo anterior y de la necesidad de estar en Twitter existen dos puntos de vista (o modelos) diferentes de gestión de su uso. Cómo usar las redes sociales en el aula 3.0. Social Media is So Much More Than Likes and Followers. Do you ever feel that social media could be doing more for your small business if you could just figure it out? Do you keep an eye on your competitors’ social media profiles and fear that they know what they’re doing and you don’t?

Stop for a moment and think about how social media has changed our lives in a very short span of time. Five years ago, most people didn’t know much about Facebook and Twitter, and only few businesses were using those platforms for marketing or advertising. Now, just about every website, print ad, billboard, and even some packaging (like cereal boxes) has the Facebook and Twitter badge. In five years time, social media has become a huge marketing platform, and people really are trying anything and everything to get the most out of it.

Much like SEO, where people tried (and still try) to manipulate the rankings, some people are trying to manipulate social media. A few questions come to mind here: 1. 2. 3. EDUCACIóN 2.0 y REDES SOCIALES | Enseñando en un Mundo cada vez más pequeño. ! El arte de la Conciencia Ambiental ¡ A Arte da Conscientização Ambiental Leio e ouço falar de preservação ambiental, da necessidade de reciclagem, há muito tempo, desde que eu era um garoto. Contudo, passei a atuar mais efetivamente nesse sentido ao perceber o quanto as crianças e jovens que participavam das minhas oficinas de colagem poderiam, a partir de uma experiência lúdica com recortes de revistas, sair dali e imediatamente propagar o conceito do reaproveitamento dos materiais, de forma prática e eficaz. Com a atividade lúdica de reaproveitar com arte conseguimos dizer tudo sem a necessidade de longos e cansativos discursos.

Trabalhamos assim, junto à garotada, pais e professores, o que classifico como “reconceitualização do lixo”. Ao valorizarmos o que é descartado, passamos a pensar sua destinação adequada e a consumir com mais critério, naturalmente. A colagem, além de estimular a criatividade, transmite algo fundamental: que para revertermos esta situação precisamos, acima de tudo, reciclar, reciclar, reciclar… . Educational Use of Social Media. Educando con las redes sociales. Suelo usar las redes sociales para potenciar el proceso de aprendizaje de mis alumnos, no sólo fomentando creatividad, colaboración comunitaria sino que también la investigación personal. Normalmente los colegios tienden a censurarlas, vetando su acceso, craso error, porque se pierden de una herramienta digital poderosa para educar en un “espacio pedagógico” que no tiene límites geográficos, ni temporales.

Permite la integración y potencia las habilidades. Es el espacio natural en que interactúan los “nativos digitales” Dependiendo del curso, la edad y los intereses, planteo que redes sociales usaré. Hace días, iniciaba una nueva unidad temática en Historia, “Grecia” (alumnos de 13 años) Con la ayuda de Pinterest, seleccione 50 imágenes que se relacionaran con la cultura helénica, desde jarrones hasta vestimenta, pasando por las más simbólicas, el Partenón, Acrópolis, Atenas. Una vez que cada uno expuso su elección, concluyeron que: Me gusta: Me gusta Cargando... Social Learning Theories. A well presented video on Social Learning Theories – Constructivism and Connectivism. I have compared the similarities and differences of Constructivism and Connectivism here.

Here George discusses his views on Rhizomes and Networks, where he writes: While rhizomes are diverse in shape and structure – growing, adapting, sprouting, replicating – they are not diverse in substance – i.e. rhizomes do not morph into new organic entities.In his edtechweekly podcast, Cormier criticizes networks as being “duplicatable”. If someone has a successful network, she is tempted to say “this is how you create your own network”. Suddenly, the network becomes mechanistic. Cormier doesn’t like that. The central arguments about rhizomes and networks would be essential, as they could lead us to better understanding on how networks are situated.

I found networks could both be mechanically or artificially constructed and organically grown. Ecosystems are often complex networks. Image: Google. Like this: Social Media Integration | Social Media Marketing Integrator - Social2B. By Kelly Loubet – Social2B Director of Social Community Marketing Talk to any social media consultant or social media expert and they’ll say this: If any company wants its social media marketing plan to go farther, faster, they can’t ignore the power of social media integration.

Social media integration is the syncing of all social media profiles on various social media platforms and aligning their functionality with that of a company’s main website. Using the social media platforms that are right for a business can have a positive effect on traffic for their website. Installing sharing tools will allow a visitor to share what they’re reading with others via social networking. Social media allows customers to give instant feedback on products and services. It’s what we call the creation of a social value chain that enriches the brand and business growth.

Aplicaciones Educativas De Las Redes Sociales. 6 Libros gratuitos sobre Social Media y Web 2.0 en español para descargar (y leer!) No son todos los que hay, desde luego, pero sí pueden considerarse básicos en una biblioteca sobre social media y web 2.0. Para celebrar la “resaca” del Día Internacional del Libro, aquí va esta selección de libros gratuitos en español para descargar, realizada según estos criterios: aportan, cada uno, una visión diferencial en su categoría; contribuyen a configurar un enfoque tanto teórico como práctico de las redes sociales, y abarcan desde los aspectos más genéricos hasta los casos más concretos, y de éxito, de empresas.

La cifra resultante no es por tanto un número “redondo”, ni tampoco apabullante, puesto que no ha sido esa la intención. 1. Web 2.0 De Antonio Fumero y Genís Roca, con la colaboración de Fernando Sáez Vacas, editado por la Fundación Orange en 2007 en formato pdf. Todo un clásico, que hace ya cuatro años combinaba un enfoque sociotécnico y económico-empresarial de la Web 2.0. 3. 4. 5. 6.La empresa 2.0.