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Ron Paul

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Ron Paul: Earmarks Prove He’s Just Another Lying Politician. While being shouted down by the Ron Paul Mob Zombies that their candidate is the equivalent of the Second or Third Coming of the Messiah, I have steadfastly maintained that Ron Paul is just another politician, and a career politican at that. 18 years in Congress and a Presidential run as a Libertarian, I’m thinking he has spent more time as a politician than as the good and holy doctor his throngs worship him as.

Ron Paul: Earmarks Prove He’s Just Another Lying Politician

You cannot convince me that Ron Paul is some kind of holy and pure Washington ‘outsider’ as his Mob Zombies claim, along with miracles they say he is going to perform to do everything from abolishing the IRS to creating peace on earth by playing freinds with all our enemies. Ron Paul is a politician, and as such, it was only a matter of time before lies, spin, inconsistencies and holes would show in his platform that his parishoners deem scripture. But have it he does, and as such, his contagion makes him far from the leprous-free messiah his Mob Zombies insist that he is. Ron Paul Supporters win a Debate.

Ron Paul Is A Crackpot. Talking with a Ron Paul supporter part 4. Talking with a ron paul supporter part 50064. (1) Ron Paul Exposed. Talking with a Ron Paul Supporter Part 3. Talking with a Ron Paul supporter 2. Ron Paul Values Voter Bots Cheat On Straw Poll. As if …. this is something new.

Ron Paul Values Voter Bots Cheat On Straw Poll

Ron Paul and his bots have a history of stuffing ballot boxes during straw polls. They specialize in it, lying and cheating their way to victory. All the while, the vile little wannabe fed auditor smiles and allows it. That’s what The Pink Flamingo doesn’t get. So Ron Paul goes to the “Values Voter” Summit and preaches his version of “Christian” values, all the while knowing that his adorable little brain dead followers are going to lie and cheat their way to victory.

“…Rep. They’ve be cheating for years! They’re creepy and they’re kooky, Mysterious and spooky, They’re all together ooky, The Ron Paul Bot Family! The Daily Beast. CNBC Stops 2012 Online Presidential Polls Because of Ron Paul. The Case Against Ron Paul by Gregory Hilton. The Case Against Gold: Why Ron Paul is Wrong About The Gold Standard by Gregory Hilton. “The gold standard is to economics what the flat earth theory is to astronomy: something that may have seemed to make sense back when people didn’t know any better but is ridiculous to suggest today.” - Dr.

The Case Against Gold: Why Ron Paul is Wrong About The Gold Standard by Gregory Hilton

Russ Anderson “Ron Paul is saying: ‘Let’s make everything simple again. . . If we had a gold standard, we wouldn’t need complex monetary policy. But how do we get from here to there? There might not be a way. “Inflation is low and relatively predictable. Many conservatives oppose Rep. Long ago the gold standard made sense for America, but not today. Why Did America Leave The Gold Standard? The Bretton Woods system (1945 -1971) came to an end when the United States stopped allowing dollars to be converted into gold.

Would Ronald Reagan Have Endorsed Ron Paul? by Gregory Hilton. Allen West: Ron Paul ‘Not the Kind of Guy You Need to Be Sitting at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave’ Ron Paul probably shouldn’t expect a presidential endorsement from Florida Rep.

Allen West: Ron Paul ‘Not the Kind of Guy You Need to Be Sitting at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave’

Allen West. The Republican congressman had some strong words for the candidate Saturday, two days after Paul suggested during Thursday’s GOP debate that Iran be allowed to develop a nuclear weapon because so many other countries already have them. Speaking at a Tea Party event in Fort Lauderdale, West said he was deeply concerned about U.S. foreign policy, and particularly the threat Iran poses to the rest of the world. “Let me be very honest. When I was listening to the debate Thursday night and a certain candidate for president stood there and said he didn’t see any problem with Iran getting a nuclear device because everybody else has one — I have to tell you, that’s not the kind of guy you need to be sitting at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue,” West said to applause. Watch the clip below, via Shark Tank: Debate clip: (h/t Shark Tank) Ron Paul - Don't allow the military to defend thenmselves.

Skeleton Closet - Ron Paul, The Dark Side. By far the oldest candidate in the race at 75, Ron Paul is suddenly a top contender.

Skeleton Closet - Ron Paul, The Dark Side

He has a lot of younger supporters, mostly because he favors legalizing pot, and adopts the sort of extreme intellectual positions that have also drawn college age kids to "pure" philosophies like Communism and Ayn Rand's Positivism for generations. You know, "clean" uncompromising positions that get rid of all those messy human feelings and complexities. Ron Paul loves to brag about being a straight-talker who doesn't change his positions.

He says he would have voted against the 1964 Civil Rights Act (on property rights grounds, not to defend racism natch.) He wants to legalize all drugs, including heroin, withdraw all US troops from other countries immediately, end government flood control efforts and return to the gold standard. And speaking as someone who has been researching candidate scandals for many years now, he's pretty darn squeaky clean. Quotes "The public school now is a propaganda machine. Ron Paul and the Neoliberal Reeducation Campaign. To bring about radical and permanent change in any society, our primary focus must be on the conversion of minds through education.-- Congressman and presidential candidate Ron Paul Sigh.

Ron Paul and the Neoliberal Reeducation Campaign

Somebody needs to say this. Does Ron Paul have a lot of interesting ideas he puts forward as a presidential candidate? Yes. From his honestly libertarian views (he was the 1988 Libertarian presidential nominee, so he's been at this a long time) to his willingness to challenge the status quo on economics (questioning the role of everything from sugar subsidies to the Federal Reserve) to his emphasis on the Constitution and the Founding Fathers, Congressman Paul has been fearless in sticking with his principles. But as complaints surface in the wake of his strong showing in the Iowa Straw Poll, complaints from Paul supporters and candidate Paul himself that he is not receiving the attention that is his due -- someone should say the Congressman and his supporters are correct.

Why? Rep. Ron Paul plummets in latest poll. Memo to Ron Paul Supporters. Ron Paul: I wouldn't have killed bin Laden.