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Herman Cain's Life An Inspiration. Herman Cain has been attacked by a lot of liberals who think that somehow it's just not right for a black man to be a conservative.

Herman Cain's Life An Inspiration

But the latest attack shows how self-serving these attacks really are. It comes from a bunch of 1960s activists claiming that Cain hasn't done enough for black people. Here's former NAACP leader Julian Bond: "I am not aware of anything Herman Cain has done to uplift black people specifically. " Unbelievable. The last accomplishment is particularly notable because Godfather's Pizza employed and empowered thousands of black Americans to work and become owners of their own businesses. Last week I asked famed economist Tom Sowell who offers a more inspiring story for young Americans, President Obama or Herman Cain.

Herman Cain: Obama "Never Been A Part Of The Black Experience" Thomas Sowell: Herman Cain More Black Than Barack Obama. The Left's Race Baiting of Herman Cain. Let's leave aside the question of whether Herman Cain, the businessman and activist currently leading the anti-establishment contingent in the Republican primaries, is truly presidential material.

The Left's Race Baiting of Herman Cain

Whatever his merits or electability, Cain has inevitably drawn attention as the only African-American in the field. And, as a black Republican linked to the Tea Party -- a movement often accused of racial animosity toward Barack Obama -- he has become a magnet for a peculiar left-wing brand of race-baiting. One notorious display of this attitude occurred earlier this month on the MSNBC program "The Last Word," when host Lawrence O'Donnell berated Cain for his failure to participate in the civil rights protests of the 1960s as a teenager and young adult in the South.

Time Magazine Accuses Herman Cain of Being ‘Black Clown’ to Appease White Conservatives - Big Journalism. Herman Cain: Runaway Slave. White massas Lawrence O'Donnell, Janeane Garofalo and the Democratic Party leadership have instructed their black "slave control" enforcers/overseers to "Stop Cain!

Herman Cain: Runaway Slave

NOBODY, escapes the Liberal Democrat Slave Plantation! NOBODY!!! " So a posse of black overseers consisting of Harry Belafonte, Tavis Smiley, Morgan Freeman, Al Sharpton and other blacks who are loyal to their white liberal Democrat massas are on a mission to destroy runaway slave, Herman Cain.

The Cain Train: A political underground railroad. For decades the liberals in the Democrat Party have treated women and minorities as property.

The Cain Train: A political underground railroad

Politically speaking, blacks, women, gays, Hispanics and Jews were owned by them. These groups are expected to fill the coffers of liberal politicians and turn out to elect Democrats on Election Day. In exchange for their slavish loyalty at the polls and their willingness to serve as the ATM for the left, these groups are rewarded with policies that have left each of their respective communities worse off than they were before.

Herman Cain's racial offense. October 16, 2011|Clarence Page Tea partiers are delighted that their support for Herman Cain proves they don't hate black people.

Herman Cain's racial offense

Unfortunately, judging by some of his statements, Cain doesn't seem to like black people very much, either. It says a lot about America's racial progress that the former Godfather's Pizza CEO has surged to first place with a 4-point edge over Mitt Romney in the latest NBC/Wall Street Journal poll — a poll that also gave Cain a 69 percent "favorable" score among tea-party backers. Yet, one also wonders how much of the Hermanator's rise has benefited from his trash talk about black people and other minorities. Why the left fears Herman Cain: Surging candidate threatens allegiance between blacks and Dems.

Nicholas Kamm/AFP/Getty Presidential candidate Herman Cain is leading the GOP pack, according to recent polls.

Why the left fears Herman Cain: Surging candidate threatens allegiance between blacks and Dems

One can see why. He espouses a Reagan-esque likeability, he isn't stiff or staid and his story of personal success through hard work and determination is enormously inspiring. Growing up in the segregated South, he worked tirelessly to become the CEO of Godfather's Pizza. He knows what it's like to be forced to use a different water fountain than whites. Herman Cain Is Black and He Doesn't Smoke Crack. Juan Williams: Herman Cain’s success really does threaten Cornell West. Herman Cain’s got the liberals squirmin’ Harsh Questioning of Cain Gets O'Donnell in Hot Water. Herman Cain fires back in highly offensive MSNBC interview. By The Right Scoop I’m not sure if I’ve ever heard a more offensive interview on MSNBC than the one I just heard from Lawrence O’Donnell with Herman Cain.

Herman Cain fires back in highly offensive MSNBC interview

In one interview O’Donnell managed to accuse Herman Cain of not only sitting on the sidelines during the civil rights movement, but also of dodging the Vietnam war. His contempt for a black Republican has never been more clear. At one point in the interview, O’Donnell asked Cain where America would be right now if Rosa Parks took his dad’s advice to stay out of trouble and just sit in the back of the bus. Seriously. I will say that Cain proved he could hold his own and not be rattled by the offensive assumptions of these whackos on MSNBC. It’s a long interview but it covers four main topics: Brainwashing, Civil Rights Movement, War dodging, and the 9-9-9 plan. It Seems the Associated Press is Racist; Declares GOP Race Between Perry and Romney.

The past week has been peppered with headlines declaring a new man to beat in the GOP race for the White House.

It Seems the Associated Press is Racist; Declares GOP Race Between Perry and Romney

Herman Cain, following his head turning Florida Straw Poll victory, went on to win a few more straw polls and suddenly he’s tied for first with Romney and leading in some states. Enter the racists at the Associated Press: WASHINGTON—The GOP presidential field apparently set, Republican primary voters are likely facing a choice between an experienced, establishment candidate in Mitt Romney and an insurgent presidential campaign novice in Rick Perry.With three months until voting begins, that’s the dynamic that’s starting to emerge now that former Alaska Gov.

Sarah Palin and New Jersey Gov. Public Policy Polling has an article titled “Cainmentum,” asking: Herman Cain on 'The View' Conservative presidential hopeful Herman Cain’s appearance this morning on The View was far less uncomfortable than the hosts’ discussion yesterday about the use of the N-word when discussing the West Texas hunting camp used by Gov.

Herman Cain on 'The View'

Rick Perry that used to be known as “[N-word]head.” Watch that here if you missed it. Perry claims the name, written on a rock at the gate, was changed and painted out in 1983 or 1984, soon after Perry’s father joined the lease. “I still stand by my statement that it was insensitive for it to be there up until 1983,” Cain said on The View. “And the statement that has been issued by Gov. George Lopez: Cain 'Darker Than Obama, But Whiter On The Inside. Affirmative action is negative step (Herman Cain Archive) Skip to comments.

Affirmative action is negative step (Herman Cain Archive)

Affirmative action is negative step (Herman Cain Archive) The Augusta Chronicle ^ | 2004 | Herman Cain Posted on Sun Sep 25 09:00:35 2011 by mnehring Some of my opponents in the race for the U.S. Senate seem to like to ask me if I am in favor of affirmative action. I'm sick and tired of people trying to divide us on race. When my father left a dirt farm at age 18 to pursue his American dream, he knew it would not be easy. We were all taught, as my father taught me, that you can achieve anything in this country if you will put forth the effort. Recent news reports indicate that the University of Georgia is considering adding race as one of the factors in their admission criteria. But the court gave the go-ahead to the University of Michigan law school to consider race on a case-by-case basis. College acceptance should be based on how well a student has performed and excelled in school.

The reality today is that more black kids are attending college than ever before. Cain: I'm not playing the race card. Herman Cain: Blacks Brainwashed to Not Consider Conservatism. Herman Cain has never been shy about his political beliefs. During his speech to CPAC in February this year, he described the hate mail and comments he used to receive at this radio studio calling him an "Uncle Tom," "oreo," "sell-out" among other things for being a black-conservative and an avid opponent of Barack Obama.

He even started a list to keep track of them. "It may surprise you and a lot of folk that some black people can think for themselves without having somebody else think for them. " Where's the outrage over D.L. Hughley's racist attack on Herman Cain? Black comedian D.L. Hughley is at it again, making racist and incendiary comments about Republicans. Apparently, Herman Cain’s victory in the GOP Florida straw poll was too much for the liberal-minded Hughley to bear. On September 27, Hughley launched into a stream of demeaning, racially charged tweets about Cain on his Twitter account @RealDLHughley, which his loyal followers responded to in kind.

You may remember Hughley’s fleeting CNN talk show was cancelled in 2009 because he said during an interview with former RNC Chairman Michael Steele “the Republican National Convention literally looks like Nazi Germany.” Cain: Black community ‘brainwashed’ into voting for Dems. Washington (CNN) - The one African-American running for the GOP presidential nomination said Wednesday the black community was 'brainwashed' for traditionally siding with liberal politicians.

"African-Americans have been brainwashed into not being open minded, not even considering a conservative point of view," Godfather's Pizza executive Herman Cain said on CNN's "The Situation Room" in an interview airing Wednesday between 5-7 p.m. ET. "I have received some of that same vitriol simply because I am running for the Republican nomination as a conservative.

So it's just brainwashing and people not being open minded, pure and simple. " Cain went on to explain that his interactions with African Americans led him to be optimistic about his own chances with the demographic. "This whole notion that all African-Americans are not going to vote for Obama is not necessarily true," Cain said. The Herminator, &c. - Jay Nordlinger. I was reading the news over the weekend about Herman Cain’s winning the straw poll.

And I thought, “The Left has been telling you all your life that the Republican party is racist. The Left has been telling you all your life that conservatives are racist. The Left has been telling you for the last two and a half years that the Tea Party is racist.” Cain is, of course, a Tea Party favorite. This blogpost from Kate Trinko shows a picture of Cain signing a “Don’t Tread on Me” flag for a man dressed in Tea Party garb.

(I guess you can write on that flag. You may remember something I put in my “Salzburg Journal” last month: I overheard a big liberal from New York telling two European ladies that the central fact about the Tea Party was racism. Cain: Dems trying to "intimidate" Tea Partiers. Why the Democrats may fear Herman Cain most of all, ( or what % of the black vote could he peel away from Obama?) Herman Cain on Janeane Garofalo: ‘I Wanted to Send Her a Thank You Note’ Herman Cain singles out Keith Olbermann: Loonies think I’m paid to run. Herman Cain sounds off on race, a debate win, and the need to simplify government.

Herman Cain: Jon Stewart Mocked Me ‘Because I’m Black’ But The ‘Joke’s On Him’ Herman Cain Provides Teachable Moment.