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Paul Ryan Breaks Down the 9-9-9 Plan. NOTICE: This domain name expired on 10/01/2012 and is pending renewal or deletion. Share this .COM deal with friends! Over 53 million domains registered. Copyright © 1999-2012, LLC. All rights reserved. *One FREE .COM, .CO, .NET or .ORG with purchase of a new 12-, 24- or 36-month website builder plan. Plus ICANN fee of $0.18 per domain name per year. You must add the domain name into your cart before purchase, and you must select a domain term length equal to or less than the term length of your website builder plan to qualify for the free domain offer. . + New .COMs $7.99/yr plus 18 cents/yr ICANN fee. 999 Plan | Herman Cain | Lower Income. Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain said on Friday that poor Americans will not have to pay the 9 percent flat income tax under his now-famous “9-9-9” tax reform plan. During a speech in front of a vacant train depot in Detroit, the former Godfather’s Pizza CEO staunchly defended his signature tax proposal from critics who say it will raise taxes for lower-income Americans.

Cain’s plan would throw out the current tax system in favor of a 9 percent corporate tax, a 9 percent income tax and a new 9 percent national sales tax. He said Friday that poor people under his plan would be exempt from paying the income tax. “If you’re at or below the poverty level, your plan isn’t 9-9-9,” Cain said. “It’s 9-0-9.” The former pizza executive also unveiled his proposal on Friday for “opportunity zones” to help “renew distressed inner cities.” His proposal includes offering tax exemptions to businesses that invest in these zones. Herman Cain introduces 999 “Opportunity Zones” NOTICE: This domain name expired on 10/01/2012 and is pending renewal or deletion. Welcome to Share this .COM deal with friends! Over 53 million domains registered. .com .co .info .net .org .me .mobi .us .biz .tv .xxx .ca .mx .ws .ag .am .asia .at .be .bz .cc .de .es .eu .fm .fr .gs .in .it .jobs .jp .ms .nl .nu .se .tk .tw Copyright © 1999-2012, LLC.

*One FREE .COM, .CO, .NET or .ORG with purchase of a new 12-, 24- or 36-month website builder plan. . + New .COMs $7.99/yr plus 18 cents/yr ICANN fee. Ann Coulter praises Herman Cain’s “fantastic” 999 plan | Mofo Politics. Cain's Valuable 9-9-9 Plan. We might start with the plan to lower the corporate tax rate from its present 25% to 9%. (I think it should be lowered to zero percent; but whatever.) Here's why: Corporations are not people; they don't "benefit" from profits. They don't consume their profits -- they don't spend them on things that ordinary people consume. They distribute their profits as dividends -- or they should. Let me tell you about my own experience, serving on the board of a major NYSE corporation -- for a while as chairman of the (Executive) Compensation Committee. Now let's turn to the part about the personal income tax. Now, I'm not a supporter of the flat rate at all; I see no virtue in having just one rate.

And now to the 9% sales tax. But every consumption tax is regressive and hurts the poor more than the rich. A major objection to a sales tax might be that it requires a new bureaucracy - - although it is not nearly as bad as the VAT, a European-style value-added tax. S. I like Cain's 9-9-9 scheme. Herman Cain: Rocket fuel for America. Text smaller Text bigger It’s not just conservatives who are frustrated today. It is every single American who longs to see their nation regain its vitality, restoring freedom and prosperity at home and shining the light of human potential across the planet. What is particularly frustrating is that the party out of power, the Republican Party, is supposed to be carrying the torch for these values. But it’s barely happening. The Party has become bogged down with careerists, rear-view mirror thinkers and its own establishment of inside-the-beltway elite. Nothing could speak more to this problem than establishment attitudes toward the remarkable Herman Cain.

Take, for instance, a recent column by conservative columnist Mona Charen. Read the story before it unfolds! After extolling Cain’s compelling virtues – his rags to riches success story, his love of America and the values that make it great, and the courageous ideas he has put on the table in his campaign – Ms. Only Herman Cain Has a Viable Tax Solution. The United States has been experimenting with an income system since 1913, so we can now draw some valid conclusions about whether this type of tax system has worked.

What we have is merely 98 years of a gobbledygook accretion of ad hock provisions that no one in the Congress, the administration, or the Judiciary understands. To sum up, the income tax system created for an economy of the early 1900s is a failure in our 21st century economy. As we have discovered to our dismay, nobody elected to Congress, or any president, has actually read any tax act prior to voting on it. And certainly not afterwards. Can you name one Supreme Court justice — or for that matter — any federal court (called Article 3 courts) judge who has a tax background? Is there anybody in our body politic of leadership that does their own tax return?

Neither the Secretary of the Treasury, nor the Commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service does their own tax return. It is a failure. So what is the solution? Why? Why I Support Herman Cain For President. Why Herman Cain (and Almost Everyone Else) Missed the Housing Bubble. First it was MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell playing the role of the white liberal lecturing Herman Cain on what it means to be black. Now it's Chuck Todd wondering what did Cain know and when did he know it...about housing bubbles.

During an October 11 interview (minute 4:58) on MSNBC, Chuck Todd said to Cain: This is something you wrote in 2005, saying, arguing that there was no housing bubble. You wrote this in 2005, in Business and Media Institute, you said, "Coverage of the Bush economy reads like a collection of Democratic Party press releases, calling a strong economy everything from struggling to volatile or dicey. That kind of ignorance makes homeowners fear that their most expensive possession could turn worthless overnight. That won't happen. " Cain said he didn't know "just how bad Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac had distorted the housing market.

" The implication is that Herman Cain is not fit to lead America into economic recovery because he didn't see the bubble before it burst. Cain goes right after Romney in heated campaign. Cain the Tax-Code Killer - Larry Kudlow. Herman Cain is the only GOP presidential candidate who wants to kill the tax code. That's right. Put a knife in it.

Junk the entire system. And people are cheering as he rises in the polls in his quest for the nomination. Cain's 9-9-9 plan is not perfect. Rep. As the world now knows, 9-9-9 translates to a 9 percent income-tax rate, a 9 percent value-added net sales tax rate on business and a 9 percent national sales tax overall. For his part, Cain argues that the sales tax nine would pick up revenue and help to lower the rate for everybody, especially the middle class. Lowrie is referring to the payroll tax, which in the Cain plan will go from 15 to 9 percent. Liberals oppose the sales tax because they say its regressivity will hurt middle- and low-income people. Club for Growth defends Herman Cain, 9-9-9 plan - Maggie Haberman. Critical Thinking on 9-9-9 (And why it could become 8-8-8) « Poll Insider.

Herman Cain | Cain, not Romney, is now the favorite to win the GOP nomination. This is not a fanboy column about Herman Cain. I may wind up supporting Cain, but this is a column about political dynamics and how elections work. At the moment, I’m less infuriated by the debate about who should win than I am by the stubborn refusal of the punditry to acknowledge who actually is winning. If you listen to the talking heads on any network, the near-universal conclusion is that the collapse of Rick Perry makes a Mitt Romney nomination inevitable. Yes, Cain is surging, and in some polls has actually passed Romney for the lead, but this is dismissed as a flash in the pan that will soon fade due to Cain’s relative lack of money and organization. I’m sorry, but their calculations, quite honestly, are incorrect. A more realistic analysis of the available data indicates that Herman Cain is far more likely to rise higher than fall back.

I’m not saying this based only on polls, because polls are fickle. Here’s the thing: I watch a lot of elections. Reagan Economist Art Laffer: Cain‘s ’999‘ is a ’Wonderful Plan’ Art Laffer, economic adviser to President Ronald Reagan, shared his thoughts Thursday on GOP presidential candidate Herman Cain’s “999″ plan during an appearance on Fox News with Bret Baier. The economist after whom the famous “Laffer Curve” was named, said of Cain’s 999,“I think it’s a wonderful plan.” Laffer reportedly lauded the plan’s structure, saying it would “lower the tax rate and broaden the tax base” while provide people with the least incentive to cheat on their taxes.

He also emphasized the importance of eliminating the corporate tax rate. Fox adds: Baier then asked him about many critics’ belief that the nines in the plan could be raised limitlessly by politicians in the future: “Will we ever have a “20-20-20″ plan?” Laffer said there will always be that problem with politicians and this is a plan the U.S. could benefit from now, as it is a huge improvement from the current tax codes.

Art Laffer endorses Herman Cain’s 999 plan | The Right Scoop. Paul Ryan | Herman Cain | 999 Plan. House Budget Committee chairman Paul Ryan said in an interview with The Daily Caller that he “loves” the idea of having “specific and credible” plans, like presidential candidate Herman Cain’s signature “9-9-9″ proposal, in the national debate about tax policy. Ryan told The Daily Caller in an exclusive interview that Cain’s plan is a good starting point for debate, and shows the GOP presidential campaign season has entered into a more advanced stage where ideas — not just personalities — have come to the forefront.

“We need more bold ideas like this because it is specific and credible,” Ryan said. “I’m more of a flat-tax kind of a guy.” The budget chairman went on to say that ideas like Cain’s plan could help shape the debate over tax reform moving into 2013. “It’s great to see such bold ideas,” Ryan told TheDC. Contacted by TheDC on Thursday, Herman Cain’s campaign was appreciative of the unexpected comments. Herman Cain’s Tax Plan Changes G.O.P. Primary Math. Father of Supply Side Economics Supports Cain's '9-9-9' Plan. The Godfather of supply-side economics, Arthur Laffer, has given Herman Cain‘s signature “9-9-9″ economic plan a critical boost, even as it has come under heavy fire from his GOP presidential competitors The famed economist told HUMAN EVENTS that the proposal was pro-growth and would create the proper conditions for America’s economy to expand and thrive again.

“Herman Cain’s 9-9-9 plan would be a vast improvement over the current tax system and a boon to the U.S. economy,” Laffer told HUMAN EVENTS in a statement. “The goal of supply-side tax reform is always a broadening of the tax base and lowering of marginal tax rates.” Added Laffer: “Mr. Cain’s plan is simple, transparent, neutral with respect to capital and labor, and savings and consumption, and also greatly decreases the hidden costs of tax compliance. There is no doubt that economic growth would surge upon implementation of 9-9-9.” Former Utah Gov. Rep. Former Pennsylvania Sen. Fox News's Videos. Herman Cain Slams Wall Street Protesters. GOP presidential candidate Herman Cain has a tough-to-swallow message for the protesters who continue to rail against America’s capitalistic system.

According to the successful businessman, the individuals who continue to “occupy Wall Street” (not to mention countless other localities) have some misplaced anger to contend with. In an interview with the Wall Street Journal, he said: “I don’t have facts to back this up, but I happen to believe that these demonstrations are planned and orchestrated to distract from the failed policies of the Obama administration.Don’t blame Wall Street, don’t blame the big banks, if you don’t have a job and you’re not rich, blame yourself! [...]These demonstrations…I honestly don’t understand what they’re looking for…It is not someone’s fault because they succeeded, it is someone’s fault if they failed.” Watch these statements, below: Responding to Cain’s opinions on the matter, ThinkProgress’ Alex Seitz-Wald wrote: Below, watch the entire WSJ interview.

Herman Cain on Jobs. Dick Morris TV: Lunch ALERT! Dick Morris TV Lunch ALERT! Herman Cain on the Economy. Herman Cain on Fair Tax Dick Morris TV: Lunch ALERT! Herman Cain Tells Trump His Economic Strategy: 'Outgrow China' Herman Cain Tells Trump His Economic Strategy: 'Outgrow China' Jon Terbush Herman Cain became the latest Republican presidential candidate to hold court with Donald Trump , meeting the real estate tycoon at his eponymous New York office Monday to discuss China, the GOP primary, and Cain's 9-9-9 plan. Cain said he and Trump spent much of the meeting discussing Cain's signature tax plan, which would establish a 9% national sales tax while also reducing business and income tax rates to 9%.

Doing so, Cain said, would create millions of jobs and boost the nation's GDP, thereby reducing the deficit. More importantly, Cain said, it would help the U.S. "level the playing field" with China. "I shared my strategy with [Trump], and he liked it," Cain said. "Outgrow China. " During his brief flirtation with a White House bid, Trump repeatedly hammered China, accusing the country of manipulating its currency and saying that he would tax the rising economic superpower if he became president. Herman Cain's 9-9-9 tax reform plan brings him credibility. October 01, 2011 Republican GOP presidential candidate Herman Cain is now being taken seriously. No, not because he won the Florida GOP Straw Poll, but because the elite of the Elite Media has decided his 9-9-9 tax reform plan is worthy of gracing its pages. In the Washington Post on Saturday (10-1-11) writer Sandhya Somashekhar explains the plan and reviews Cain's new credibility as a serious candidate.

Commentary We're glad. We think he is a compelling and refreshing alternative to the Establishment GOP which gave us John McCain. And we believe his tax reform plan should be vigorously debated and if nobody can come up a better idea we think his 9-9-9 might just be better than what we have now. Not only is the current tax code excessively complicated, but it is inequitable.

And no, Governor Perdue, the solution is not to call off elections, it is to change the system so that everyone has some skin, and ideally equal skin, in the game. Click here to read the WAPO story. Herman Cain’s 9-9-9 Plan: Buy Less, Pay Less. Cain to Congress: Stop playing with tragedies. At Winthrop, Cain says D.C. doesn't work. Herman Cain promotes economic plan. Herman Cain’s 9-9-9 Common-Sense Plan. Cain promotes '9-9-9' tax plan, lays out his economic policies. Cain: Race Card, Not Racism, Being Played in Obama-Debt Ceiling Debate. Herman Cain’s proposals would boost economy and create jobs: economist. Exclusive: Herman Cain Unveils Job Creation Plan. Herman Cain on June Jobs Report: Worst ‘Recovery’ in U.S. History.