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You Are Your Own Gym. Up your motivation, improve your fitness, and stay on track with Gymprovise - a powerful, versatile, and flexible workout tracker for the Gym and outdoors, which gives you everything you need to PLAN, TRACK, & REVIEW all your fitness activity, and MAX your gains!

You Are Your Own Gym

Featured in AndroidTapp's best apps of April 2013! Here's what our users have to say: "Perfect Well Rounded App for any Athlete - This is by far the best fitness app I have ever come across and I've tried out quite a few. Simply put, this has everything you will need to help you accomplish your fitness goals. " "Cream of the crop - Fantastic application makes for a lot of variety when your working out. Gymprovise is a Workout Tracker, Workout Planner, Exercise Directory, Weight Tracker, Progress Tracker & General Workout App. Intuitive, battery saving, great looking UI!

HUGE Exercise Database! POWERFUL Routine Planning-Create a customized Routine in minutes! -Integrated Exercise Rest Timer & Stopwatch! LCHF Recipes. Discovered: Indian spice reduces Alzheimer's symptoms by 30% Despite millions spent on drug research and development, one of the more promising treatments for Alzheimer's disease (a progressive brain disorder that affects more than 5 million Americans) is found in a substance widely known for its ability to spice (and color) food.

Discovered: Indian spice reduces Alzheimer's symptoms by 30%

The compound curcumin, only found in turmeric, is a widely used spice found in Indian food, and is also popular in the cuisines of other South Asian countries like Nepal, Iran and Thailand. The bright yellow spice is familiar to fans of curry dishes, but it has been used in other preparations as well. For centuries, it has been used in Asian medicine. Like other brightly colored foods (think blueberries, pomegranates and tomatoes), it is the compound that gives turmeric its color that makes it a powerful antioxidant — in this case, curcumin.

And like the lycopene in tomatoes and the beta-carotene in carrots, bright orange-yellow curcumin has some seriously amazing health benefits. Incidence of Alzheimer's disease in Ind... [Neurol India. 2012 Nov-Dec. Journal of Psychosomatic Research - Are media warnings about the adverse health effects of modern life self-fulfilling? An experimental study on idiopathic environmental intolerance attributed to electromagnetic fields (IEI-EMF) To view the full text, please login as a subscribed user or purchase a subscription.

Journal of Psychosomatic Research - Are media warnings about the adverse health effects of modern life self-fulfilling? An experimental study on idiopathic environmental intolerance attributed to electromagnetic fields (IEI-EMF)

Click here to view the full text on ScienceDirect. Fig. 1 Part A (left): mean values of modern health worries related to electromagnetic fields (EMF worries) before (T1) and after (T2) watching a film on health related dangers of WiFi or a control film on mobile phone data transmission safety. Error bars represent standard errors of the mean. Part B (right): moderation of the WiFi film effect on modern health worries by state anxiety. Fig. 2 Part A (left): symptom reports before and after sham WiFi exposure (symptom total score and subscales of anxiety, head-related, and tingling symptoms).

Fig. 3 Moderation of the association between the WiFi film condition and the symptom attribution to the WiFi exposure by levels of state anxiety for participants who reported symptoms after the sham exposure (n=124). Fig. 4 Abstract Objective Methods Results Conclusion. Siðblinda – að gefnu tilefni « Lára Hanna. Árið 2009 var farið að fjalla nokkuð um siðblindu, aðallega í bloggum en svolítið í fjölmiðlum einnig.

Siðblinda – að gefnu tilefni « Lára Hanna

Í júlí 2009 skrifaði ég pistilinn Snákar í jakkafötum með testosteróneitrun og benti þar á blaðagrein eftir Kristján G. Arngrímsson, blaðamann. Í janúar 2010 skrifaði ég svolítinn upprifjunarpistil með ýmsum upplýsingum, Snákarnir og siðblindan og enn annan skömmu síðar með annarri grein eftir Kristján, „Snákarnir okkar„. Um þetta leyti flutti Nanna Briem, geðlæknir, fyrirlestur um siðblindu, kom í fréttaviðtöl og útskýrði grundvallaratriði siðblindu.

Bumetanide could treat children with severe autism or Asperger's syndrome. Although this therapy is not curative, it nevertheless reduced the autistic disorders' severity in three-quarters of the children.

Bumetanide could treat children with severe autism or Asperger's syndrome

The researchers have filed a request for authorisation to perform a multi-centre European clinical trial in order to determine more precisely the population concerned by this therapy. Reversal of Osteoarthritis by Nutritional Intervention. ACA Journal of Chiropractic/November 1990 ~ FULL TEXT Reprinted with permission.

Reversal of Osteoarthritis by Nutritional Intervention

Ó 1990, all rights reserved. Luke R. Bucci, Ph.D. Low Vitamin K Status Associated with Osteoarthritis. Low Vitamin K Status Associated with Osteoarthritis What problem was studied?

Low Vitamin K Status Associated with Osteoarthritis

Poor intake of vitamin K, a fat-soluble vitamin present in leafy, green vegetables and some vegetable oils, is a common problem with potentially negative effects on a number of body systems and functions, including joint health. Insufficient vitamin K can result in abnormal cartilage and bone mineralization and thus possibly the formation of osteophytes (“bone spurs”) that are seen in osteoarthritis (OA). Arthritis Foundation postdoctoral fellow Tuhina Neogi, MD, and colleagues undertook a study to determine if poor vitamin K status is associated with the features of OA seen on X-ray. Hva er det med seloljen? - Doktor Online. Harp seal. Description[edit] Whitecoated pup Physiology[edit] Thermoregulation[edit]

Harp seal

Seal nutrtitional composition. Hovedside - Polargodt. Polarolje 0,5 L - Polargodt. Forskning på selolje og selkjøtt – resultater så langt. Effects of duodenal seal oil administration in patients with inflammatory bowel disease. Selolje kurerer leddsmerter. Crohn's disease. Signs and symptoms Gastrointestinal Many people with Crohn's disease have symptoms for years prior to the diagnosis.[19] The usual onset is between 15 and 30 years of age, but can occur at any age.[20] Because of the 'patchy' nature of the gastrointestinal disease and the depth of tissue involvement, initial symptoms can be more subtle than those of ulcerative colitis.

Crohn's disease


Fermented Food for Beginners: Lacto-Fermented Vegetables. Hreyfing. Sálin. Sue Austin: Deep sea diving … in a wheelchair. Kukl. Prostate. Cancer. Húðin. Diet. The SCD Diet and Poop: It’s Time to Talk About It.