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Herbs & Spices

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MNN - Mother Nature Network - StumbleUpon. Cheese Why it's good: Studies have found that women with PMS have lower levels of calcium around ovulation than women who don't experience PMS symptoms, so amping up your intake of cheese and other dairy products is worth a shot if you're prone to cramps and mood swings.

MNN - Mother Nature Network - StumbleUpon

Eat Up! What Grandma Knew - Herbal Remedies for Common Problems  - What Grandma Knew. 7 Picturesque Healing Spices. Our bodies are complex, sensitive systems that are affected to a greater or lesser extent by a whole hose of external forces—air quality, the clothing we wear, where we live, the diets we eat.

7 Picturesque Healing Spices

It all has an impact on our health. Even things as small and seemingly inconsequential herbs and spices can really benefit us physically, and we’re not just talking about our taste buds, either. Read on to find out how your eating habits may help to heal you. 1. Garlic. HERBS AND THIER MAGICAL USES. Herbs. Herbs. Plant Reference. Natural Remedies / Herbs.