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Infographic of the Day: Is Bottled Water Really That Bad? Yes. The Dark Side of Soy. As someone who is conscious of her health, I spent 13 years cultivating a vegetarian diet. I took time to plan and balance meals that included products such as soy milk, soy yogurt, tofu, and Chick’n patties. I pored over labels looking for words I couldn’t pronounce–occasionally one or two would pop up. Soy protein isolate? Great! They’ve isolated the protein from the soybean to make it more concentrated. Hydrolyzed soy protein? After years of consuming various forms of soy nearly every day, I felt reasonably fit, but somewhere along the line I’d stopped menstruating. When I began studying holistic health and nutrition, I kept running across risks associated with eating soy. ‘Studies showing the dark side of soy date back 100 years,’ says clinical nutritionist Kaayla Daniel, author of The Whole Soy Story (New Trends, 2005).

‘Soy is not a food that is native to North America or Europe, and you have issues when you move food from one part of the world to another,’ Bauman says. Is Gluten Behind YOUR Health Problems? | By Vic Shayne, PhD If you have a chronic health problem that just won’t go away, you should seriously consider getting off gluten.

What is gluten? It’s a protein substance found in grains, including barley, wheat and rye. If you realize that wheat flour is in thousands of foods, you’ll start to understand that if you have a sensitivity to gluten, you’re getting attacked almost every time you eat. What does gluten do? What are the symptoms? If you have a chronic skin condition, there may be a link to gluten intolerance. How can I have a gluten problem now, if I didn’t have one before? Is there any hope at all? That being said, you need to stop eating gluten altogether. Next, you have to realize that it takes a good six months for your body to recover somewhat from gluten damage. Beware the trick of the mind. Supplement Schedule: In addition to including the mentioned iron-rich foods in your diet, add these to your daily routine: 1.

Sources: 1. Категорическое нет глютену. The Meat-Disease Connection. Dr. Fuhrman’s position on the consumption of animal products is pretty clear, meat and diary dairy products leads to disease like heart disease and cancer. Even “healthy” choices like fish and chicken put you at risk. Take a look at this section from Eat to Live: There is a relationship between animal protein and heart disease. For example, plasma apolioprotein B is positively associated with animal-protein intake and inversely associated (lowered) with vegetable-protein intake (e.g., legumes and greens). According to Dr. Red met is not the only problem. The correlation between disease and consumption of animal products seems very clear. A review of 15 studies showed the risk of developing stomach cancer rose by 15 to 38 percent if consumption of processed meats increased by 30 grams (1 ounce) per day, the Karolinska Institute said in a statement. These foods possess cancer-causing additives outside of meat’s normal cancer-causing agents: 1. 2.

'Pig MRSA' Came From Humans, Evolved Via Farm Drugs | Wired Science. In the summer of 2004, a 6-month-old girl who lived in the southeastern part of the Netherlands – prime, intensive hog-farming country – went in for surgery for a birth defect of her heart. As is routine in the Netherlands, which has excellent hospital infection control, she was checked before surgery for MRSA, the drug-resistant bacterium that can live on the skin without causing infections and can be unwittingly transmitted from one patient to another. The girl was carrying MRSA, which was a surprise – but the bigger surprise was that her MRSA strain did not render any results on the standard identification test, PFGE.

Looking for a source for the mysterious strain, the hospital epidemiologists where the girl was being treated asked to check her family: father, mother, school-age sibling. They were carrying it. The only mystery was where it had come from. Just to underline that key point: acquired resistance as a result of farm drug exposure. The authors say: Flickr/RoIrving/CC. 8 food containing meat. Vaccines for everything: Researchers now on brink of developing salmonella jab. (NaturalNews) The vaccine industry is currently hard at work trying to churn out a vaccine for salmonella, a typically food borne pathogen that thrives on factory farms and in other unsanitary settings.

CBS 13 News in Sacramento reports that researchers from the University of California, Davis, have been tasked with developing a vaccine that supposedly prevents salmonella, which these researchers say they are on the verge of completing in the very near future. Rather than attempt to address the root causes of salmonella, which include filthy animal living conditions on industrial farms and the overuse of synthetic antibiotics in conventional livestock, just to name a few, mainstream science is busy concocting new ways to jab people with toxic chemical cocktails that could permanently injure them.

So by the looks of it, there could soon be vaccines for virtually everything -- a headache, an upset stomach, a paper cut, you name it. Sources for this article include: