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Modern Day Wild Food Foraging | GreenJoyment. Posted by Lisa Carey From gourmet cooks to raw foodists, from homesteaders to those who just want to live a healthier, more Eco-friendly life style, wild edible foods are making it to the menu. There are a variety of reasons for the interest in modern day food foraging. Food foraging, or gathering wild foods, is an idea that is coming back in style. Finding wild edible plants that sustained many during the hunter/gatherer days is a practice that is getting more attention from people from all walks of life. From gourmet cooks to raw foodists, from homesteaders to those who just want to live a healthier, more Eco-friendly life style, wild edible foods are making it to the menu. About Lisa Carey Lisa Carey is a mom to four children ages college to kindergarten, a freelance writer, social media maven and blogger. Jamie Oliver talks about beaver castoreum in vanilla ice cream. The 35-year-old chef Jamie Oliver caused quite a stir with an appearance on Letterman’s The Late Show, where for Letterman, Food Revolution may have new meaning.

Oliver explained to Dave and his audience that vanilla ice cream contains a product called castoreum. “It comes from rendered beaver anal gland,” said Oliver. “It’s in cheap strawberry syrups and vanilla ice cream, and If you like that stuff, next time you put it in your mouth, just think of anal gland.” When Letterman asked why beaver gland, Oliver replied, “More to the point, who found out that a beaver anal gland tastes good?”

According to the Journal of Chemical Ecology, and the publication Chemical Signals in Vertebrates, castoreum is the yellowish secretion of the castor sac, combined with the beaver’s urine used during scent marking of territory. “Both male and female beavers possess a pair of castor sacs and a pair of anal glands located in two cavities under the skin between the pelvis and the base of the tail.” Wikileaks: GMO conspiracy reaches highest levels of US Government. There’s nothing they are leaving untouched: the corn, the okra, the bringe oil, white rice, the cauliflower. Once they have established the norm: that seed can be owned as their property, royalties can be collected.

We will depend on them for every seed we grow of every crop we grow. If they control seed, they control food, they know it ” it’s strategic. It’s more powerful than bombs. It’s more powerful than guns. Recent Wikileaks cables are typically associated with information leaks related to U.S. war strategy, and foreign policy, which has led some people to conclude that leaked information of this nature is a possible threat to national security. But in this case, Wikileaks cables leaked information regarding global food policy as it relates to U.S. officials — in the highest levels of government — that involves a conspiracy with Monsanto to force the global sale and use of genetically-modified foods.

Jeffrey Smith, Author of Seeds of Deception Blackwater’s Black Ops For Monsanto. How To I.D. Genetically Modified Food at the Supermarket. Not many consumers realize that the FDA does not require genetically modified food to be labeled. That’s because the FDA has decided that you, dear consumer, don’t care if the tomato you’re eating has been cross bred with frog genes to render the tomato more resistant to cold weather. Some consumers may not be concerned with eating Frankenfood, but for those who are, here’s how to determine if the fruits and vegetables you’re buying are (GM) genetically modified. Hat tip to Marion Owen for her valuable information.

Here’s how it works: For conventionally grown fruit, (grown with chemicals inputs), the PLU code on the sticker consists of four numbers. Organically grown fruit has a five-numeral PLU prefaced by the number 9. Genetically engineered (GM) fruit has a five-numeral PLU prefaced by the number 8. For example: A conventionally grown banana would be: 4011 An organic banana would be: 94011 A genetically engineered (GE or GMO) banana would be: 84011 Related Articles:

Environmentalists blame industrialized food production for dioxin scandal | Environment & Development | Deutsche Welle | 12.01.2011. Whether its dioxin in Germany, deadly powdered milk in China or mad cow disease infecting cattle in the UK, green activists in Germany say there's something rotten about industrial food production. Ask a German grocery shopper what a farm looks like and an idyllic landscape generally springs to mind but reality isn't quite as bucolic. Industrial food production resembles a factory production line where the animals are fattened up for slaughter as quickly as possible - usually with imported feed - making it a matter of time until problems arise, according to Johannes Remmel, the Green Party minister for consumer protection the western state North-Rhine Westphalia. "It's a question of testing and regulation, but also, of course, of production systems in the agriculture-industry," he said.

"Something is very wrong when a problem at a single feed manufacturer leads to the collapse of the entire system. " You are what you eat Diet decisions strongly influence overall health Keep-it-cheap mentality. TasteSpotting | a community driven visual potluck. Nutricide.

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