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Sixpackshortcuts's Channel. Type 2 diabetes in newly diagnosed 'can be reversed' 24 June 2011Last updated at 01:19 Researchers found that blood sugar levels of all participants had returned to normal in one week. An extreme eight-week diet of 600 calories a day can reverse Type 2 diabetes in people newly diagnosed with the disease, says a Diabetologia study. Newcastle University researchers found the low-calorie diet reduced fat levels in the pancreas and liver, which helped insulin production return to normal.

Seven out of 11 people studied were free of diabetes three months later, say findings published in the journal. More research is needed to see whether the reversal is permanent, say experts. Type 2 diabetes affects 2.5m people in the UK. When this happens, glucose - a type of sugar - builds up in the blood instead of being broken down into energy or fuel which the body needs. The 11 participants in the study were all diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes within the previous four years. Fat loss Susceptibility question. When it comes to warm-up, less is more. Public release date: 27-May-2011 [ Print | E-mail Share ] [ Close Window ] Contact: Don 403-220-7652University of Calgary University of Calgary Faculty of Kinesiology researcher Elias Tomaras says the idea came to him while watching track and field sprinters warm-up for a race.

"If you watch sprinters, short distance speed skaters or cyclists before their race, they will often warm-up for one to two hours, including several brief bouts of high intensity exercise. From an exercise physiology point of view, it seemed like it might be pretty tiring. " Many coaches and physiologists believe that a longer warm up provides an increase in muscle temperature, acceleration of oxygen uptake kinetics, increased anaerobic metabolism and a process called postactivation potentiation of the muscles.

However, very few studies have studied if warm ups has a detrimental effect on performance. [ Print | E-mail AAAS and EurekAlert! Calories Burned for Sit-Ups - vigorous. Sixpackshortcuts's Channel. The NEW Science-Backed Way Of Achieving Six Pack Abs: The day is here, guys! The Science Based Six Pack cart is now LIVE - head on over to to get started! Thomas DeLauer here and I am proud to present to you all the most comprehensive, science-backed program for successfully achieving the body you deserve in the most efficient time possible... Science Based Six Pack. If you haven't been following me this week on the channel, shame on you! #1 Announcing. . . . #2 Thomas DeLauer's Story - Fat to Fit - My Body Transformation #3 Top 5 Myths About Intermittent Fasting BUSTED #4 The TRUTH About Time Under Tension #5 Intermittent Fasting & The RIGHT Way to Break Your Fast To learn more, just go ahead and get started at Train Smart,-Thomas.

Fast Muscle Gains With Minimal Muscle Training - LIVE LARGE TV ep 10. Is Sitting a Lethal Activity? Exercise may prevent stress on telomeres, a measure of cell health. Public release date: 4-Apr-2011 [ Print | E-mail Share ] [ Close Window ] Contact: Jennifer O'Brienjennifer.o' 415-502-6397University of California - San Francisco UCSF scientists are reporting several studies showing that psychological stress leads to shorter telomeres – the protective caps on the ends of chromosomes that are a measure of cell age and, thus, health. The findings also suggest that exercise may prevent this damage.

The team focused on three groups: post-menopausal women who were the primary caregivers for a family member with dementia; young to middle-aged adults with post-traumatic stress disorder; and healthy, non-smoking women ages 50 to 65 years. They examined telomeres in leukocytes, or white blood cells, of the immune system, which defends the body against both infectious agents and cell damage. Lin presented the findings in a poster session on Monday, April 4, 2011, at the AACR 102nd Annual Meeting 2011. Muscle training and Weight loss VinceDelMonte's Channel. Top 10 Fitness Myths and Tips. Kevin Neeld – Whether it’s coming from the media, athletes, celebrities, or friends, there are countless exercise myths that are widely accepted as fact. Here are 10 commonly held exercise misconceptions, as well as the real truths to improving your health and performance.

…via Top 10 Fitness Myths – I’ve used some of the above article with my own suggestions from various sources. I’d like to hear what you think works, but I’m especially interested in the latest research as far as what works best. 1. 7. Like this: Like Loading... Anaerobic exercise. Anaerobic exercise Anaerobic exercise is an exercise intense enough to trigger lactic acid formation. It is used by athletes in non-endurance sports to promote strength, speed and power and by body builders to build muscle mass. Muscle energy systems trained using anaerobic exercise develop differently compared to aerobic exercise, leading to greater performance in short duration, high intensity activities, which last from mere seconds to up to about 2 minutes.[1][2] Any activity lasting longer than about two minutes has a large aerobic metabolic component.

[citation needed] [edit] Anaerobic metabolism, or anaerobic energy expenditure, is a natural part of whole-body metabolic energy expenditure.[3] Fast twitch muscle (as compared to slow twitch muscle) operates using anaerobic metabolic systems, such that any recruitment of fast twitch muscle fibers leads to increased anaerobic energy expenditure. References[edit] Jump up ^ What is Anaerobic Exercise? Guide to Anaerobic Exercise.