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Report Looks at Evolving Roles of Chief Medical Information and Nursing Officers. Anthem Blue Cross, MemorialCare Medical Form ACO Anthem Blue Cross and MemorialCare Medical Foundation, the physician division of the Calif.

Report Looks at Evolving Roles of Chief Medical Information and Nursing Officers

-based MemorialCare Health System, have announced that they are collaborating to form an accountable care organization (ACO) focused on providing coordinated treatment for Orange County, Calif. patients with chronic diseases. NJ Launches Statewide HIE The New Jersey statewide health information exchange (HIE) launched this week, according to the New Jersey Health Commissioner Mary E. O'Dowd. Developers Challenged to Create Apps from Medicare Payment Data In light of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) releasing Medicare claims payment data this week, the Health Data Consortium (HDC), a non-profit advocacy and membership organization, is challenging developers to create consumer-focused apps from the dataset.

UT Southwestern Develops Telestroke Program Digital Health VC Funding Continues Ascent. The difference between management and leadership. Finding Qualified Staff. Hospital CIOs say their biggest concern is lack of qualified health IT professionals, not a lack of funding, HIMSS survey reveals. 9 Cool Digital Health Products (click image for larger view and for slideshow) For the first time in more than a decade, healthcare CIOs did not name inadequate financial support as their top barrier to implementing IT, according to the annual Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) survey of hospital-based IT leaders.

Finding Qualified Staff

Instead, lack of staffing resources was the most significant roadblock, named by 21% of the 302 respondents. Financial issues came in second, at 14%, slightly ahead of vendor inability to deliver a useful product, which 12% of CIOs said was their No. 1 barrier. Kay Hix, vice president and CIO of Carillon Clinic in Roanoke, Va., noted that healthcare providers are competing against vendors and high-paying consulting firms for top health IT talent. . [ Converting to ICD-10 is important. More Insights. Leadership lessons learned from James T. Kirk. Recently, Alex Knapp wrote a brilliant article entitled "Five Leadership Lessons From James T.

Leadership lessons learned from James T. Kirk

Kirk" in Forbes. For those of us who have watched every episode and can recite every line of dialog from memory, these 5 lessons are a great distillation of the series. On April 29, I'm speaking at the American College of Physician Executives about Leading Innovation. The Healthcare Leader's Dilemma. At yesterday's IHI conference, I was asked to serve as a panelist for the CEO Summit.

The Healthcare Leader's Dilemma

We began the day with an inspirational case study from outside the healthcare industry - the transformation of US News and World report from a paper-based subscription model to a diverse web-centric family of products. In 2007, it was clear that offering a paper-based magazine below cost, subsidized by advertising, was unsustainable. Google's sale of targeted adds at low cost eliminated the business models of many print publications. US News decided to become a specialized web resource offering news, college ranking, hospital ranking, and car ranking. The advertising on each of these sites is highly targeted and actionable - when a customer clicks on a car, they are redirected to a local car dealer's website. In healthcare, we are at a similar crossroads. In an era of healthcare reform, we have three challenging choices Our panel agreed with the model shown in the graphic above.

Interview with Marty Miller, CIO of Children’s Hospital Los Angeles about Medical Grade Wireless. I recently covered the announcement out of the West Wireless Health Institute that they were launching the West Wireless Health Council to pioneer the adoption of Medical Grade Wireless at hospitals and health systems across America.

Interview with Marty Miller, CIO of Children’s Hospital Los Angeles about Medical Grade Wireless

The Council is managed by an all-star team of CIOs from leading providers and by all indications they have been very well received by the health care community and are well on their way to achieving their goal of ubiquitous adoption. 10 qualities of stellar CIOs. The demands placed on CIOs have grown within the past decade, but since the HITECH Act , these demands have exploded, making the role that much more crucial to the success not only of IT, but also the organization as a whole.

10 qualities of stellar CIOs

In a recent whitepaper , Pamela Dixon, managing partner at HIT recruitment company SSi-Search, helped outline the top 10 qualities today's CIOs need to have. This may not be anything new, but according to Dixon, a CIO's leadership abilities are key to his or her success. "These CIOs are truly passionate about transforming healthcare, and it inspires those around them," she said. "This is seen in the teams that surround CIOs and in the creative and/or thoughtful manner in which they achieve their goals. " Despite having a busy schedule, Dixon continued, an effective CIO makes time to answer questions, inspire peers, and mentor future leaders.

" What's "huge," said Dixon, is a CIO's ability to gain both trust and buy-in during complex EHR deployments. The Role of the CMIO. Although my business cards and my CV list the title Chief Information Officer, I was given the title Chief Medical Information Officer (CMIO) when I was hired at BIDMC in 1998.

The Role of the CMIO

The Job of a CIO - Content verses Context. I recently spoke with the CIO of Boston Medical Center, Meg Aranow, who I respect a great deal.

The Job of a CIO - Content verses Context

We talked about the nature of our jobs, the state of the industry, and the change ahead that is needed to support healthcare reform. She offered a profound observation - the content of our jobs is great, the context is really challenging. What does that mean? Who could ask for better content - cool applications that support live saving medical care and cutting edge research. Innovative healthcare information exchange, patient engagement, and workflow applications. However, the context of being a CIO is a struggle. *You'll create miracles every day (99.99% reliability and great security with a low budget), but you'll not receive credit for everything that works. *No matter what your budget, demand will always exceed supply.

*Regulatory burdens will increase exponentially. *Every year the amount of infrastructure and applications you support will increase dramatically. Changing Role of the CIO. The Changing Role of the CIO infographic from Wikibon explores the varying roles of the CIO. The prominence of the CIO position has risen greatly as information technology has become an increasingly important aspect of the modern organization.

The amount of information that companies ahve to deal with and make sense of is only going to continue to increase.