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Radioamadorismo, um esporte de contato! HamBrasil. Spiderbeam© High Performance Lightweight Antennas. DSP - Digital Signal Processing. Google Maps APRS. AVRS. Universal Connectivity-by-callsign Workshop: This workshop was held 18 Sept 2011 at the ARRL/TAPR Digital Communications Conference and WOW! Was it an exciting event.

AVRS, however, is just part of the overall Ham Radio Initiative for Universal Contact by-callsign Follow other links there. AllStar Network Support: WB6NIL, Jim Dixon, WB6NIL has jumped on board with an APRStt decoder in his AllStar code that will identify his voice users to APRS and the Univeral Contact scheme when they send their DTMF callsign. He is now in the testing phase. SCENARIO FROM MOBILE TO ANOTHER MOBILE or EchoLink or IRLP NODE: MOBILE PLACING A CALL: To place a call, a mobile simply sends a message to AVRS and the first word of the message is the callsign of the desired contact (the CALLEE).

APRS: Automatic Packet Reporting System. APRS Paths And Digipeating 101. This discussion starts by describing the traditional APRS path conventions now considered obsolete. This makes the reasons behind the "New Paradigm" shift to exclusively WideN-n type paths (that do away with RELAY and plain WIDE), easier to understand. The primary reason for the shift is that stand-alone digipeaters based on Kantronics KPC3+ TNCs effectively suppress duplicate transmissions based on N-n type paths but DON'T duplicate-filter on WIDE or RELAY. The original conventions were established over a decade ago. Today, there is so much traffic on APRS that channel congestion generated by needless duplicate packets generated by stupid digipeaters is a major problem.

Jump To Today's Recommended Path Settings (Lower Down On This Page) "Digipeater" is short for "Digital Repeater"; a repeater for packet data rather than voice. The implication of this is profound. With APRS, the problem is even worse than with conventional [connected] packet because it operates in a non-connected mode. DX Summit. Morse Code Operating Aids. Software Defined Ham Radio.